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Thread: Why perfs not on server side like WOW ? making bars etc is boring

  1. #1

    Question Why perfs not on server side like WOW ? making bars etc is boring

    First you took Prefs folder from Anarachy Online folder and moved it to appdata at "C" just hidden there for unknown reasons

    and now it get buggy to move old prefs and make it work every time you reinstall windows

    and I'm just wondering why prefs isn't on server side like every other game ? it's very hard to make new perks,nanos,bars,chat, specials and key bindings now to every toon you play specially at 220

    most of players don't know how to move prefs folder and it get buggy and it's frustrating to redo bars,perks etc every time for every toon you have

    just make prefs saved on server side like every other game and you will make all of AO players super happy ^.^

    Last edited by Lordaegis; Jun 11th, 2016 at 12:05:28.

  2. #2
    Server sided prefs would be useful, getting rid of a strange problem that i've gotten a few times where a game crash it wipes your prefs clean.
    It's no fun when that happens.
    Don't you just hate this kind of ppl

  3. #3
    prefs or perfs
    likes make it a perks on server side storage!
    "Don't think...feel, it's like a finger pointing towards the moon"

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