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Thread: Reality for too many :(

  1. #1

    Reality for too many :(

    For those who still have faith in this game, For the players which are holding out for the hope that one day, AO will be the game it promised to be, for anyone thinking of buying this game, i have this message.

    Please don't, avoid the unnessecary grief and frustraition, this game is probably one of the worst games i have ever played. Not because the idea is bad, the dev team is. EXTREMELY BAD. Never have i played a game made by such indecisive development teams. They really don't have a clue....

    FC you know you have ****ed up big time, once i can except, your new to all this, twice is imcompetent (half player base leaves) you think you can really afford patch 13.0 which is a decisive kick in the face for your ever decreasing community. I mean that was stupid, real stupid. Most of the time when i get pissed off with a game i don't play it and forget about it, not AO, i'm gonna make damn sure no one i know ever plays this game without realising what there letting themselves in for, No FUN, No VALUE and constant FRUSTRAITION.

    Shame really, did seem for a while you nearly got it, or were at least on the right track. When will you learn you cannot change the mechanics behind a game, i mean who the hell are you making the game for, the paying players or for some idealistic designer who feels it his duty to balance everything in sight and to hell with the consequence. A game should reward a player for there action, it should never take the reward back and say 'oh your too powerful now' start again.

    Or are you trying to ruin the game???

    Thank you and good bye

    From a very annoyed ex-AO player.

  2. #2


    You spoke eloquently, but you didn't actually state your problems with the patch. You're criticism is tied neatly in a bow, but you fail to actually have any substance to your arguement, making it an unconstructive flame. Its well written, but its still unconstructive. Now, establish what your problems are, such as NPC MOBs of higher level having high AC bonuses, regeneration rates set too high, missions not being far enough away, and the failure of a Player-based solution on PvP. Now, if you had discussed or even mentioned one of those things, I might consider your post to be more than a well written troll.

    Its a shame you aren't enjoying the game and are quitting. Please go find a new bridge to hang out under.
    Sometimes, old fixers die in Bitterness.

  3. #3


    At least I stated very clearly what my problem was with the patch in my "I'm outta here" post

  4. #4
    you should know not to sink your teeth into food when you are just tasting it. what i mean is, you shouldnt put too much faith in something that you don't know much about or that looks grim.
    "It takes an idiot and a braveman to taunt a bear"
    "There is a fine line between being courageous and being stupid. When in a desperate situation the brave will fight until an opportunity arises and take it. In the same situation the stupid will continue to fight, miss the opportunities, and won't withdraw."

  5. #5
    It's amazing how angry people get over a GAME.

  6. #6

    Talking angry

    And most of those don't realize there's more to this game than getting to level 200 in the shortest possible time. Most ironic of all, the constant whining of people like that is what made FC break some things.

  7. #7

    please, enough already

    Like Vazz and Reality, I too cannot understand why AO players/ex-players spend so much time and effort on criticising Funcom, whom I feel are making AO into an awesome adventure for those who remain on board, in stead of playing another game more to their liking than AO... could it be these ppl simply get kicks out of throwing criticism / flames at others?

    To all those who post unconstructive criticism: Play another game that obviously doesn't frustrate you so much, if you can't handle a long-term project like Anarchy Online is meant to be. I hear Unreal Tournament is virtually bug-free and can be mastered in a matter of days

    I love AO, despite it's bugs and technical issues, and hope to see those of you with similar feelings in-game!
    Bret 'Bothead' Bannister
    Member of Rising Phoenix

  8. #8

    Talking OT - UT

    Whaaaat ? No way they can beat me in UT with a few days of training !

  9. #9
    UT rulez. But if you think AO is laggy try playing UT with 16 people on a 56k modem.

  10. #10
    I will 0wn j00 all in UT!

    But seriously, I think 13.0 is good. I think 13.2 WILL be good. I think Funcom ARE good, as they DO listen to their client base.

    They may be a little slow at times, but that's understandable considering the amount of little bugs in the game at the moment... which is probably the only thing you can hold against them.

    I do believe they will come through in the end, and that you have to just be patient. I'm still having fun
    Last edited by Kinkstaah; Nov 23rd, 2001 at 09:53:26.
    Don't be lonely anymore.

    Look at your post, now back at mine. Now back to your post, now back at mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine, but if you stopped trolling and started posting legitimate comments it could look like mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You're scrolling through posts, reading the posts your posts could look like. Back at mine, it's a reply saying something you want to hear. Look again, my reply is now diamonds. Anything is possible when you think before you post.

  11. #11


    hmmm, I seem to have struck a chord here - AO rulez and so does UT!! The only software I have installed are these two, in fact

    REality, anyone can beat u after a few days (j/K)
    Bret 'Bothead' Bannister
    Member of Rising Phoenix

  12. #12

    Talking UT

    If I wasn't so addicted to AO I'd make you eat those words

  13. #13
    what ALOT of u people that dont understand is why these ex players are so upset about this game
    well for these people it is NOT "just a game" i hate your quick "chill out dude come backs".
    WE love this game WE have spent ALOT of time playing this game
    infact most our free time..its our hobbie took alot of time and efort to bulid up our chars..then funcom patchs things and we have to start again.
    WE have a right to be angry..something we love is broken and theres nothing we can do but wait..ohh and we are paying for this to.
    so to all you who say dont get upset..u cant really love this game like we do..keep your big nose out of our pain!
    how would u like to be a painter and have your art wiped away eveytime u started geting somewhere...
    how would u like to be a bulider and have the plans for your house changed every month..

  14. #14

    AO Bad??

    Hmm........... Really many people hears bad things about AO. There is many people that are posting bad threads, but the people that really thinks this game is fun, they don`t sit here and post bad threads, they are playing the game instead!!

    I just wanted to say that, because the game is really FUN!!!


