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Thread: Mission blitzing a viable alternative?

  1. #1

    Question Mission blitzing a viable alternative?

    I logged in last night to find many bugs (vehicle not unequipping forcing a relog, UGLY chat colors) however, the biggest nuisance I found was that you can no longer finish missions if aggroed. I seem to remember in the forum earlier that funcom viewed mission blitzing as a "viable" strategy. As a fixer, this is my main source of income as I find missions VERY boring. I also can not finish missions due to the nerfedness of the fixer class. The only redeeming quality we had was that we could mission blitz with the best of them. Funcom has obviously noted the struggle we have as a fixer thanks to the top 10 list that is now deleted. If you're concerned with our class, why did you make it impossible to do the one thing that we're good at? RUNNING. I haven't seen the new nanos and frankly I don't even care about them as I have a high su****ion that they're going to be useless especially if they all use matter creation (our 6th!!! dark blue nano skill). Please fix this mission problem because apparently there is NO communication whatsoever between people who test anarchy online.. and those who code it, otherwise this would never have gotten through.

    And for god's sake put the chat colors back to what they were.. OR let us choose the colors we want.

    Mingus2 49 Fixer on RK1

  2. #2
    I saw posted earlier that blitzing for money was accepted by Funcom as a viable way of getting money (hell it is the only way to get any actually). And now the politics just suddenly changed?

    I would like to see some kind of discussion/explanation on this issue.

    If this isn't supposed to be a viable source of money in the future you need to:

    1) fix all the broken tradeskills
    2) make it possible to make a QL59 moscular stim NOT costing 400k in material. Or even let the material be available. Currently it is as good as impossible to make nano formulars.

    As it is now nano programming is the only working tradeskill. The others may be implemented, but is no source for money as material is too expensive or not available. And as nano programming is the only working a LOT of people added nano programming skills dumping the marketprice dramatic.

    As it is now tradeskills is not a viable way to get money. So my question is: "What is a the way to get money then?" By loot? *laugh*

    Let me hear.

  3. #3

    look at blitz definition in a dictionary :)

    If you look at blitz in a dictionary, it's referring to a blitzkrieg which is "A swift, sudden military offensive, usually by combined air and mobile land forces.
    " (leeched off )

    Now tell me this.. how is sneaking through a mission without being detected a "sudden military offensive"?

    When they said mission blitzing is viable... many fixers and others have always thought mission blitzing is run buffing yourself with a heal over time and grabbing the objective. And besides that, I've heard MANY agents complain that they now can't even sneak through missions. Basically, it looks like funcom has pigeonholed us into fighting which imo is stupid because then EVERYONE gets a token. Personally I think someone screwed up programming and doesn't want to admit it.. just like many other bugs that pop up that SHOULD NOT pop up.. (ie take it easy bug from 12.6 and also the invulnerable mobs in 12.6). I was at the meeting with fadinaway in tir and I don't remember hearing a "we're sorry".

    Flame away


  4. #4

    Thumbs down

    Well if sneaking is supposed to be the alternitave it would be nice if they unnerfed sneaking from the ealier total NERF of it!!

    I play a Meta and an agent, my meta is workign nice aside from 1/2 my missions dont give rewards, missions are all in stret east or PM either one is DEATH!!

    My agent cant sneak at all since the conceal nerf, funcom nerfs quickly then forgets to fix
    oh well guess Ill go do something else for 2 weeks until this all gets fixed up

  5. #5
    I have no problem with the nerf of the concealment, because I dont use it.

    No, seriously I think it has been a mistake from the start that some people could do missions with no risk at all by sneaking them. And I am glad they fixed it, but I am sorry that some people wasted IPs on that. :/

    By blitzing missions I think of running through with all the NPCs after you trying to outrun them without getting killed. You need a lot of luck and some blitz-tactics But you can do it...

  6. #6
    I think that was in reference to the 12.8 patch.

    General Balance Changes:

    A shift of focus on Missions, and how you earn Experience Points from them:

    As you all know, when we originally reduced the power of concealment (sneaking) in missions, it was only a temporary solution until we came up with a permanent fix to what was a flaw in our mission design. This, coupled with the fact that the feedback we’d gotten from Guild Leaders across Rubi-Ka, echoed our own thoughts that missions had become too easy (and thus a bit boring). This led us to a brainstorming session, which produced the following outcome. Here is what we’ve come up with as that fix:

    Experience Points rewarded for missions have been changed from "completing the assignment" to "completing the assignment well." What this means is that you’ll only earn the EXP if you earn a mission token for completing the mission well.

