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Thread: [Test Server] New GMS Feedback

  1. #1

    [Test Server] New GMS Feedback

    When on Test, I inquired regarding where to put feedback (non-bug reports) on Test content but no one could give me an answer (and couldn't find anything on the forums) so I'll just go ahead and post my initial feedback on the new GMS system.

    - Being able to receive items via mail and not running to a city

    - Once you get to the point where you can input your sell price, selling multiple items (same item and QL) for the same price is very easy.

    - Even though we only get 21 slots.. multiples of the same item only take up one slot. Good job there

    (Edited 5/10) - We can sell unique items in the shop and the market allows us to deposit multiple unique items to sell.

    - Too many steps to actually put an item up for sale. By my count there are 10 steps you have to go through to sell an item. I was hoping to just drop the item in, state a price and move on with my day. Instead I had to:
    1. Click the Deposit button
    2. Drag item into the 'Send to Market' window
    3. Click Send.
    4. Click the confirmation that you really do want to Send. (completely unnecessary.. worst case scenario is that you deposit something you didn't want to and you can just have it mailed back to you with no harm done)
    5. Wait for the item to become available in your Market Inventory
    6. Click the radial dial button next to the item you want to sell.
    7. Click on the Sell button
    8. In the pop-up window, click on Advanced
    9. Click on "Create a Sell Order"

    10. In the pop-up window, Put in your price and click 'Create Sell Order'

    - 5% Sales tax + 1% Creation Fee: So 6% tax total to sell an item. That's rather steep especially coming from an org environment that has a 1% sales tax.

    - No way to actually specifiy how long you wanted to have an item for sale. Seemed to default at 7 days with no change option.

    - The process to search for an item is too complicated.
    1. No ability to specify a QL range for an item.
    2A. HUGE ISSUE: Using the market is literally like searching auno. First you input the name of the item and the category, then click search. The Market then pulls up multiple QL versions of that item (very similar to the way you get a listing from auno if you type in something like Treatment Library). So you've got these search results that contain the item(s) you are looking for in all of their available ranges (even ranges not listed in game it seems): QL, QL 99. QL 100, QL 199, QL 200, QL 299, QL 300 and you have to click the appropriate range manually in order to see what items are for sale within that range. Searching generically is now a nightmare. As someone on test server stated.. If you wanted to see what pieces of QL 300 commando are for sale, you literally have to do 7 different searches.
    2B. Something to think about regarding the above. The Buy Order concept is awesome in that someone can say "Hey, I need a SFA nano so let me put it out there that I'll pay 5m for it" and then a blitzer can pull up that order and fill it. Guaranteed cash from a guaranteed order. The problem however is that if a blitzer wanted to utilize this system to make cash they'd either have to specifically know (somehow) that a buy order has been done for a specific nano name OR they have to click on every nano crystal name in game to see if any of them have existing buy-orders. In other words, a huge benefit of the buy-order process is lost in how tedious it would be to get information. Personally, I think you could remove the middle step, allow us to put in a name, ql range and category and just produce the items for sale/buy orders as the search results right up front.
    3. No back button to go back to the list you just pulled up prior to clicking a specific ql. In others words if you want to search and see what QL 300 commando is for sale, you have to literally do a seperate search for every individual armor slot (from scratch).
    4. Partial word searches do not appear to be recognized (not sure if this is a bug or feature.. did a bug report in case it isn't working as intended). In other words, I can search for Lava Boots or Lava Protection and get inferno boots to populate but if I put in 'Lava Prot' no search results are found.


    - Any plans to add some sort of Auction option? Basically allowing a player to put an item in, specify a minimum bid and a buy off price similar to what players do on the AO forums area. Was really expecting this to be part of the GMS since you guys went through so much coding trouble to do the rest.

    - Where is the sales tax money going? Is any of that going back to the org (if the player is in an org) or is it just a credit sink? Is the 1% creation fee lost if the item does not sell or do you get that back?

    - Are we going to be able to access this new market from anywhere or will we be stuck using the GMS terminals still?

    - Is the whole 'Org Only' option that we had in the AI city playershops gone with nothing to replace it? I couldn't find anything that would allow me to open a market posting for only my org. Can you make a modified version of this market just for org items that have no timeout limit.

    - When this new GMS comes out, I understand that people will be able to empty their playershops. Will there be any other way to access the 'Playershop backpack' besides an actual playershop builidng? Just asking because I'm wanting to ditch my org's outdoor city once the playershops become irrelevant and would like to understand the potential impact that would have on orgmates that haven't cleared their shops out by the time the change takes place.

