Since the last patch my mousewheel scrolling up and down through my hotbar numbers only works 50% of the time. It used to be I would scroll down and be already clicking the one I needed such as calm, but now I have to scorll, check if it worked, scroll again, then use calm or whatever. Sometimes I have to scroll 5 times before it finally switches hotbar number. It's not my mouse, scroll works perfectly every time in the chat windows, inventory, bags etc, and it worked perfectly on hotbars right up till 5mins before the patch when I logged off. 2 hours later the server comes up and it's broken.

It's very annoying and making me delay some actions, I do use extra hotbars also, but I scroll up and down through a main bar for some actions to save GUI space.

Something else interesting is when scrolling starts working after a few tries then it keeps working as long as I do nothing else, but as soon as I starting clicking things etc then scroll again it breaks for a few tries again.