Here's this week's update on the issues the Professionals brought up. The list includes the top concerns, and a few others.

Multi-wield system revamp
(Primarily concerning multi-wielding pistols.)

There are no plans to revamp the multi-wield system. However, we do have several new pistols planned, with ‘nicer’ multi-wield requirements and better ‘punch’, some meant as dedicated off-hand pistols. No definite ETA for this yet, but I wouldn’t think it’s too far off, considering some of the guns are almost finished.

High level mobs resistance/immunity to Trader drains

Some adjustments to the Nano Resistance of very high level mobs are being done in 14.7.8. In the patch notes we mention NTs, but this will of course benefit all professions using offensive nano programs. Some mobs will continue to be totally immune, as a special ability, but these will be in minority.

That said, future adjustments to the Nano Resistance on very high level mobs might happen, but remember that we must keep future character improvements (e.g. better attack ratings) in mind, with regards to both patches and e.g. Shadowlands.

Crowd control limitations in PvE
(Especially Bureaucrats being concerned about crowd control having little use against very high level mobs/bosses.)

Crowd control, like roots and snares, are affected by the Nano Resistance adjustments in 14.7.8. Immunities will still occur though, among the boss mobs, but will be in minority. We will rather give a boss high Nano Resist than total immunity, but it is very unlikely that you will be allowed to charm a boss ever.

Healing range in PvP
(Doctors - but also others - being concerned that a level 150 has a wider level range of tergets for heals then a level 200, in land control battles, due to the new buff / heal limitations.)

The level range of healing and buffing in land control battles follows the PvP level rules; if you can attack somebody of a given level, you can heal and buff somebody of the same level. We are not looking into changing this.

The free-for-all PvP range above level 150 is adding levels of people you can heal and buff, compared to the standard PvP range, not removing levels.

When’s the NT patch?
I’m sorry, but the NT upgrade is not getting into 14.8. I can’t promise anything for a specific patch later either, even though we're eager to get it in ourselves, as we’re not entirely sure when we will have time to do some needed code for the new nano programs. Doing any changes before we have that ready is not viable. I’ll let you know when we have an update on the code and new programs.

Leet draining (Trader ransack and deprive programs)
We’re not going to stop ransacks and deprives from affecting lower level creatures. (Answered to cover the little hole in the "no Trader nerfs" answer from last week. )


That's it for this week. A small extra comment might trail behind later this week, if something comes up.