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Thread: Heckler Quotes - Updated

  1. #241
    A second submition from me


    Adonis heckler team

    Me: Could I get behemoth pls
    wait a couple of minutes
    Me: behemoth pls
    <Essence of Colossus executed>
    Me: Dude you can't case behemoth?
    182 Enforcer: Not without CI I can't.

    Same team a little later.

    After watching the enforcer unable to hold aggro at all and when he DID have it quickly hurting we were wondering what was going on.

    Team: hey what mongo are you using
    couple of hecklers later

    Team: Dude what mongo are you using
    Enf: Mongo bash


    And whats not neccesarily a heck noob situation also from tonight

    I join a team at ne-n in Adonis. As I am buffing I see a conversation start between this 200+ keeper and rest of team (who are all sub 190)

    Keeper: You guys suck i haven't seen any of you do more than 1k damage in a hit y'll are slacking (might I add that while I was in team the keeper wasn't hitting for over 1k either)

    Engineer tries to explain that his damage comes from him AND his pets. Keeper proceeds ot tell the engi that he sucks and that he can OD any engineer (a Keeper???? riiiiiiiiiiight)

    i finish buffing and go to kill as the keeper is continuing on with his diatrabe about how his damage is so much better
    Me: You hit Heckler of Dreams for 12187 Full Auto damage You hit Heckler of Dreams for 2284 Burst Damage
    Engi proceeds to pick on the keeper about how he hasn't seen the keeper do over 1k damage let alone 12k

    Keeper: you guys suck.
    Keeper has left your team

    I despise people who live by the Damge Dump.


    Night before all this I had to put up with a 190ish doctor who had no clue what UBT was and didn't like healing due to it lowering their damage.

    This was followed by me teaming with possibly one of the best docs I have had the pleasure of teaming with name of vavavoom. I may have that spelled wrong though..i'm somewhat drunk :P


    All this has happened in the last 2 days, I had been pretty fortunate up until now I guess, but since deciding to make a hard push towards 200 for this weekend i've seen ALOT of teams..both good and bad.
    Lvl 205 Soldier
    House Maadiah

    If you don't like the XP pool because you are "Old School":
    After you die type "/terminate"........ right I didn't think so.

  2. #242
    well now that i'm called guilty for being in wetlands where a NT started kiting (after we've done our first run with team) i'm really giving up! All the lovely ppl in OOC i talked talked like NTs own all the heck spots&ingots and other profs are there to leech only! This is really making me more sad/mad each day...and thus seeing a lot more ppl in ao without knowing wth is the team play

    PS: i'm sorry i don't have any convo about noobs but i felt like this is the best place to talk about it...
    Saru 218 MP
    Tsunade 215 adventurer
    Tesai 174 soldier
    Forcej00 140 enforcer

  3. #243
    Quote Originally Posted by Rand al Thor
    Me: Could I get behemoth pls
    wait a couple of minutes
    Me: behemoth pls
    <Essence of Colossus executed>
    Me: Dude you can't case behemoth?
    182 Enforcer: Not without CI I can't.
    O.o I selfed behe at lvl 147/157 cant remember..

  4. #244
    Quote Originally Posted by Enforcon
    O.o I selfed behe at lvl 147/157 cant remember..
    Well he was different than alot of people quoted in here. Was a nice guy, and din't moan or whine about anything. I don't know where ll his Ip went . At 182 he should be having lots of IP left over. More than enough to max his Nanoskills anyway.
    Lvl 205 Soldier
    House Maadiah

    If you don't like the XP pool because you are "Old School":
    After you die type "/terminate"........ right I didn't think so.

  5. #245
    Yeah, I know, tons of extra IP, soon I can max my time/space, maxed all the others nanoskills at lvl 176.. This is what rapid lvling does, I made my enf in may 2003

  6. #246
    Well, Hes a little bit of noobishness from me...

    Having played a fixer for over a year now, and being the first character I've really got anywhere with (now at 182, and perhaps retired there) I didn't realise that LLF (luck fickle fate) was store buyable... omg how they lauged at me on teamspeak.

