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Thread: [BUG] Stuck on floor 4 in db3

  1. #1

    [BUG] Stuck on floor 4 in db3

    Last night i pwned the boss on top floor with a team and logged out there on top floor, now when i log back in i'm stuck by Colonel Christie Wamala with this spamming:

    This is a team private playfield. You are not a member of the team, and will be deported shortly.
    but i don't get deported, i wish i did coz the only way to get out of this hellhole is to die or get warped out, fix plz.

    Also, same thing happens if you drop team on top floor, iirc (but can't verify atm)
    Last edited by nanoforcer; Oct 9th, 2011 at 12:40:09.
    Don't you just hate this kind of ppl

  2. #2
    You could always use your DB codes aswell to zone out. But yes i agree, it is bugged.

  3. #3
    ./stuck works on any floor and warps you to the entrance
    Pheddex 220/30/70 trox agent equip

    Pheddy 220/30/70 soli crat equip

    Pheddette 164/19/42 opi trader equip

    Lavidaloco 150/17/30 opi agent equip

    Tinytall 200/25/70 opi advy equip

  4. #4
    This is a team private playfield. You are not a member of the team, and will be deported shortly.
    This is a team private playfield. You are not a member of the team, and will be deported shortly.
    This is a team private playfield. You are not a member of the team, and will be deported shortly.

    cant terminate or use rk becon or team an outside engy!!! how the f*ck i get out now!
    MyNameIsCani 220 Trox Solja
    Canibaal 215 Trox Enf
    Canifix 215 Trox Fix
    Pureevul 220 Trox Shade
    Canikeep 220 Trox Keeper
    Deathreturns 220 Solitus Doc
    Alphadawg 164 Opifex Fixer
    CanIKillYou 150 Solitus Adv
    Canistrikes 80 Nano Agent

  5. #5
    ok after re-logging, was able to open backpacks and use RK becon
    MyNameIsCani 220 Trox Solja
    Canibaal 215 Trox Enf
    Canifix 215 Trox Fix
    Pureevul 220 Trox Shade
    Canikeep 220 Trox Keeper
    Deathreturns 220 Solitus Doc
    Alphadawg 164 Opifex Fixer
    CanIKillYou 150 Solitus Adv
    Canistrikes 80 Nano Agent

  6. #6
    I encountered the same issue after being accidently warped into the wall in the 4th floor by an engineer. I was still stuck even after logging in/out.
    The only way to escape was to re-join my team (i'd left to allow someone else to loot) and have the enginner warp me again.

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