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Thread: Lopwrath - Omni Scheme (Chapter 3)

  1. #1

    Post Lopwrath - Omni Scheme (Chapter 3)

    Click here to read the first chapter of Lopwrath

    Click here to read the second chapter of Lopwrath

    Current Day
    Omni-Tech HQ Press Conference

    Phillip Ross let out a small smirk as the journalists poured into the large room, briskly trying to grab the nearest chair available to them. They all sounded excited - Omni-Tech hadn't had such a large press conference in many years so something important had to be going on.

    Ross was in front of everyone on the stage, about 7 strong lights flooding the area with brightness. As he waited for them all to pile into the room all he could do was smile. A strange smile.

    A large booming voice came thumping through the loudspeakers placed cleverly around the room, causing half the people in there to jump in fright

    "Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. Mr Ross is about to start"

    As everyone scrambled to find a seat, Mr Ross confidently walked up to the stand on the stage, arranged his notes and stared out into the sea of journalists. With a couple of quick small cough's he began.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you all for coming here today. Allow me to be frank. Rubi-Ka is quickly growing in population, and its resources are slowly being used up. Therefore I have allowed the re-opening of the collapsed mine outside of Rome."

    The room quickly exploded into a mixture of gasps and murmers. Surely he couldn't be serious?

    "Mr Ross," A small Nanomage stood up and addressed the smiling man stood at the front, "Surely you can't be serious? Opening that mine will cause great anger amongst the clanners, as the collapse of that very mine is the cause of their defection!"

    "The Clanners will not do anything more than what they are doing at the moment. Re-opening this mine will probably enrage them more, yet the war is already raging at its highest peak, I fail to see how more damage could be done than what is being done right now."

    "What about the ICC? What have they said about this?"

    "It is beyond the ICC's powers to interfere with this. I have already checked that up."

    "Surely that mine is dangerous? Hundreds of people were trapped alive in there, why would you re-open it?"

    "Yes, the mine was dangerous. A long time ago. We are smarter now, such an inconvenience of Omni-Tech being killed will no longer happen."

    The crowd sat there, scratching their heads. Mr Ross was so confident, they just couldn't think of a single thing to ask him. After a few seconds of silence, Ross knew he had to say something.

    "No doubt you are all wondering when this will happen. It is my godd fortune to say that a team of highly skilled Omni-Tech employees are preparing an explosive device near the entrance of the cave as we speak." Ross knew they were stunned. Ross knew what he was doing.

    Outside the collapsed mine

    "Ok guys. I want you all at least 40 metres clear of the explosive, this is going to make some nice fireworks" Dirl commanded his squadron with pride as they did their work. They were good boys, all 4 of them. He turned around so his back was facing the explosive, and breathed in deeply. It was a beautiful day on Rubi-Ka, both suns shone brightly, causing the sand to glisten many different colours. But why did he have to open this mine? He was given the order by his superior to blow it open, yet he wasn't told why.

    "You guys all clear? Yes? Good. Get your heads down guys!"
    Dirl took the small beeping device out of his pocket and firmly pressed the dark red button in the center. It took about 20 seconds for all the debris to stop falling.

    "Ok guys keep behind me, lets go and try to find the electricity supply, see if we can get the lights up and running again. Hurt, send a message to HQ. Tell them we are in"

    Omni-Tech HQ

    "Great speech out there Mr Ross, sir! You really had them eating out of the palm of your hand!"

    "Yes, this new mine should greatly increase our income." Ross took a deep heavy breath and collapsed onto a near-by sofa. Just as he was about to enjoy a quick snooze, a small solitus came sprinting into the office, panting with exhaustion.

    "Sir... Sir... I have.... a recording... 564 explosive squadron..." Ross snatched the data stick from the tired solitus' hand and slotted it into a near-by computer. It started playing the feedback, although a bit distorted.

    "We are in the cave looking for the elec--- put the lights on, not---it is. There are 5 skele--- first room, one atrox and 4 solitus. ---Notum cart--- Hear something coming from--- Good God! There is som--- attacking us--- monster!--- away!--- guys run! It--- Lopwrath?!?!...................................... ........"

    The recording ended in static, little more being able to be heared apart from the occasional groan and crunch. Ross slowly stood up, his eyes wide in bewilderment.

    "My god sir, what have we done?" His assistant hardly able to speak.

    Phillip Ross said nothing. He just smiled.

