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Thread: Eyewitness account: Riots at the Bronto Burger

  1. #1

    Eyewitness account: Riots at the Bronto Burger

    It is known that sometime the other day the global communications network went down. I Don Matusz (dashing rakish rogue of a fellow) was privy to some of the greatest riots ever to hit Omni 1. With the network down rabblerousers took the opportunity to begin looting and attacking omni tek guards at the bronto burger. I tell ya people, it was a war zone! The smell of blood in the air, guards falling to the assembled angry mass, plasma burns, fires, burning flesh. Much blood was spilt at the burger stand this day. I say we never forget this example, of what could happen when nobody is watching. ((OOC- when the chat server went down people lost it, I thought it was pretty funny, people were fighting the guards all out for some time, looked like a warzone))
    Atlantean Soldier.

    Director of Obsoleet (@.@)/'

  2. #2
    The only problem is that everyone was watching . That poor Bronto Burger girl gets harassed every single day...

  3. #3
    This episode needs to be investigated thoroughly. I would not be surprised to discover that Decadence (Chimera of old) engineered the riots to further undermine Ross's authority. But that is of course just speculation and until a proper investigation is conducted, it will remain just that.

    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  4. #4
    Yarr Harr...

    I took the opportunity to sneak into Omni-Ent and contest ownership over the Mongol Meat stand. With the all ensuing chaos after the comm-net broke down I went to seize some business assets in the hopes of acquiring some protection money.
    I quickly disposed of the lone vendor, who nevertheless wouldn't relent the shop to me. After jumping at me, trying to gouge out my eyeballs with a pair of chopsticks, I had no choice but to burn a number of holes onto him with my lasers.

    After dragging his corpse out of sight behind the mongol meat stand, I sqiftly took up shop. Just too bad that this weasly vendor kept his insurance up to date. A mere five minutes he came back and tried to wrest his stupid booth from me again. So I had to show him again that the Vendor stand was mine now...

    After the 6th time, I got a bit bored by that man harassing me every five minutes. Suicidal Mongol Meat Vendors didn't figure in my business plan, so I just grabbed the cash register and fought my way back to the grid access terminal... what mayhem...


  5. #5
    I think this is the first time I've heard a first-person account that so accurately describes the clan populace...and also makes the case for more Omni-Pol officers in Omni-1.

    On a more civilized note...why do you suspect Decadence Savoy? Maybe an errant neut incited the riot? Or maybe subliminal messages that were broadcast by mischievous baby-eating clanners right before the comm system crashed? Maybe it was that evil Sidarion...

  6. #6

    In answer to your question I have been tracking the career of Chimera (now reformed as Decedence) for a long time. Their not so hidden agenda is one of subversion. While the preach loyalty to Omni Tek, these seek to destabalise and over throw it current leadership on Rubi-Ka.

    This in itself is not new. Other organisations like the Sinister Anarchists and The Blackhand have tried this before. However Decedence have proven to be particularly skillfull in manipulating public opinion and as such, if we are not careful, I do believe could pose a serious threat to OTRK.

    A riot in Omni Ent could serve as a perfect excuse for Decadence to stage a coup on the basis that OTRK has lost control. Its not to say they were necessarily behind this specific incident, but it does fit their profile.

    Last edited by Savoy; Aug 11th, 2003 at 23:56:16.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  7. #7
    "While the preach loyalty to Omni Tek, these seek to destabalise and over throw it current leadership on Rubi-Ka.

    This in itself is not new. Other organisations like the Sinister Anarchists and The Blackhand have tried this before."

    This statement is wholly inaccurate. The BlackHand (TBH) has never done anything to destabilize, hinder, or otherwise manipulate the Omni-Tek leadership.

    We are valued and loyal Omni-Tek employees.

    We maintain 4 Land Control Areas in the name of Omni-Tek. We have on numerous occasions provided voluntary assistance to external OT guilds when their towers were attacked.

    In fact, if you had studied our department, you might have learned:

    The BlackHand is a specialist unit within Omni-Internops, with the sole purpose to terminate potentially hazardous targets towards the directives of Omni-Prime.

    The BlackHand Objective: To root out all internal threats to the stability, structure and welfare of the Corporation.

    History: Originally, The BlackHand was a Black-Op reconnaissance unit on Omni-Prime. Observing the mass streams of data being transferred across the intergalactic networks, rooting out any obscurities and providing a 99.3% success rate against data theft. The BlackHand were assigned to Rubi-Ka shortly after the clan insurrection and fall of the city, Omni-2. The BlackHand’s role here on Rubi-Ka is to eliminate clan sympathizers within the company and to ensure that Omni-Prime’s directives are carried out.

    The BlackHand have been awarded countless victories in the past, including but not limited to, the capture of the renegade leader Portman and the demise of the Sons of Ashes.

    The political and sensitive nature of our work prevents us from detailing what it is we do, when, or why. Therefore, we are of course, unwilling to promote or reveal many of our accomplished achievements and directives.

    We are a department which engages in highly sensitive and generally confidential directives; as such we recognize that the Omni-Tek populous may gossip and form purely speculative (and usually incorrect) ideas of who we are and what we do…

    Rest assured, however; we have always been and will remain ever loyal to the ideals, leaders, and employees of Omni-Tek.

    Should you have further questions, comments, or concerns please visit our gridpage at

    Thank you.
    Sundai -Atlantean
    "Cheap Dominatrix" of RK1 (lol!)

  8. #8
    I am sorry Divvinity, but I stand by my claim. In the past year the Blackhand may have mellowed and generally become more mainstream, but they were the original "Cop killer" org back in the early days. Older version of TBH's site clearly stated their subversive objectives. Indeed TBA (the alliance formed around TBH) at one point even went as far as planning a joint strike on Rome with CAS. Those were dark times of Omni-Tek, very dark indeed.

    Now it may be unkind to bring up event after all this time, and I am prepared to belive that TBH has mended its ways, but you can't unwrite history. We all have to live with the consequences of our actions.

    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  9. #9
    We cannot confirm nor deny that said events took place but we will reiterate that:

    The BlackHand (TBH) has never done anything to destabilize, hinder, or otherwise manipulate the Omni-Tek leadership. We have always been and will remain ever loyal to the ideals, leaders, and employees of Omni-Tek.

    Thank you.
    Sundai -Atlantean
    "Cheap Dominatrix" of RK1 (lol!)

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