A few more answers to issues brought up by the Professionals.

Bug with attack / recharge bars locking up and not going away
We have a coder taking a good look at this right now, suspecting it's connected to the synchronization of the bars between server an client done a while back. While this may not be the main reason, it seems to have amplified the problem.

Basically, the su****ion is that the client misses the "recharging" messages, and thus leaves the bar standing at full length. When it then gets told "attacking", it adds a new attack bar. When using nanos the client might even deny you the possibility to execute it, as it still believes the recharge to be running, and thus sometimes do not inform the server of the execution.

I hope to see some update on the bug task soon.

Level% component in mobs' Nano Resist score
This was added a while back to prevent people from using low level programs against high level mobs with much success. We are continously evaluating how much this affects those using nano programs closer to the intended level against mobs, but have no plans on adjusting the numbers at this time.

The level% component work so that the target's level counts a lot more against a low level nano program than a high level one, meaning e.g. a low level root stands virtually no chance against a high level mob, regardless of the character's level. A high level root used by the same character stands a much better chance.

High level damage buffs
There are no plans on increasing the bonus on nano programs boosting damage, on any levels. Basically, changes to existing nanos are very unlikely to happen, unless we're talking bugs, especially not before Shadowlands. New nano programs will arrive with Shadowlands, and better damage buffs might be part of that, though I've seen no direct indication of that yet.

Total Mirror Shield adjustments
As said above, nano program adjustments are unlikely to happen for a while, and a tweak to the TMS is thus not planned.

Agents' access to new items and nano programs
In the future (Shadowlands and patches) we aim to add more profession specific items and nano programs that further each profession's role. Due to this, Agents are thus more likely to gain more specialized items of their own, than gain access to many new items for other professions.

MA in PvP
No further update on this just yet. But I can tell you the intention is to give the old critical chances back to MAs only, not everybody.

Adjusting the MPs’ Evocation nano programs
Extended duration on these nano programs has been suggested. We are no strangers to adjust this somewhat, though will not put them close to the suggestions of many minutes. This is not considered a high priority issue at this time though, so don’t expect anything just yet.

Agents as snipers in PvP
The Agent role as snipers is greatly reduced in PvP, to allow for longer battles. There are no plans on increasing their ability to dish out huge amounts of damage in single shots in PvP. The sniper role is better portrayed in PvM, and we will continue to build on that.