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Thread: Titan Mining, LLC

  1. #1

    Titan Mining, LLC

    Greetings Omni-Tek employees!

    Have you considered the exciting field of mineral research and policy on the world of Rubi-Ka?

    Titan Mining, LLC, a subsidiary of Omni-Mine, has been assigned to Rubi-Ka to help improve and maintain Omni-Tek's notum mining operations on the planet. If you like exploration and surevying, the creation and maintenance of field gear, or the intriguing and exciting world of ICC Contract policy management, then Titan Mining is the place for you!

    Titan Mining, LLC always has open positions for talented employees in three different areas:
    • Mineral Exploration: Employees of Mineral Exploration, known as surveyors, explore Rubi-Ka and report back the status of mining-related sites. They are responsible for entering and maintaining data in our Site Report database. As well, they are charged with being first on the scene after incidents are reported at Omni-Tek mining facilities.
    • Research and Development: Titan Mining wishes to foster a strong community of Omni-Tek researchers, working on the various trade skills of Rubi-Ka. Mineralology (jewelcrafting), pharma-tek, weaponsmithing, nano-program construction, and implant creation are all critical to our long-term success. If you are adept at these, then the position of mineral scientist is for you!
    • ICC Contract Maintenance: Omni-Tek is on Rubi-Ka for one reason: notum. And our profits from the notum-mining industry are directly related to our ability to adhere to the ICC Contract. Couriers for Titan Mining immerse themselves in the political environment of Rubi-Ka, taking an active role in monitoring the people and groups that form our planet, and taking appropriate steps to inform and counsel them on how to best abide by the tenants of the ICC Contract.

    To apply, just visit this link on our web site:



    Titan Mining, LLC is an aggressive company of motivated people, who strongly want to influence Rubi-Ka, and loyally support Omni-Tek in its production of notum. In deciding whether or not Titan Mining is the right place for you, please consider the following points:
    1. Do I have to be a roleplayer? (out-of-character section)
      Titan Mining, LLC is a roleplaying faction. It's employees are expected to stay 'in character', and to become involved and immersed in the world around them.

      This does not mean, however, that as an employee you will be required to sit in a night club typing silly emotes for hours on end. We try to tie our roleplay to many things we enjoy in-game, and among those is hunting and acquiring the latest equipment and technology. We simply try to find ways to do that in-character (IC), rather than out-of-character (OOC), because we feel that adds a much stronger element of enjoyment to our gaming experience.

      Roleplayers will fit right in easily among us. However, those who enjoy roleplay, but don't consider themselves 'hard-core' will also find a great environment here, and a good opportunity to get involved and learn more about methods of roleplaying and character development.
    2. As a miner, do I have to go dig holes in the ground and do menial labor?
      Titan Mining, LLC is a mining company, for certain. But we are surveyors and supervisors, not menial labor. Our employees are expected to be intelligent and skilled, and capable of much more than pushing the 'drill' button on a piece of heavy machinery. Tasks within our company are very diverse, and have very little to do with creating the mines themselves.
    3. How loyal are you to Omni-Tek?:
      Titan Mining employees will follow Omni-Tek guidelines. That means, if Omni-Tek calls for an amnesty, then we abide by the amnesty. It does not mean we have to blindly agree with all policies, but it does mean that we must adhere to the actions required by those policies until they are changed.

      We are in full support of Chairman Philip Ross, and intend to see his notum operations on Rubi-Ka be successful and profitable for the company. That is what we are hired to do. We are not citizens of a state; we are employees of a company, and therefore must act like it.
    4. What does Titan Mining do in Rubi-Ka?
      Employees of Titan Mining will work to contribute to the world of Rubi-Ka, and to its citizens. We will maintin strong involvement in politics, especially as they pertain to mining and the ICC Contract. Additionally, we wish to provide several services to Rubi-Ka, including our Site Database, where we will eventually track day-to-day mining status for all of Rubi-Ka.
    5. How much time commitment does Titan Mining expect from me?: (out-of-character section)
      We all realize that this is a game. And many of us take our gaming quite seriously. We expect employees to be active while they're on our roster. That means, barring vacations and busy times of life, we should see you around at least a couple of days per week. Ideally, we'd like to see you nearly every day.

      We want to be able to be involved with you, and if you're not around, that's hard to accomplish!
    Tom "Davyn" Gabriel
    Titan Mining, LLC

  2. #2
    We're still looking for interested parties.

    Notably, we have two Director level positions open:

    Director of Mineral Exploration
    Director of R&D

    If you're interested in either, please visit our forums, or contact Davyn on-field.
    Tom "Davyn" Gabriel
    Titan Mining, LLC

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