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Thread: Anyone else experiencing problems with contracts?

  1. #1

    Anyone else experiencing problems with contracts?

    For some reason the contracts of my org are extremely messed up. I mean its bugged to hell. No matter what contracts I put in, it keeps automatically reverting to other contracts. I have lost 3-4 contract cards already.

    Also, for some reason it is impossible to remove the Personae contract. In addition, all contracts are set to ql 175.
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  2. #2
    We've had extremely buggy contracts lately too.

    Since last patch is when we first started seeing them. We had a "ghost" contract stuck in for weeks, (a QL 247 agi contract I think), which would duplicate itself when you were in different zones, like, it LOOKED active while in advanced shop, and SL, but, then it would ghost and produce a non-active copy of itself in other zones.

    Then we had more issues lately as well. GM Wobey fixed it for us though, I think last night.

  3. #3
    Time ago we had the problem of jumpin back to old contracts or different contracts in different zones.

    GM came, joined org, deleted contracts, set up new, done

  4. #4
    Had those problems in Paradise in the past. Just like previous posters have said zoning had an impact on it, it took 2 or 3 GMs to fix unfortunately, and it came back once shortly after it was initially fixed. GMs said something about flags being set incorrectly.

    Edit: This was long before 18.4. I was president in paradise in 2007 so somewhere around there is when I first experienced it.
    Last edited by Mamman; Oct 5th, 2011 at 20:55:35.
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  5. #5
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