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Thread: Vortexx Immunity

  1. #1

    Vortexx Immunity

    Add some way to verify if your character has immunity. I don't wanna go in and wipe my team cause of uncertainty.
    Jihnna 220/30/80 Shade

  2. #2
    would be nice.

    would have been handy last week when i was doing neretva.luckily i had every crystal but green lying around on hand. some distinction in the future would be lovely.

  3. #3
    slighty off-topic, but the whole immunity-thing as an implementation is a bit silly. My idea would be that maybe the crystals should not despawn on use and that the spirits spawn randomly during the first HP-bar of the boss.

    anyway, bump4u
    Disclaimer: My posts should not be read by anyone.

  4. #4
    its been added to the suggestion summary.
    Garden keys can be bought from the key locked garden vendor in case you have deleted your key.

  5. #5
    I never really understood why there isn't a tab that keeps track of all quest completions and the like - could be similar to the research screen, but really would be a nice addition.
    The continued search for an ideal community possessing a perfect socio-politico-legal system.

    “ The first thing a child should learn is how to endure. It is what he will have most need to know. ” — Jean-Jacques Rousseau

  6. #6
    Fixed in 18.6.2 ("Spirit of Judgement" NPC added outside Vortexx-instance will tell you something that indicates if you're immune or not.)
    Jihnna 220/30/80 Shade

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