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Thread: Any low level static dungeons?

  1. #1

    Any low level static dungeons?

    Anyone know what the lowest level static dungeon is? The only one I know of is at the end of TLR - that's what, level 40 min?

    Is there any lower level ones -- like level 20-40ish?

  2. #2
    The lowest level story dungeon is the Steps of Madness, think Funcom claims 30-50 for that one.

    There are some low level static dungeons in cities located behind various doors, as well as in other locations outside of cities. Just try various doors.

  3. #3
    /engage n00b mode
    where is steps of madness?
    /end n00b mode
    Fatal Halcyon
    No guild, no longer playing until (if ever) things change for the good.

  4. #4
    I haven't found any "real" dungeons behind doors in cities and other outpost places (like Versailles Tower); they've got stuff indoors, but nothing there. Just scenery. Do you know of anything in particular?
    Obligatory character links:
    Cyrboc, Jobian cyborg on lease to OmniPol (R-K 1)
    Evely, aqua knight! (R-K 2)

  5. #5
    I think there's a couple in Harry's, near the ferry. I walked in one place and got shot.

  6. #6


    Due to the changes made to missions a few patches back, at the time I no longer got any missions to Varmint Woods. Everything was in Clon**** or Stret East.

    On my way to my mission in Clon****, I found a static mission. I was in my mid/upper 40's at the time and the monsters were mainly green with some grays.

    The area around this mission is by no means lvl 40's though. I don't have coords, but the mission was in a small shack at the bottom of a high cliff. There were deep red Ancient and Old Gargantulas all over the place in the small valley there. From what I remember, nothing green around there just the brown rocks and the monsters.

    Just keep your overhead map open and when you see a white x on the map that you know is not your mission, check it out. That is how I stumbled across this static mission.


  7. #7
    Kramer, Steps of Madness is in Omni Forest, north of the main road leading to Pleasant Meadows. I'm not too sure of the co-ordinates, something like 2000x800, or is it 800x2000? Something like that lol

  8. #8
    800x2800 in Omni Forest...but don't go don't stand a chance until you are over 50
    Fleh the man-eating lvl 171 sabretooth...oh no wait, that would be PvP wouldn't it...nm then

  9. #9


    There is a nubi static dungeon outside tir west gate, in the tower.

    but its just for chars under lvl 8....


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