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Thread: Several bugs with inferno missis

  1. #1

    Several bugs with inferno missis


    I'm in a hurry. So here in short:

    Inf mid missi. 5 Clan, 1 Neut. At Ergo.

    Team-mission chance of token reward upped to 98% due to the team's heroic effort.
    Received reward: 0 SK, 27668 credits.

    So much for the increased rewards for missions. Or is it just XP?

    Furthermore, we had on first level a grey monster. And in the whole mission unusually many lower level monsters. Plus a lot of fortious, followers, garboil eckel dal and crystal guards etc.

    Ah and yes, most probalby not 16.3, but:

    You can attack flagged teammates with perks (yes, teammates.)

    Working as intended?


  2. #2
    Same problems here - 218 medium, gray mob on first floor, a lot of named/lower level mobs for the level of mission.

    We got the mission to 100%, but didn't receive any SK at all for completing it.

    Without a pool, I usually get around 75k SK for a mission that level, this time I got 66k.

  3. #3
    Fix this!

    Rakhabit 220/20 Agent FINALLY
    Halfempty 220/16 Engineer/Evade Negator
    Primatene 168/20 Original Doc Twink

    Myyah "Read" Hawwa
    Shadow Dominion

  4. #4

    We need our missions fixed!

    Rakhabit 220/20 Agent FINALLY
    Halfempty 220/16 Engineer/Evade Negator
    Primatene 168/20 Original Doc Twink

    Myyah "Read" Hawwa
    Shadow Dominion

  5. #5
    Can we get an answer on this? I'm still getting Received reward: 0 SK, 27668 credits.

  6. #6
    I'm mostly worried about the fact that green/gray mobs are sometimes showing up in inf hard and med missions. Before patch I'd get about 100k SK with a crat, now with the same team it's only about 70-80k.

    Rakhabit 220/20 Agent FINALLY
    Halfempty 220/16 Engineer/Evade Negator
    Primatene 168/20 Original Doc Twink

    Myyah "Read" Hawwa
    Shadow Dominion

  7. #7
    I can also add a few extremely low level grey mobs inside of clan 205ish Pen missions. We did two or three and each mission seem to have one or two of these inside of it. We did however get a decent SK reward for completed mission so nothing was effected by it.

  8. #8
    um, up until teh patch i wasnt gettin sk for 100% mish, just a few creds

  9. #9
    OMG we get sk bonuses at the end? I had to go right before the boss last night!! DAMN!

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