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Thread: Rojer's Guide to Roleplaying

  1. #1

    Rojer's Guide to Roleplaying

    1: What is Roleplaying? Also, what is a guide?

    Roleplaying is an aspect of an RPG which is technically indistinguishable from the more popular acts of PvP and grinding. It simply involves the attempt to make a fantasy world like Rubi-Ka more mundane and realistic by pretending you are actually there. Just like PvP and grinding, you can earn prestige and points by doing it well.

    In this guide, I will attempt to give RPn00bs a starting-advantage so that they may be able to break into the elite groups who dominate the scene. Consider this guide a way to level the playing field if you will.

    I will also be so bold as to suggest that seasoned roleplayers might even learn from this guide a couple of tricks-of-the-trade which will aid them in vanquishing their RP foes and holding back the tides of n00bs who may be inspired to follow the advice of this guide.

    2: The goal of Roleplaying.

    Break any RPG down into its base components and you will find that it simply involves the allocation of numeric values to abitrary traits on a character and then attempting to increase those numbers.

    However, according to the law of conservation of numbers, there are only a finite amount of numbers in any given system. This means, essentially, that the numbers you use to increase your values must be taken from enemies such as mobs or other players.

    In roleplaying, we are concerned primarily with the allocation and receipt of rPeen points. Once you have collected a certain number of these from the various sources, you will find that other roleplayers (on the same side - see: "4.1: Joining a faction.") look up to you with awe and reverence. You are now a major player in the faction war, but you have also completed the game.

    The acquisition of rPeen points will be covered in more detail in the "5: Playing your character. (Properly)" section.

    3: Creating a character.

    Character creation is a skill in roleplaying just as in any other aspect of a game. It is one that involves maximising certain traits at the expense of others. This process is known as "Twinking" or "Min-Maxing". It is hard work, but once you have your desired, uber RPtwink, you will immediately see the rewards.

    The basic character you will want to create is a pathetic, pitiful creature. This is very important to remember since it is these characters that roleplayers tend to gravitate towards. It is essential that you do not make the character strong or authoritative since roleplayers will feel threatened by this. Now you are begining to see the sacrifices involved in RP twinking.

    Here are some example builds you may consider:

    Symbpathetic Sue
    The Woobie
    Mysterious Waif
    Strange Girl
    Black-Hole Sue

    4: Playing your character. (Starting out)

    Congratulations! You now have your first proper RP character, now it's time to take them for a spin. But what to do first? This is a confusing stage and it is important not to rely on any help from other roleplayers since you are still unpracticed and vulnerable. Consider the following options to start off.

    4.1: Joining a faction.

    There are two roleplaying factions on Rubi-Ka. These are: "Those-who-suck-up-to-the-ARK-Events-Team" and "Those-who-suck-up-to-those-opposed-to-the-ARK-Events-Team". There is arguably a third, but don't join it unless you want to gimp your character.

    In the discussion of these factions I will attempt to be as unbiased as possible in the pros and cons.

    Firstly, what is the ARK-Events-Team, and why is it so important? This is a team made up of volunteers who police roleplaying in AO. They decide the rules and dictate what you may and may not do in roleplaying. If you join this side you will get access to pointbot raids, which in the roleplaying world are known as "Events". These will be a nice steady flow of rPeen points for your characters and are spectacular, but unfortunately the raid mobs only spawn once every six months.

    Secondly, what about Those-who-oppose? For some reason the Events Team have enemies. In the game lore this is explained by the story of a tyrant Events Team director who was stingy with the rPeen points. Many roleplayers believed that they had worked hard and deserved more points and more adoration, but the Events Team disagreed... violently. In the end these renegade roleplayers decided that the search for adoration would be quicker and easier if they had their own followers and so they left for the North.

    As you can see, the advantages and disadvantages of each could be argued all day. In the end, you should pick a side that suits your character... and the stats you want to exploit.

    4.2: Grinding spots.

    The grinding spots are good places to go to start out and meet other roleplayers to leech points from. These spots constantly change and differ between dimension. Some examples include:

    The table in Newland City near the big dish.
    The Neuters 'R' Us bar in Newland City.
    The Reet Retreat nightclub in Last Ditch.

