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Thread: Petition for no more heads, we want engine

  1. #1

    Petition for no more heads, we want engine

    Every FWM is a head. We want ENGINE!
    Deathmaster1 220/30/70 Dmsengi 220/28/70
    Dmstanker 220/30/70 Dmsdoc 220/25/70
    Anarchic1 126/15/35 Dmsfix 220/30/70
    Imakeyouoe 164/22/42 Imakeyouoe2 85/9/21

    BM of Dark Front - We are recruiting.

  2. #2
    petition for no more "I R IMPATIENT" threads! your ADHD isnt going to make them work any faster.
    ~Techmagos -220/30/70 Engi
    ~Aasimi -220/21/xx Agent
    ~Nyrlathotek9 -174/14/xx Sold


  3. #3
    I personally like getting head.
    Idiots are just like slinkies. It makes you smile when you push them down a flight of stairs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Undercutting View Post
    Bs isn't where the real pvp happens, tis' where the pvmers' go to feel like they've pvped.
    [Zacyx]: i will perma bann u from MR

  4. #4
    /me braces for a string of head innuendo
    ____ Equipment
    Kopo: There's nothing wrong with the (NT) profession itself, it's just that the other 99.9% of us playing it are deluded & incompetent.
    Unzipped: I'm right, Schmorgi is right... everyone else is wrong and /org lazy.... yep... that pretty much sums up my thoughts.
    Mangle: .... even still the leveling curve seems steep. Why must there be an exponential leveling curve? Who the hell invented that crap with MMOs to begin with?
    deniska: malewerecat h8 for making me agree with Masta
    sobeguy:Anyhow, Marius was evil regardless. Gaute was evil too. They are like, the Bat Man and Robin of evil. They probably run around in tights and masks, making vaguely homoerotic comments, and generally meddling anywhere people are trying to have fun!
    Righteous:Sil is in the kitchen making some sandwiches, he says you're lying and doesn't know who you are.
    Sephiroth:you managed to bother two people with one sentence. Nice
    I Remember The Missing: Nepenthia, Naraya, Satenia.

  5. #5
    Yeah.... how about no.
    Coordinator Anarrina
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