    Also while playing my fixer I've had no less than 3 wrangle requests. while discusssing this with a high level player, he came out with the comment:

    Player: Well, you shouldn't look so much like a trader then
    Player: Everyone knows traders wear grid armour

    Had me in hysterics for a few minutes that one. (it was a joke, not to be taken as noobishness on his part)

  7. #247
    I don't have the exact text of the chat but...

    a couple days ago I was trying to get arul sabas made for my title 3 engie. I had all needed items placed in a backpack. I handed the items to a lvl 217 Engineer and he handed the bag back to me. I asked what was missing and he said that I needed silver. I looked in the bag and, yes, there were silver rings in the bag. I posted them and said.. "see here's the silver" to which he replied "you need silver ingots". I said "Yes, i know but those can be melted down to silver" to which he replied "Well I do not know how to do that."

    A 217 engie that does not know how to melt down jewelry??? How can this be? And this guy wasn't wearing gimp gear either.
    You can find me at:
    Battlenet @ Marilata#1680
    Steam @

  8. #248
    215MP: umm comp liter make stuff cheap?

  9. #249
    Last edited by shenia; Mar 18th, 2005 at 13:25:48.
    Apprentice Powerworker 216 / 19 Proud Member Of Dark Front
    Shenshen 206 / 6 Martial Artist Proud Member Of Exodus
    Agentshenia 210 / 13 Agent Proud Member Of Exodus

  10. #250
    a lvl 150 soldier with ql 100 div9 stealing agg in ely heck team was the most horrird thing ive ever seen

  11. #251
    [Team] 140ish soldiertank: what is belamorte and why is it following me?

  12. #252
    Quote Originally Posted by shenia
    I was hosting a merc raid and there was this totaly noob neutral doc there that was 205+ and didnt know what a CH order was, go figure she even got mad when i tried to teach her.
    That one is actually understandable, except for the getting angry-part.

    Some people don't participate in raids until 200+

  13. #253
    Quote Originally Posted by shenia
    I was hosting a merc raid and there was this totaly noob neutral doc there that was 205+ and didnt know what a CH order was, go figure she even got mad when i tried to teach her.
    lol darn funny hmm.. think you failed to mention that the "totally noob neutral doc that was 205+" was the same one healing you the entire time. CH orders are not everyday things that are used in this game anymore and my doc didn't start going to merc raids until she was already title 6. (Note: Never was a CH order ever used during any merc raid attended from January til the mention of it on the day in question). And as for getting upset. That had nothing to do with you stating something that my doc didn't know and everything to do with the fact that you called my doc a noob in the merc raid channel for asking "What is a CH order?". That was rather uncalled for from a Raid Leader. (Note: The person that explained the CH order process was not you, lol, but someone else in the merc raid channel). Additionally, when someone at that raid stated that they'd died your comment of "oh man I'm sorry I thought the docs were taking care of you all" was kinda insensitive. There were like 2 or 3 docs, several adds at that time and it was almost impossible to outheal hits when a very low level person was losing over 1/2 their hp per hit.

    <3 noob stories though.. real ones
    Last edited by Amelia; Mar 14th, 2005 at 03:05:50.
    You can find me at:
    Battlenet @ Marilata#1680
    Steam @

  14. #254
    Quote Originally Posted by Dworkin
    a lvl 150 soldier with ql 100 div9 stealing agg in ely heck team was the most horrird thing ive ever seen
    Considering you apparently not being able to keep aggro from a lvl 150 with a ql 100 div 9 i dunno which was part was the heck n00b part, you not being able to keep aggro from him or him taking it from you?
    Neophyte/Sergeant/Tactician Escritores - Proud General of ..:Nordic Alliance:.. - 220/27/56 - Soldier - Equip - outdated...
    Poacher Overpoweredz - Proud UC of ..:Nordic Alliance:.. - 169/9/X - ADV - Equip outdated
    Chiropractor/Tactician Kartoon - Proud SC of ..:Nordic Alliance:.. - 150/12/12 - Doctor - TL5 PvP incoming. Under construction.
    Also a Freshman Crat, Freshman/Student/Squire/Captain Keep, Freshman/Phreaker/Scout Fix and a bunch of other tower punks and alts...
    Soldier Weaponrack: Anger of Xan, Dreadloch Modified Shark, Amplified KOC-Type 13, Lord Of Anger, AHF, SRPB, KOC-Type 12, KOEC-Type 3, 179-214-237 Coop, Supernova, Omni-Flamer.
    Gromulator: Go troll in your cavern , mr happy Bunny.
    Romaas about lvl 49 soldier BS twinks using CDR's
    Quote Originally Posted by Romaas View Post
    at 49 its totally awesome damage.