    As you will notice, many of these locations are "faction-neutral". This means that if you belong to a faction, you MUST NOT GO THERE. It would be entirely against your character to go to these locations and so result in negative rPeen points. Be warned.

    Due the the scarcity of locations and the rarity of use, it may be a good idea to also try one of the following:

    4.3: Joining an RP Guild.

    RP Guilds in AO are a great way to meet RP opponents and get in on player-run raids. There are lots of these organisations out there and it is very important to choose the right one for you. Remember, they will be after your points as much as you will be after theirs. It is a delicate balance.

    Firstly, ask yourself: Have I seen these people actually roleplaying? This is the most important question. If you have seen them roleplaying, DO NOT JOIN. These people obviously have no idea how to roleplay since they are exposing themselves to just anyone who might walk up and steal their points. Repeated for clarity: Only ever join an RP Guild if you have NOT seen them roleplaying before.

    Joining a Guild considered to have high RP-status will give you automatic rPeen points. But beware, by actually roleplaying you may lose these points.

    4.4: Leeching.

    Leeching is an important skill in any aspect of any RPG. Learn it. Find someone with high status and then stick to them. By proxy you will be able to hoover up stray rPeen points thrown in their direction. The great thing about this system is that it is symbiotic. This means that the leechee actually gains status from having more leechers or "followers" and therefore receive more rPeen points themselves. It is a beautiful circle where, when this person retires (or is retired) having maxed out their stats with points, you will increase a rung on the status ladder until one-day, you too could be at the top, raking in the points.

    Faction plays an important part here and there are a few things to consider. For those of you who chose Those-who-suck-up-to-the-Events-Team, you are in luck. The Events Team actually invests rPeen points into leeching characters called LTCs (Leech-Trade Characters) These soak up points by their very existence and provide an easy way for faction members to gain proxy points from being in their presence. For those who joined this faction, you can see a list of these characters here.

    This is a helpful system, but it is important to remember, as with all faction-based issues, that there are pros and cons. Although this is an easy way to leech, you will never, ever reach the top rung on this ladder. The LTCs will ALWAYS remain way above you in the status chain, no matter what you do. While in the other faction, although there may be fewer people to leech from, there will always be the option, through the usual methods of conspiracy, rumour-mongering and harassment, of reaching the top yourself.

    5: Playing your character. (Properly)

    Now that you have started your roleplaying career, this section will help you find your place in the roleplaying world and developing your charcter.

    5.1: The Roleplaying-World.

    You will notice that roleplayers occupy a different world from the rest of the game. This is what is known as a "metaverse" and you must understand its rules before you really find your place within it. The AO universe is populated with excitement, adventure and really crazy stuff. This is not acceptable to roleplayers since it is an unrealistic canvas on which to paint a character. Therefore they create the metaverse in which to interact, one with more realism and soap-opera drama.

    The AO metaverse is an interesting entity in that each roleplayer has their own opinion on which aspects of the game should be ignored. These opinions are often contradictory and cause many a fall-out and upset. This is okay though and is all part of roleplaying (See 5.2: Drama).

    As a helpful guide, some of the common traits of the metaverse are:

    Tower wars do not happen.
    You did not really fight that boss.
    You are not really wearing that armour.
    This item is silly, it does not exist.
    You can attack people regardless of the suppression gas level.

    5.2: Drama.

    Here is where you really get the points coming in. Drama is an art and there are two schools of thought as to how you can get the most out of it.

    5.2.1: The inane.

    One way to really score those rPeen points is to use what is known as a "hook". A hook is how you focus the roleplaying onto yourself. Followers of the inane will tend to use passive-aggresive techniques such as staring into space or sighing to steer the conversation away from broad, interesting topics and into topics that only affect your character. This may be your sick mum, unpaid debts or any other mundane issue. Note how this relates to 5.1: The Roleplaying-World - By taking the conversation away from the fantasy and into reality you are effectively shaping the metaverse into your own personal tool (See Black Hole Sue) and gaining points at the same time since anyone who can turn the conversation into something this boring and solely about themselves must be important.

    5.2.2: The bitchy.

