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Thread: Why not allow Agents to use ENG/CRAT PETS

  1. #1

    Why not allow Agents to use ENG/CRAT PETS

    Why is Meta pets allowed and not engineer and crats pets ?

    Why is some nanos ok but some nanos isn't ?

  2. #2
    Agents have never been able to use Engineer/Crat pets. We have been able to upload the nano and cast the shell, but never been able to activate the shell. However we can cast Meta pets, because there is no shell involved, and the pets last far shorter then Eng/Crat pets.


  3. #3
    Do the pets go away after you're FP drops?

    That would be uber; agent with a healing pet...
    The pen is mightier than the sword, you say? Very well, get out your pens, essay writers, and prepare to have your logic tested by steel!

  4. #4
    Originally posted by spydr
    Do the pets go away after you're FP drops?

    That would be uber; agent with a healing pet...
    The pets last for about 10 minutes, so, yes, sort of.

    However, you can have an agent with a Healing pet and a Damage Pet.. oh, and I might add that they do all this for only -25 in skills.. So, they are almost as good as MPs.. plus they have their gun.

  5. #5
    Hey Megabio, your sig is broken again buddy.


    All wiyht. Rho sritched mg kegtops awound?

  6. #6

    That's true Popey.

    You brought a very valid point up.

    Agents shouldn't get Meta pets neither.

    When I saw a 195 agent in Tir with Curatem the Grand and a Metaphysicist Demon, I first thought "waw, impressive, more power to him !".

    I now realize it's overpowered, an agent with powerfull pets is godly.

    Thank you for asking agents to be nerfed... again

  7. #7
    It's not really that agents should have MP pets, but it shouldn't be the way it is now. I don't mind if an agent is using my pets.

    The thing is if I'm using an orange/red pet the agent the same level as I should have a green pet max. With masteries and such that -25 is easily eliminated and actually get a bonus to nano skills.

    Imo agents should be limited to QL 125-150 nanos while using FP.

    Assuming another profession does not give you the same powers and abilities than say a full born MP. With that in mind why should a level 200 agent be using the same pets as a level 200 mp?

    FP needs a major revamp seeing as how the best one is the lowest QL. Make it necessary to upgrade to assume and mimic by making it impossible to use the class' higher QL nanos unless your FP/MP/AP meets some sort of level range.

    It's incredibly depressing to group with an agent that has the same healer pet as me.

  8. #8

    Excuse me but...

    ... they already made False Profession nanos to be crap and forced us to Assume and Mimic lines.

    How? Check you spells and _ADD_ 150% cost. Example you have nano that takes 1000 nano points to cast. In False Profession that same nano takes 2500 nano points to cast.

    I thought the original wording was 1.5x cost when in False profession. When did 1.5x change to 1 + 1.5 ?

    Agent is so nerfed already that it is not even fun (yeah, I dont play it anymore). Happily I have 7 other characters to play with of which quite many are more FUN than Agent now is.

    Sadly I know that quite few of those others are waiting their nerf turn in immediate future (MP's prolly getting the stick first).

    I dont get FC in their "tunes". First they make godly profession, then they hit it with tunes until its non-existent OR they do profession that is ****ty and then they beef it up until its godly so that they can again start hitting it with nerf stick?

    Plah. This game is not even much fun anymore.

    Daquis 109 Agent
    Zarch 81 NT
    Zhadam 67 Enforcer
    ??? 60 Engineer
    Zitaq 45 Soldier

    and few very low lvl ones including MP (twink), MA and Crat

    It dont take a crystal ball to say what are next two professions on line to get nerfed...

  9. #9
    Why not just make it so that the pet automatically dissobeys orders if you switch out of engineer/crat? No unbalancing there.

    Make a timer start when FP runs out, so that you have time to recast it and not lose your pet.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

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