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Thread: NSD Change

  1. #1

    NSD Change

    Does this mean that we'll see UBT and Drains on a lower duration as well? Don't mind the lockout, you can leave that out for all that I care, as it is now it's just so retardedly idiotic that someone should be debuffed for 2-3 minutes at the push of one button. You know it, we know it. What are you waiting for?

    Just give them proper durations, with this MP change you are proving that you can do it. So DO it and don't give us any excuses!
    General of Horizon. Member of Unity. Frequent visitor of Free Spirits and The Last Element.

    Nave [ 220 Solitus Fixer ] Qien [ 220 Solitus Engineer ] Navezero [ 200 Solitus Soldier ]
    [ 150 Opifex Agent ] Midriff [ 60 Atrox Soldier ] Lowriff [ 30 Atrox Keeper ]

    Also: Giant horde of alts.

  2. #2
    Can I "borrow" your thread to add things like snares that last a ridiculously long time too? Those could do with a reduction in duration as well.

    This one for example is overkill. And that's coming from someone who has a fixer.

  3. #3
    aye. good call.

    debuffs on CD's.

    imo though, some debuffs need to put a CD on the target, not on the caster. (not that it really matters), but I can see the QQ if UBT goes down to a 60s duration with a lockout of 90s or something.

    Ideally, if it puts a lockout on the target it means you could spam it, but couldn't refresh it before the end of the lockout.

  4. #4
    Thread moved. I can assume that nothing will be done about these until the rebalance then. I'm sorry but, for such a large company you guys sure don't understand balance well. I'm disappointed.
    General of Horizon. Member of Unity. Frequent visitor of Free Spirits and The Last Element.

    Nave [ 220 Solitus Fixer ] Qien [ 220 Solitus Engineer ] Navezero [ 200 Solitus Soldier ]
    [ 150 Opifex Agent ] Midriff [ 60 Atrox Soldier ] Lowriff [ 30 Atrox Keeper ]

    Also: Giant horde of alts.

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