  15. #15

    Talking Yes!

    AO needs a flak cannon.

  16. #16

    Thumbs up Re: angry

    Originally posted by reality
    And most of those don't realize there's more to this game than getting to level 200 in the shortest possible time. Most ironic of all, the constant whining of people like that is what made FC break some things.
    Hi reality

    You are absolutely right!!!

    In just 3 lines you manage to state the truth about many MMORPGs (all?) and certainly AO.

    After reading many posts forum, I can see the exact pattern in ppls reactions just like the game I just left, namely UO.

    Many ppl try to powerlevel these games (myself included) and use a LOT of time doing this. At some point the whining starts either when they get bored or nerfed.

    I think AO is the best MMORPG yet and enjoy playing it immensely.
    It has enormous potential for player interaction and the scenery is just breathtaking at times.

    Clan Soldier

  17. #17

    Talking AO

    Interesting discussion here...

    I found out that it is sometimes extremely difficult to find ppl in the game that are concerned by things going on outside their skill stats and inventory. (I found some, but I won't mention their names OOG because I'm afraid of losing them again to you guys )

    Of course, I love that levelup sound too, but after all, getting better in the game should be only a means of getting deeper into the game and its story, and finally being able to exploring those territories you had to avoid up to now, etc.

    All those ppl flaming the development team...
    I'm a programmer myself and I would like to express the huge respect I feel for an accomplishment such as AO is. In the last two weeks, Ruby-Ka has become like a second home to me, I love it, and honestly: I would be more concerned whether FC cares about the players or not when they stopped working on the program just right after its release date.

    And if it was possible in the beginning to create an overkill char and it isn't now anymore, I'd say there is a slight indication that this was never really intended to *be* possible. If you're really interested in making the game better, you'd have to talk about every single of those changes, and emphasize what is good or bad about them. Like this the designers can weigh the arguments against each other and try to find the best solution. This takes some time btw, if you want to do it good.

    It is just so wrong to trying to scare away other players with a generalized "i hate it so everybody else has to hate it too" post. And flaming does not prove any kind of faith in the game or something, it just proves you're really annoyingly impatient.

    You know what *I* hate in multiplayer games? More than anything else? I hate it when you see everybody running around with the exact same equipment, just because its so very effective. People should be allowed to try creating a really unique char instead, without having a massive disadvantage in the game. To showing "character" means being able to admit his own advantages and disadvantages, after all, there's no Mr. Perfect neither in the real world, nor in some game. It would be just too boring.

    by the way: sharp objects please!

  18. #18
    Ah, Just guessin here but i think, Just guessin remember theres been alot of people converting from FPS to MMORPG's.
    Short attention spans, expecting fast pcaed game, I dunno.
    I was a Counter-Strike > Tribes 2 > Got very bored with them both played a bit of operation flash point> AO AO AO AO!
    Also, Ive got like 4 of my mates to play AO, and one of them !OMG! yes has said, I think thats Counter-strike done fer me.

    But really, If you dont like something, DONT MOAN about or spend time writing about it. Honestly! Thats as stupid as this guy in Trade chat, yesterday

    "Okay guys I have had it with this game, im uninstslling, ill see you al later"

    See us all later? how? hheheeahah.

    I've gone by the rule of, Dont complain about other things. Easy.
    I mean I like heavy metal, but people critisise me for it, in real life, saying its just shouting, its not, very talented. I dont like POP but i dont go and tell everyone and make arguments ;]

    Same for Counter-Strike, I hate it now, its bull, its full of cheats everywhere, NOW THATS A BUGGED GAME! :] But im not going to moan I try to forgot it, imhappy with AO for now, its my new Fix; For a long time I hope.

    If you dont like it, go, dont waste time! yeah?

    -duhn duhn duhn, Another one bites the dust.-

  19. #19
    Well, just wanted to say that although AO has admitebly some errors, it is still the best RP game I ever played on a computer.

    To those who are angry at with AO and still are here (which seems kinda dumb, but hey, its a fre world) Ok, I will stay out of your grief, but please stay out of my fun then...That would be, stay out of these boards...
    Father Chagidiel
    High priest in The Church of OmniTek

  20. #20
    I can understand everyone's frustrations with Anarchy.

    Being a software developer myself and a beta tester of Anarchy, I was constantly asking myself, "What were they thinking?". The "fix" to download the hundreds of megs of graphics information was the final straw. I can't believe they didn't just have all of that information as part of the inititial design. But I don't know the whole story.

    I do think the programmers did a great job. I just think they had poor leadership or management.

    Early on I decided FunCom was a disrespectable company when they released the software in the horrible state it was in.

    They either knew the software was unplayable when they released it or they didn't know the software was unplayable.

    Which is worse?

    Incompetance or untrustworthy?

    After a year of putting up with bugs and patches that totally change the way the game is played, they came out with a story line which in my opinion was just some GM events (mostly on the server I'm not on at times where my time zone is usually asleep or at work) with static dungeons that have some CGI you can down load.

    After a year of telling myself "It will get better" (I do still believe it will), I started asking myself "How long am I willing to wait?"

    Another day? Another week? Another month? Another year?

    I switched to another new MMORPG to play in the mean time.

    You know what? It worked! Only 1 disconnect in over 200 hrs of gameplay. Only 1 hang and drop to desk top. No lag, No zoning problems and all quests/missions I performed worked. The graphics aren't as good, but the game works and is fun.

    It is not as fun as the potential that AO has, but in a few months they will have been live for a year. That is 25% of the projected 4 year life of the game.

    My time is valuable. Is yours? FunCom doesn't pay me enough to waste my time beta testing AO. If you are enjoying AO continue, otherwise I suggest you take a break and check back in a couple months or so.

    Never give up hope!

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