Should note this.

Doctors are still pretty easy to grind. However, you won't find many teams as a doctor till you hit 200+ and won't see end game content till at least 218. End game content for a doc can be a bit easier or cheaper to acquire. Also note, a 220 doctor with BI can still solo the shiz out of stuff. Just takes forever.

Shade is still very strong. Shade has awesome self sustain and can solo a lot of end game dynas. Farming lower level spirits can still be a it awful.

Engineer still has awesome damage and some end game viability. Decisions need to be made about how you want you end game engi. TS vs DD or a mix of both. Your final setup will depend on this a lot. TS engies can get very expensive. Engies also have limited solo ability.

Adv's are still a fun class to play. They have some very strong heals and in a pinch can be a mini doc. Adv's are notoriously expensive.

Traders, we always need more end game. Sadly traders have a very strong learning curve. Hard to find good end game traders.

Bureaucrats are still a very viable end game profession. Crats can still solo a lot of end game content. Downside is that crats can easily break the bank and they have a very harsh learning curve. The tend to be more IP deficient than most other prof's.

Keepers are an interesting prof. They do good damage, they have some good passive heals, and geared right they can solo a lot of stuff. Hell I have even seen keepers do some decent tanking. The downside, keepers lack the luster of other profs.

Enforcers are sometimes over looked. Enforcers can do good damage and have a great deal of sustain, especially in pvp. Gearing enfo's can be a pain in the arse and their end game solo ability is week.

Soldiers can be very very strong if played proper end game. Soldiers make great tanks. With flects, TMS/AMS, and perk heals they have huge sustain. Sadly their end game solo ability is a bit lacking.