    Click here to read chapter five of Lopwrath


    Well, here it is, the 3rd part of hopefully a long running series of Lopwrath. I know it isn't as long as the other two chapters, but I hope it brigns across the right impression with how the main plot is. Please post any comments, I read every single one and gloat about every single one lol

    Click here to read chapter 4
    Last edited by Halouk; May 24th, 2003 at 01:14:39.
    Halouk - 205 Atrox Eng RK2
    Goodbye AO. I'll miss ya.
    Guide to Engineers in Society.

    Dear Diary...
    Eng lft Part 2
    Yes I'm biased.

    <<Bye everyone>>

  2. #2
    Well its been on for 24 hours and 9 view - woop de bloody do!

    Halouk - 205 Atrox Eng RK2
    Goodbye AO. I'll miss ya.
    Guide to Engineers in Society.

    Dear Diary...
    Eng lft Part 2
    Yes I'm biased.

    <<Bye everyone>>

  3. #3

    Much needed bump

    Much needed bump here = posted for 5 days now and 40 views - I know I can do better than that
    Halouk - 205 Atrox Eng RK2
    Goodbye AO. I'll miss ya.
    Guide to Engineers in Society.

    Dear Diary...
    Eng lft Part 2
    Yes I'm biased.

    <<Bye everyone>>

  4. #4

    Creepy monsters in long abandoned mines? Yup the appeals to my B-Movie sensibilities. Please, continue with the story while I go grab a bag of popcorn and dim the lights.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  5. #5


    Will do Savoy, just as soon as I get some spare time
    Halouk - 205 Atrox Eng RK2
    Goodbye AO. I'll miss ya.
    Guide to Engineers in Society.

    Dear Diary...
    Eng lft Part 2
    Yes I'm biased.

    <<Bye everyone>>

  6. #6


    I loved it, it gave a nice insight to Omni.
    I hope that one of the soon-to-be Clan heroes(there's bound to be one) will have a face off with that head of Omni or something

  7. #7
    No comment
    Halouk - 205 Atrox Eng RK2
    Goodbye AO. I'll miss ya.
    Guide to Engineers in Society.

    Dear Diary...
    Eng lft Part 2
    Yes I'm biased.

    <<Bye everyone>>

  8. #8

    Thumbs up

    Looking forward to the next installment

    "Phillip Ross said nothing. He just smiled." Wondering where your going with that btw ;p

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Ognom
    Looking forward to the next installment

    "Phillip Ross said nothing. He just smiled." Wondering where your going with that btw ;p
    Gotta love cliffhangers eh?
    Halouk - 205 Atrox Eng RK2
    Goodbye AO. I'll miss ya.
    Guide to Engineers in Society.

    Dear Diary...
    Eng lft Part 2
    Yes I'm biased.

    <<Bye everyone>>

  10. #10
    Bumping to first page - I will perhaps write the 4th chapter tonight...
    Halouk - 205 Atrox Eng RK2
    Goodbye AO. I'll miss ya.
    Guide to Engineers in Society.

    Dear Diary...
    Eng lft Part 2
    Yes I'm biased.

    <<Bye everyone>>

  11. #11

  12. #12
    damn don't bump we'll bump ya! get back on that typewriter!



  13. #13
    Lol Ognom, will do tonight probably


    Halouk - 205 Atrox Eng RK2
    Goodbye AO. I'll miss ya.
    Guide to Engineers in Society.

    Dear Diary...
    Eng lft Part 2
    Yes I'm biased.

    <<Bye everyone>>

  14. #14

    Thumbs up

    Great work once again!

    I like fact that you are leaving lots of cliffhangers in; not only with the main idea behind Lopwrath.

    Keep up the good work and get to writing another one!

  15. #15
    I will probably (hopefully) write the next chapter later tonight, depends if my writers block goes away and if anything interesting is going on on Rubi-Ka
    Halouk - 205 Atrox Eng RK2
    Goodbye AO. I'll miss ya.
    Guide to Engineers in Society.

    Dear Diary...
    Eng lft Part 2
    Yes I'm biased.

    <<Bye everyone>>

  16. #16
    Part 4 written - bumping
    Halouk - 205 Atrox Eng RK2
    Goodbye AO. I'll miss ya.
    Guide to Engineers in Society.

    Dear Diary...
    Eng lft Part 2
    Yes I'm biased.

    <<Bye everyone>>

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