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Thread: Omni-Tek To Reclaim Rights To Jobe Portal

  1. #41

    In this world there are two types of people, those who are masters and leaders and those who are slaves and sheep.. You all have a choice you chose to be the victim, i PITY you with your richeous notions and ideals.. you are all hypocrits.. you complain about us mining notium yet you insist on mining and using it yourself.. I have no sympathy for you, OT offered you a better life and you chose to be its ENEMY..

    At least OT is what it says it is, no lies no hypocracy we say as we do and do as we say..

    You only live anyway because it suits OT to let you live, where else do we get to test our new R & D in a live field environment.. You are simply OTs tools our labs guinipigs and sport...

  2. #42
    What are you all worrying about? Omni is so infested with corruption that you only need a few credits to sneak past them anyway.

    If they wish to waste manpower throwing their weight around, let them knock themselves out. We'll just backhand them a few credits stolen from the blood-stained pockets of their dead companions and strole right on through.

    Just remember, the bigger an organisation gets, the harder it is for those in the middle to see to the edges as they fray and pick up dirt.

    See you at the bar.
    lvl 160+ Adventurer, RK1

    President of The Gin-Soaked Superstars

  3. #43
    Originally posted by Sallust
    Typical Omni-Tek making for any power grab they can no matter who gets in the way. I hope this shows the "neutrals" just how far neutrality goes with Omni-Tek. Even business involvement can further be made an excuse for them to declare you "their property".

    I advise the Leaders of Jobe and JAME to seek protection from the Clans. Many of us would volunteer to protect and aid your research without just using it as an opportunity to steal power.

    Do not let the power of the Shadowlands fall into the wrong hands!

    Listen carefully those of you who will.
    Nice words, but as history has shown, you sadly cannot speak for the it is reduced to lipservice. So many promises, and yet when the time comes, nothing happens, and we are left on our own once again. Remember, not all neutrals have taken issue, or for that matter have taken up arms against either side, and remain true to the reason Neutrals left in the first place...

    What's more, to imply ownership at all of another person...or group of people...consider the 15th-21st centuries back on earth...I hope we do not go back to that...
    "Ignorance is the greatest evil we will ever face" . -Dr. James Cone, ca 1990 CE

    Available for Weddings, Mediations, Treaties, Celebrations, and Hugs...
    Neutrals come join #neutrality on! Everyone welcome.
    Counseling available by appointment-Priestess Cathryn Ardman
    Cat's Closet

    Favourite Chat Colours: 250 200 250, try it!
    I am an adventurer, of COURSE I like going camping! :P

  4. #44
    Omni is tolerant, and I cannot count the times I go for a drink at the Rompa bar and find it crawling with clanners. or neuts walking free, free mind you, in the streets. I know far too many neutral individuals that have been slain mercilessly by your hypocritical Sentinal leaders. We may be slighty greedy, but we dont slaughter the innocent, only the enemy.

  5. #45
    Charging is actually bad for Omni-Tek, as charging people just...

    1) annoys people

    2) limits free movement of trade

    3) really annoys people

    You know, if this goes through all thats going to happen is for similar schemes to pop up all over Rubi-ka and we'll all be getting taxed to Jobe and back.
    Major "Nyadach" Prabel
    Neutral and proud of it!

  6. #46
    Reading the editorials after all the, well, pooh, hit the fan, she comes across,
    It has come to our attention that many members of the Omni-Tek corp use the letter "m" freqently, including many high officials. In order to protect the letter "m" from misuse, we will be forced to claim the rights for this letter. Anyone who makes illigal use of "m"tm will be forced to pay a fine and will risk inprisionment.
    She bursts into a fit of laughter, knocking over her java and soaking her robe, "dammit, that was worth it."
    ~Danyx Jayde~

  7. #47
    the clans seem to not relize that that funding Omni-tek gave JAME allowed the portal to be created, without Omni-tek support the shadowlands would be unreachable. Omni-tek is now utilizing what they have created.

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