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Thread: rebalancing ranged vs melee

  1. #1

    rebalancing ranged vs melee

    kiting has been an epic problem for as long as people can move.

    ranged profs can stop and pop specials at fleeing melee or while fleeing melee.

    melee profs can run faster than some ranged and CC profs, but, seemingly, not fast enough, and while faster might initially be purported to help, synch does a great job of making it a catch 22 that results in faster runspeed = greater problem.

    There have been several proposed fixes by various members of the community.

    1. increase snare/root resist by melee (arguable value)
    2. increase runspeed on melee (doesn't work)
    3. give melee snares/roots/ reverse knockback/more stuns (may work)
    4. provide combat bonuses if being kited/kiting (arguable) (+5% evades while running), (-5% offense while running) (-some % for range handicaps)
    5. increase the range on melee weapons (proven to work)

    As such, developers: please take into consideration the benefit of increasing the range on melee weapons to even the benefits of ranged attackers.


  2. #2


  3. #3
    aye, but it wasn't finished.

  4. #4
    Your request is being discussed. Until then, reposting moderated material is very much a no-no, as you well know.
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