    Edit: I reread my post and I don't intend for this to come off as a wall of "I hate the GMS" because I truly feel this new GMS is a step in the right direction. At the same time, I just wanted to let 'someone' know my personal perspective as I feel that it will be echo'd by others that use it. I know that the version on Test is truly the first stage as well.. and I really hope more people go over to Test and take a look and provide feedback and bug reports on it as well. If this isn't the appropriate place to put this feedback please let me know where I should submit my thoughts.
    Last edited by Traderjill; May 10th, 2012 at 21:00:40.
    You can find me at:
    Battlenet @ Marilata#1680
    Steam @

  2. #2
    There is portable GMS terminals...

    Is there some way to browse orders? Not just item search?

    I think the way it now works for placing orders is ok, but buying fullfilling is a mess...

    Please fix the cut and paste for AwesomiumProcess!
    Last edited by Ekarona; May 9th, 2012 at 22:38:50.
    Ekarona 220/30 Female Solitus Engineer, long term member of Northern Star and proper "poor" gimp.
    Ekaslave 220/low Female Solitus Trader, FLAT(TM) pricing TS, almost all can do!
    Ekaros almost there/almost there too Male Solitus Martial-Artist.
    Ekadv gimp/gimp Female Opifex Adventurer

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Ekarona View Post
    There is portable GMS terminals...
    Yes, I have a trader I know there are portal GMS terminals (profession specific and Item Shop). It looked to me, however, that the new GMS opens like a browser window similar to the Item Shop thus giving me the impression that it wouldn't be much hassle for funcom to just put another button on the GUI for the GMS so that anyone could use it anywhere.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ekarona View Post
    I think the way it now works for placing orders is ok
    For clarity, I highlighted in red the steps that I felt to be redundant.. they added no value to the process that I could see except for me to have to click yet another button to move forward to the point where I could sell an item. Maybe there is some legitimate reason for them being there.. if so I have no idea what it could be. As it didn't seem of value in any of the transactions I did.
    Last edited by Traderjill; May 9th, 2012 at 22:44:43.
    You can find me at:
    Battlenet @ Marilata#1680
    Steam @

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Traderjill View Post
    Yes, I have a trader I know there are portal GMS terminals (profession specific and Item Shop). It looked to me, however, that the new GMS opens like a browser window similar to the Item Shop thus giving me the impression that it wouldn't be much hassle for funcom to just put another button on the GUI for the GMS so that anyone could use it anywhere.
    So I wasted my FC points for nothing?

    Ok ok, I got bank and Jobe Luxury Apartment and some other junk too...
    Ekarona 220/30 Female Solitus Engineer, long term member of Northern Star and proper "poor" gimp.
    Ekaslave 220/low Female Solitus Trader, FLAT(TM) pricing TS, almost all can do!
    Ekaros almost there/almost there too Male Solitus Martial-Artist.
    Ekadv gimp/gimp Female Opifex Adventurer

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Ekarona View Post
    So I wasted my FC points for nothing?

    Ok ok, I got bank and Jobe Luxury Apartment and some other junk too...
    I think we're all going to have to come to grips with the fact that AO is making some pretty major changes and at some point someone.. somewhere is going to get shafted.

    I mean, the change to the superior icy shoulderpad shafts me on 3 toons.. that's a lot of time farming shoulders and pads that I'll likely have to repeat. We're going to lose our outdoor cities that some paid billions in creds for. No plan that Funcom comes up with will fairly compensate people for what they paid.

    And yeah, as someone with a trader.. I felt that selling those portable GMS terminals was basically selling one of the unique qualities/bonuses of a trader. Now that funcom has taken away the Trader's special ability and the new GMS is more flexible.. they might as well just give it to everyone.
    You can find me at:
    Battlenet @ Marilata#1680
    Steam @

  6. #6

    Allow us to book mark some items and so we could check them fast if there is anything new around...
    Ekarona 220/30 Female Solitus Engineer, long term member of Northern Star and proper "poor" gimp.
    Ekaslave 220/low Female Solitus Trader, FLAT(TM) pricing TS, almost all can do!
    Ekaros almost there/almost there too Male Solitus Martial-Artist.
    Ekadv gimp/gimp Female Opifex Adventurer

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Traderjill View Post
    And yeah, as someone with a trader.. I felt that selling those portable GMS terminals was basically selling one of the unique qualities/bonuses of a trader. Now that funcom has taken away the Trader's special ability and the new GMS is more flexible.. they might as well just give it to everyone.
    That's how MPs felt with those freaking backpacks from the anniversary or whatever they were from. At least, it's how I felt.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Traderjill View Post

    - 5% Sales tax + 1% Creation Fee: So 6% tax total to sell an item. That's rather steep especially coming from an org environment that has a 1% sales tax.