    Are the passive-aggresive techniques of the inane not working for you? Do people just ignore you? Never fear! The other technique is to actively belittle your roleplaying opponents. This is a combination of techniques both in and out-of-character. Remember not to worry about scruples. Any action you take while roleplaying is, after all, just roleplaying and just your character. You can use any trick at your disposal to lower the status of an enemy and suck out their rPeen points for yourself. Try forcing their character to leave a session or perhaps declaring their character an idiot to be ignored. When out-of-character, try spreading personal rumours about other players and ridicule their knowledge of game lore. (This last technique is particularly effective due again to the metaverse phenomenon.)
    Advisor of Lumen Orien

  2. #2
    5.3: The rules.

    The rules are of fundamental importance to roleplaying. They are what keep the flow of points held together in delicate balance and are the raison d'etre of the Events Team. It will take a bit of time to become familiar with the intricacies of the rules, but once you are familiar with them, you should begin enforcing them straight away.

    There is no way I could list all the rules of roleplaying here but I will cover some of the more important ones.

    5.3.1: Upholding the metaverse.

    The metaverse must be kept intact at all times. If someone speaks to you of supression gas or tower battles or levels, you must immediately ridicule them until they leave, they will never understand roleplaying and to let them join will only have the effect of erroding the carefully balanced economy of points. Think about it: Would you let someone on your Beast raid if they insist that the Beast has already been killed according to lore? What use would they be?

    5.3.2: Perfect technique.

    Did that guy just say your name when you haven't been introduced? What a moron! And now he's trying to justify it by saying there is some kind of magical device that tells him your name, level, class, faction. Now he's emoting somthing which you can't even see! Do not suffer such people. Theirs is a crude way to cause drama and suck in points. Think of such people as RP trolls. Ignore them or report them to the Events Team.

    5.3.3: Dealing with griefers.

    What is griefing? Griefing is when a roleplayer dual-logs an alt in order to disrupt the point flow in their favour. It is a smart move on their part and it's your job, nay, your duty to sniff them out and expose them for what they are - dirty, stinking griefers. But how to spot them? Difficult... but the usual clues are in their flaunting of other rules. Is their technique bad? Do they shout a lot and invade your cyber-space? You've probably got a griefer on your hands. Now to determine the roleplayer behind this abomination. Look for other roleplayers who don't seem too bothered by the actions of this griefer, that's usually the culprit. Along similar lines... when dealing with a griefer, make sure you are as vocal about it as possible. Shout this offence to the world, demand their immediate execution and act as personally victimised as you can so that other roleplayers don't suspect you.

    5.3.4: Metagaming.

    Metagaming is a versatile tool in roleplaying, most effectively used hand-in-hand with powergaming. It is a roleplayer's way of saying "information is power" and in the RP world, it often is. This is the tool you can use to expose people who are attempting to play out an interesting story. As you know, you can't let this happen in your vicinity since they would suck up your rPeen points.

    So how to use this tool? Again, information is the key. Look for clues, use your spies and any other resources. You first need to find out where someone might be taking a story so that you can hijack it for yourself. For example , is that person humourously hinting that their character may be a criminal? Got him! Now you KNOW he is a criminal, expose their sordid plan and reap your reward. Under no circumstance should you act as though your character is unaware of the plot, this will weaken you. Use hints, forum stories, alts in their org, whatever you choose just make sure your character is aware of all things at all times.

    5.3.5: Powergaming.

    This is to do with imposing your will on another character and is a technique which is used a lot more subtly than the straight definition-use. I will cover here how you can use this technique without being suspected of doing so. Since it is regarded as the WMD of roleplaying, if you use it too obviously, you may find people start to gang up on you.

    Subtle powergaming is the next logical step from metagaming. The tried-and-tested technique is to follow on from that process. So, once you've established where the plot of a story may go, you need to act now to stop it. Use your character's authority to deny the events of a character's life, for example. So, if someone is rolelaying an ICC guard and you suspect they may be an imposter, make sure you announce this fact as early as possible before the story is able to take off and block their attempts to interact as an ICC guard.

