Ok how about some new tradeskill items and some adjustment to the existing ones. Make the PPPE for making armor easier to find so that more can do it. The MRB is expensive enough to keep some from being able to buy a dozen, and if you want players to be able to make special armors yet keep those rare, then keep the material rare and not both the material and the disc needed.

Add in stock for armor:

Plasteel plates, Metaplast plates, Leather, Steelweave, Kevlar, and Nylon (something to make the fabric armors from)

These could be combined with certain other items that are now in game to produce the existing armors. [ie, Perfectly cut coldstone + plasteel plate = cold treated plasteel + etching + MRB = Chill Plasteel.]

This could allow some people to make armor as well as searching shops to try and find it.

Also this leaves it open to add in new armor types that can only be made. Another interesting part of this would allow you to add in types of armor that only 1 faction has the part availible for. (ie Omni-Pol armor matieral would not be sold in clan or nuetral shops) This could also allow for knock-off types of armor, basically something that looks like the opol but doent quite have the protection (and thus lower reqs).

Reorganize the trade skill recipe machines. Why is it needed to have a recipe for every single ql of and item. Why not simply make one recipe for each item, then simply adjust the ql to the one you want to make (not saying this cant be done). But it would be nice to be able to look in the machine and get the items I want without having to search through a number of blacked this or cheap that.

Add in the special attacks for off hand weapons. (ie fling, fast attack, burst etc) This would make multiwield worth doing other then just cause you like the look of it.

Please bring back Reverse Engineering. Again this allows for some great tradeskill opurtunities. You could introduce new weapons that could be made, but the only way to get the recipe would be from tearing the one you have apart.


To expand on the creation of items. Why not allow modifications to be made. (maybe not completely but at least to a number of items) IE I want to build a nova flow but instead of adding the component that allows for fling shot I add one that allows for full auto. You could expand this a little so that maybe not all peices work well. IE, I take a Krutt Shotgun and add in the same full auto component, only this time on first use it explodes, doing dmg to me and destroying the gun. This would allow for alot of player experimentation before tearing down their good old ql200 weapon and again provide a great new road for trade skills.


How about making it so that certain "broken" items can be fixed, ie the Fail Rings of Flying. It would be great to be able to find one of these have be able to repair it (maybe the item is a quest reward).
please take the NO Drop off of bracers and MA Attacks.

well thats it for now, till I dig through more notes and find more things I want to say . Take care and hopefully you will like some of what you have read.