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Thread: Post on the Bazzit Inc tech support forum

  1. #1

    Post on the Bazzit Inc tech support forum

    Dear Bazzit Inc,

    I have recently purchased a number of construction parts from your shop in Meetmedere. I have been very happy with most of these purchases and applaud your courage of entering the building trade.

    However some of these parts were used to create an ECM tower in order to cloak a town from the so called "alien" invaders. This ECM tower appears to be malfunctioning. I have spoken to several town owners who are all experiencing the same thing. These "aliens" are spotting the towns with ease.

    From the number of broken ECM towers I have concluded that one of your construction parts must have a fault. Is there any way I can fix it or will you be issuing replacement parts?

    Thank you

    Wilfred Keppler

  2. #2
    Well that's the Bazzits for you. Stuff like that would never happen with RUR's technology and Q&A practices.

    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Savoy
    Stuff like that would never happen with RUR's technology and Q&A practices.

    I have heard rumours that these "aliens" are really RUR experiments who have escaped and are running riot. The rumour goes that Ross tried to cover the failure by claming it was an alien invasion.

    Not sure about the truth in this but it does seem a coincidence that as soon as the pfft is released we all get attacked.

    But then I also heard rumours that they were a mix of Bazzit and Cyborg technology released to up the sales of building components.

  4. #4

    Just a Rumor

    Official Press Release from RUR Security Department:

    I wanted to put all rumors aside that RUR has, in no way, anything to do with the Alien presense and the introduction of the PFFT! shortly before the alien invasion is pure coincidence. I encourage all of you who are unsure about RUR's products to contact the RUR engineering customer relations department or Dabblez who is our Director. They can further explain the benifits of the PFFT!

    So far, our security department has not gotten any "creditable" information about the PFFT causing any problems.

    Again, RUR claims no responsibility for any interactions or connections between the Aliens and the PFFT and we can asure the public that any said information is simply...untrue.

    RUR Security Department

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Flashwing
    Official Press Release from RUR Security Department:

    I wanted to put all rumors aside that RUR has, in no way, anything to do with the Alien presense and the introduction of the PFFT! shortly before the alien invasion is pure coincidence.
    Can I quote this part of your statement in future development?
    "War may be Hell....but it's good for business!"
    -The Association for Merchants,Manufacturers, and Morticians

    [Kintaii]: Dude, I *am* weird
    [Kintaii]: I came to accept this many years ago and am much happier for it. XD
    [Kintaii]: Besides - I work on *AO*. That right there is proof of my oddness.

  6. #6
    My statement can be quoted in regards to the time period in which it was written.

    All press statements from the security department are accurate at the time they are written. At no point can we guarentee the accuracy of a statement beyond it's release date.

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