  15. #255
    Few days ago Me and MP lvl 117.

    Me: Hey, what you use on you back?
    MP: (posts Avengelina Cloak ql 70ish)
    Me: I got HPO in my bank , you could use it, a lot better then one you got atm..
    MP: Sure, if its better
    Me: ( Goes to bank, grabs HPO and hands the MP, for free)
    MP: ****, I cant wear this atm, It requires Strenght
    Me: Whats ur strenght sikll at, atm? U need behe and IC, it might help
    MP: ( Doc end Enf read this in vincity, they cast what i told) Cant still.. lack of
    Me: Whats ur Strenght at?
    Mp: Strenght 127 and Agility 100

    I like PvP
    TL6: Tereshkova 200 eng / Patrollerz 200 sol / Tankietka 200 NM enf / Pielegniarka 200 Tank Doc / Oleska 200 SOLIKeep
    TL5: Miazga 150 sol / Piknababa 150 NM Enf 2he / Gigantika 150 NM Enf / Malutki 150 Enf Trox WIP
    TL4: Ladyrazor 112 fixer (retired) / Shha 100 NT / Cycolina lvl 100 NM Enforcer
    + Tons of other chars...
    I make weird TwInkz!
    Signature updated: 29/06/2016

  16. #256
    Teh bumpzorz!
    More ridiculous quotes plzkthx
    Last edited by Shaoleet; Apr 17th, 2005 at 23:11:09.
    Marcos "Sisyphos" Bacarella - lvl 220 Enforcer 2HB *slam* *hack*
    Prof. Steven "Techleet" Falken - lvl 220 Engineer *solder* *screw* *BOOM*
    and the cuddly leet family -=(DNW miss yoo!)=-
    Through the ranks of the Unbeliever we shall move, creating a river of blood as we go.

  17. #257

  18. #258
    A well known lvl 210 enf in ado heckler team. "This char is not for tanking..."
    Mickbinda: Redbow(zubok) Play's AO from a padded cell,he is a certified maniac
    Milk & Moochieez for everyone!
    Redbow 215 MP
    Illuminati President

    Join my zombie army! Sign!!! *evul grin*

  19. #259
    i was in team with Redbow that time.. let me explain further:

    k, was at south spot adonis rite, and heres basically how things was,
    not correct msg's at all, long time ago..:

    me: yo <enf> may i have CS and behe?
    enf: <silence for 2 minutes then casts lightning shield and essence of titan>
    me: errm..? oooke...
    team: all r?
    <everyone says 'r' yattayattayatta....>
    team: <enf> pull, your tank (he's 210 enf with chosen bits and stuff)
    enf: no i cant tank. not good enough armor. the fixer can tank
    (im the fixer btw)
    me: yea makes sense dun it... a lvl 195 fixer tank when we have a enf in team (was 190ish at the time)
    team: laughs
    enf: silence....

    i know this is not entirely correct, since this is prolly a ebayer not a heckler n00b,
    and this is from Atlantean =p
    "If we're not supposed to eat animals.., why are they made of meat?"

  20. #260
    213 keeper comes up to my trader in Borealis -

    keeper: wranglor plz
    me: cast +131, not enough ncu
    me: not enough ncu
    keeper: how much I need?
    me: 58

    short pause

    keeper: try again plz
    me: cast +131, works this time

    keeper runs off, no thanks or anything . . .

    A couple of minutes later, keeper turns up again

    keeper: wranglor plz
    keeper: and can I have a longer one?
    me: /ignore

    1800+ in all tradeskills - the Happy Trader

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