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Thread: Kizzermoles

  1. #1


    So you nerfed pretty much everything else and still left kizzermoles alone, where's the TL3 lock or decreased damage from those? You even gave access to them earlier by giving out sharp object buffs to certain professions. I do a lot of low level PvP, I like low level PvP but the only two possible defenses against Kizzermoles has pretty much gone away, unless you're a MP or GA fixer.

    You changed the level for Wit of the Atrox to TL7 and you started giving out SO buffs to some professions, meaning that incomp will also be unable to stop it at certain levels soon.
    Kizzermoles has been here for a long time, they have always been stupid but people have learned to accept it and some has been able to get defenses for it, but the more buffs and nerfs of this kind we see will just help ruin the level ranges that was still fun to experiment in.

    Kizzermoles are not balanced, has never been balanced and now that there's actually balance in the air. Fix these as well.
    General of Horizon. Member of Unity. Frequent visitor of Free Spirits and The Last Element.

    Nave [ 220 Solitus Fixer ] Qien [ 220 Solitus Engineer ] Navezero [ 200 Solitus Soldier ]
    [ 150 Opifex Agent ] Midriff [ 60 Atrox Soldier ] Lowriff [ 30 Atrox Keeper ]

    Also: Giant horde of alts.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    I concur, good sir. Give it at least a TL 3 lock ffs.

  4. #4
    Signed. Every serious pvp twink that can get them on will, lvl 30 is most of the time gumboils or bust. However, I would like more of a gradient in special actions that you can use. Adding in or revamping some of the old Bow special attack/Grenades/Sharp objects would add options to this level range for alphas, but not be an auto-include by doing such insane damage as gumboils do right now.

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