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  1. #1


    oh.. To make a comment on the real subject.. I dont think syrah is an exploiter. I see alot of soldiers hitting as hard, or harder than her.
    But she sure has some sneaky tactics, but that just ****es things up

  2. #2


    arg... Lumens you stupid #¤%#¤. You didnt hit post reply at all did you????

  3. #3
    When a big 1000 appears over her head and no hp drops you mean?

  4. #4
    Thats prolly just lag. Ive been accused for the same thing. My client says half hp, while the guy i was fighting said my hp didnt drop at all.

  5. #5
    Ok but everyoone saw it and started yelling about it then a GM appeared later on.

    Yes, this can be a bug, sometimes I fight someone for a godly amount of dmg and they dont lose anything.

    No not NTs with there god mode or a sol with mk

  6. #6
    This happens all the time, it's a bug, not an exploit. From client side your hp's are being effected normally (ie going down), but to the person you're fighting your hp's do not appear to move at all. I've had this happen to me, where people have asked why my hp's were still at full after a fight, and I'll be at half health. A buddy of mine has also had this happen, it's an annoying as hell bug and I wish those monkeys at funcom would fix it.
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  7. #7
    That mean she never went under base HP
    Euphorie 200 Trader RK1
    DrAlban 130+ Doctor RK1

  8. #8

    Why is it on some people when I give them essence there hp stays full and on some it has a big gap?

    I was told this is done when people have HP - Life Implants.

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Cloudeh
    When a big 1000 appears over her head and no hp drops you mean?
    If this is an exploit, then 75% or more of rubi-ka uses it.

    Trust me...I'm a doc....I watch my teammates heads for hits. I *often* see 200, 400, 300, 400, and the HP bar is still at full.

    Makes my job all the more fun. (just like those engy's who keep showing up as 60% health when they are really at full).
    Doctor Valen, Omni Medic
    Keeper Mezathras

  10. #10
    not an exploit, ive had people say "damnit im not hitting you! why am i not doing any damage!?!?" and im about dead on my screen, its a bug in the way your hp bar shows up for sure sides are you supprised? i still get hp and nano energy not filling up all the way sometimes cause of my title board so the hp bars are just out of whack at the moment. the sad thing is when someone assumes they are so uber that anyone to kill them must be exploiting.

    Melbringi 85 Clan Fixer RK2

  11. #11
    And thats not all, last night me and powervault, both 68 sols found something really...well...lame.

    Lets say my HP bar was lower than it should be after a few hits.

    And To me I had 75% hp from MK reflect, so did powervault, but to eahc other we had full hp, but on our owns screens we had taken quite a bit of reflect, ouch.

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