    - Where is the sales tax money going? Is any of that going back to the org (if the player is in an org) or is it just a credit sink? Is the 1% creation fee lost if the item does not sell or do you get that back?

    - Is the whole 'Org Only' option that we had in the AI city playershops gone with nothing to replace it? I couldn't find anything that would allow me to open a market posting for only my org. Can you make a modified version of this market just for org items that have no timeout limit.

    Nice write-up Jill ... I will have to try the new market system out on test.

    Did you try the 'Buy Orders' ... do they have a similar 5% and/or 1% tax like the Sell Orders?

    I would also like to know where these taxes are going ... we were only charging a 1% commission for our market also. If these taxes are not going to the org (if the player is in an org), then I expect the rent for the replacement / instanced cities to be much much lower than they are now.

    I am not sure the new system is worth 1% plus 5% if it takes so many steps to place a sell order, for it to last only 7 days ... especially if we are charged more fees to renew the sell order.


  9. #9
    does new gms allow to sell unique items?

    why exactly do we have so many steps to sell?

    last but not least, if we are using custom gui, the mail terminal crashes the AO client.
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  10. #10
    Have u wondered what will happend to Org incomes? For example we got 2% tax on org shop sales and that more than covers the monthly rent for the city. Where will that money come from in the future if the new GMS system just taxes prices like Mail does atm??
    I divided by zero.

  11. #11
    Excellent feedback Jill. I will try to get on test to see everything myself. This will truly be gamebreaking in a good way.

  12. #12

    Funcom employee

    Quote Originally Posted by Traderjill View Post
    For clarity, I highlighted in red the steps that I felt to be redundant.. they added no value to the process that I could see except for me to have to click yet another button to move forward to the point where I could sell an item. Maybe there is some legitimate reason for them being there.. if so I have no idea what it could be. As it didn't seem of value in any of the transactions I did.
    "8. In the pop-up window, click on Advanced"

    This window will show the best matching buy order, if any. If you want to just get rid of something quickly, and there is a buy order, you do not have to go further than this.

  13. #13

    this whole new market system seems errily similar to eve's

    just sayin

  14. #14
    How about an answer to where the 5% sales tax goes?
    And why players that are part of an org that owns a city should pay a 1% fee ... this should be waived if player's org owns & pays rent on a player city.

    One or both of these fees should go to the org if the player is in an org ... even if they don't own a city.


  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Macrosun View Post
    "8. In the pop-up window, click on Advanced"

    This window will show the best matching buy order, if any. If you want to just get rid of something quickly, and there is a buy order, you do not have to go further than this.
    So .... 8 steps to sell an item is OK? It is only 2 steps now ...


  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Kinnikinnick View Post
    So .... 8 steps to sell an item is OK? It is only 2 steps now ...

    2 steps atm ? how do you do this in 2 clicks ?
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  17. #17
    More importantly...are the 2 clicks done before or after you spend five minutes struggling with AI shop door.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by IHaveHugeNick View Post
    More importantly...are the 2 clicks done before or after you spend five minutes struggling with AI shop door.
    Pffft, shop doors are easy, real men enter HQ doors.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Macrosun View Post
    "8. In the pop-up window, click on Advanced"

    This window will show the best matching buy order, if any. If you want to just get rid of something quickly, and there is a buy order, you do not have to go further than this.
    Ok.. makes complete sense and sounds like a convenience option I'm going to have to test it out in a bit and see it in action.
    You can find me at:
    Battlenet @ Marilata#1680
    Steam @

  20. #20
    The whole thing is needlessly complicated compared to the old GMS/player shop interfaces.

    There should at least be a SEARCH BOX right on the first page, and please make it so we don't have to keep clicking through menus to get the advanced filtering options since that's what most people are going to be using 99% the time (IE: Not looking for any single item in particular, but rather some type of them).

    I also completely fail to understand the reasoning behind being able to add items right through the GMS terminal, but to retrieve something even from your own shop it has to be mailed...wut? If this is a failing of the system being brower-based, then I seriously wish that choice be reconsidered.
    To be brutally honest, the only thing that really needed to be done to the GMS window is the addition of 2 buttons: Buy This Item (which then would make sense if it was mailed to you) and Open My Shop.

    PS. Also, since this is a all-out replacement, not just an added optional convenience, NO NEW TAXES. That's just not nice.
    Last edited by MajorOutage; May 10th, 2012 at 21:15:17.
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