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Thread: Nano "Pedestrian" - remove vehicle buffs

  1. #1

    Nano "Pedestrian" - remove vehicle buffs

    I think someone else already suggested something like this, but can't find the thread:

    Nano Crystal "Pedestrian":

    No Reqs.
    On Self only
    Nanoline Vehicles
    Stacking order 999
    Duration 0.1s

    This will remove all the castable flying vehicles nanos so you don't have to scan the NCU window for it and cancel the wrong nano on aura refreshs anymore...
    Unluckily the castable vehicle ground nanos are not grouped in a nano line yet so they can not be handled the same way... Maybe add 1 dmg on self to use the 100% chance of break of those nanos?

  2. #2
    It'd be nice but unfortunately part of the problem is that the vehicle morph buff deliberately disables casting all nanos, which is why the advy Return To Form nano can't get you out of Parrot.

    They'd need to code in some sort of exception for a new unmorph nano line, then add Return To Form and Pedestrian to it - which actually sounds good to me but might cause headaches in the AO voodoo spaghetti code.

    Anyway WTB if possible.

    Ophiuchus : 220/30/80 HAHA etc
    :: 220/30/80 Melee 4lyfe
    Khurkh :: 220/30/80 healtankpew
    : 210/26/60 nanostab
    Spidershiva :: 165/23/42 kite? eh?
    : 150/20/42 tankthink
    The Union

  3. #3
    Doh did not consider that.
    I think you can still use items (like first aid kits) in vehicles though - so may be implement it as a on-use action on a "Vehicle disabler" item.

  4. #4
    Just create a 1 credit item you can use to remove yourself from vehicles.
    Or alternatively, create a new Action item that's there from level 1.

    220s "Wakizaka", "Sneakygank", "Wakimango", "Wakisolja", "Tardersauce", "Bushwaki", "Midgetgank", "Bugfixxx", "Ramsbottom", "Paskadoc"
    200s Chrisd, Malema, Delbaeth
    TL5s Youfail, Bugfixx, Riothamus, Johndee

    Proud President of Haven | TL5 PvP

  5. #5
    Or change your ncu window to sort Remaining and NOT Ascending and then the pulsing nano's that get in the way of canceling your vehicle will all be at the end.


  6. #6
    bump, I think the ncu window needs redesign.

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