    Now you can appreciate the subtleties of meta-then-powergaming. However, it is not unacceptable to use the blunt tool first if need be - if it looks as though someone might be getting away with telling their story. So now, if someone is playing an ICC guard and there are no hints that they may be an imposter... well, do the same anyway, pretend that they are and refuse to accept anything they tell you. How can they tell their story if no-one believes them?

    6: Final words.

    So now you are well-equipped to go out there and RP with the best of them. Hopefully this guide will prepare you for what's waiting in the RP arena and arm you well on your journey to RP endgame.

    Remember: Give no quarter, have no scruples and show no mercy. Good luck!

    6.1: Final final words.

    I'd like to thank my inspiration for this guide.
    To the players who inspired me: You know who you are.
    To the Events Team: Everyone knows who you are.

    The guide is dedicated to those former roleplayers who have fallen in the field of combat and are no longer with us.

    This is a universal lampoon where, by writing it, I offended even myself. If you are also offended by the content of this guide then you are indeed a true roleplayer.
    Advisor of Lumen Orien

  3. #3
    Epic. A+++++++
    OTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTO|||||||||||||||||||||Serve Omni-Tek

  4. #4
    Where can I get access to these pointbot raids? I think I need some!

    Im such a strange girl... erm I mean butch dude! definitely butch dude!

    Also I just lost the game thanks to this thread...

  5. #5
    Thread delivers.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheats View Post
    Im such a strange girl... erm I mean butch dude! definitely butch dude!
    ha! That made my day. <3
    OTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTO|||||||||||||||||||||Serve Omni-Tek

  7. #7
    Ummm wow, I'm not even sure what to say.
    I don't PvP becasue my rlpeen is big enough so I don't need to make up for it with my epeen.

    "Ahhhhh that was a good dinner. Now it's time to hit the playground and watch the little girls."

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Redesine View Post
    If you are also offended by the content of this guide then you are indeed a true roleplayer.
    Crap, I laughed. I guess I have to retire
    Who wants my 4 rPeen points? I'm Ebaying them.
    Point Blank

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Kotts View Post
    Crap, I laughed. I guess I have to retire
    Who wants my 4 rPeen points? I'm Ebaying them.
    [Neutral OOC]:
    +++!!!Welcome be in !!!+++
    We to be sell best rPeen points only 10 dollars US to be have!!!
    For all RP levelling need! All major credit card is accept!!!
    Trixie "Tryqz" Rhaiyne, Newland Council Science Minister

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Redesine View Post
    5.2: Drama.

    Here is where you really get the points coming in. Drama is an art and there are two schools of thought as to how you can get the most out of it.

    5.2.1: The inane.

    One way to really score those rPeen points is to use what is known as a "hook". A hook is how you focus the roleplaying onto yourself. Followers of the inane will tend to use passive-aggresive techniques such as staring into space or sighing to steer the conversation away from broad, interesting topics and into topics that only affect your character. This may be your sick mum, unpaid debts or any other mundane issue. Note how this relates to 5.1: The Roleplaying-World - By taking the conversation away from the fantasy and into reality you are effectively shaping the metaverse into your own personal tool (See Black Hole Sue) and gaining points at the same time since anyone who can turn the conversation into something this boring and solely about themselves must be important.
    omfg that SLAYS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Redesine View Post
    5.2.2: The bitchy.

    Are the passive-aggresive techniques of the inane not working for you? Do people just ignore you? Never fear! The other technique is to actively belittle your roleplaying opponents. This is a combination of techniques both in and out-of-character. Remember not to worry about scruples. Any action you take while roleplaying is, after all, just roleplaying and just your character. You can use any trick at your disposal to lower the status of an enemy and suck out their rPeen points for yourself. Try forcing their character to leave a session or perhaps declaring their character an idiot to be ignored. When out-of-character, try spreading personal rumours about other players and ridicule their knowledge of game lore. (This last technique is particularly effective due again to the metaverse phenomenon.)
    It's almost scary to think that some people now have this technique outlined to apply it methodically...

    The way you portrayed roleplay as a competition in a guide is one of the rare pieces of quality sarcasm I've seen in a long time Thanks for making me grin on a cloudy Saturday!

  11. #11
    OTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTO|||||||||||||||||||||Serve Omni-Tek

  12. #12
    Bump becouse funny =)
    They can fly? Yeah.... fly


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