    To counter the "randomness" that mission tokens once had, you can now basically "guarantee" yourself a mission token (as well as the accompanying EXP) by killing all the hostile monsters within the mission. (i.e. If you kill 100% of the monsters in a mission and then successfully complete the mission objective, you assure yourself a 100% chance of getting a mission token, as well as the mission EXP. 90% of the monsters would equal a 90% chance, and so on.)

    We’ve also increased the Experience Points received per kill. A level-based increase, so that the "bonus" for killing a level 200 monster is higher than for a level 1 monster.

    Sneaking and running through missions(Mission Blitzing) will still be useful strategy to grab the items and money you’d need and earn the mission reward – just not the EXP.

  7. #7
    yes, thats the one i refer to.

  8. #8

    Conceal Nerfed

    Kubrik Conceal is one of our MAIN Skills that is how agents are supposed to function. We should be able to sneak around and not get caught. Whats the Penalty?
    no XP and no Tokens. just Items and cash.

    How would you feel if they took away your AoE Weapons? reduced your nano pool?

    I don't want AoE NFs I'm just saying that sneaking and sniping are what agents Do, that is our "Raison d'etre".

    Don't dis us like that man...

    BTW Was Conceal too powerful? in the golden age of pre 12.5 yes it was however it has gone 180 from too powerful to completely useless ans yes its alto of IP that gets dumped into it.

    A fellow Galway pact member...
    Last edited by HumpahumpaYummy; Nov 15th, 2001 at 19:29:36.

  9. #9
    They took away my AoE. Its worthless now after this patch.

    Actually I meant it as a joke. I think conceal was too powerfull. I know people earning millions by sneaking missions without ANY chance of getting caught by NPCs. Thats not how it should be. Missions shall always has some sort of danger. Why else should they be there?

  10. #10
    Kubrick, I'll agree with you that conceal was too powerful before. People should not be able to sneak reds without any risk. If you are sneaking reds, you should be on the edge of your seat with butterflies in your stomach, hoping they don't see you. However, you should have a damned good chance of sneaking yellows, 75% or so chance to sneak greens, and a 100% (minus a little randomness for taste) chance of sneaking grays. You said you thought it was a mistake that "some people" could sneak missions for cash with no risk in the beginning, but the reality is that *everyone* has always been able to sneak misisons. That's one of AO's strong points. Nobody is limited to anything because of their profession or race (with the exception of NF). Nerfing conceal in ANY form was a mistake of Funcom's, because there was always a possibility of everyone being able to sneak missions. Your argument back to me, I suppose, will be that Agents and adventurers and the like get concealment buffs. Well, I'm pretty sure they would be more than happy to sell those concealment buffs to people the same way NT's sell their NP skills.

    I really like the fact that other people recognize the need to fix tradeskills to have a viable player economy though

    Catch ya planetside.

  11. #11
    Running through hard missions to get the loot is fun! I get a major kick out of making it through and it's not like it is easy. It requires tactics and a lot of luck not getting killed.

    Funcom, please don't take this option away. It's not like it's unbalacing anything as I see it. Without the possibility it just gets way too hard to get armor/weapons/items of higher levels that I need to have to fight the green MOBs...

  12. #12
    Hmmm... it just doesn't make any sense to remove mission blitzing. Here are the facts, most people only blitz missions for cash because the prices on items are insanely high, and mobs outside of missions drop ZERO as far as credits go. The other reason that players blitz hard missions is to get items that AREN'T AT THEIR LEVEL because they NEED them to kill these insane GREEN mobs. I doubt people would even try to blitz hard missions if the item you recieved when the mission is set to 'even' was atleast 10 levels above the persons current level. I mean.. come on, giving us an item at our level for clearing an even mission is pointless because that item will have no effect on these insane 'green' mobs. Do you expect us to run a full set of new armor each level? Lame.

    Well... you may say, "Well then get a group of your buddies to help you get an item."... umm... news flash, this was done in EQ and it was horrible (50 man raid and in the end only 2 people get loot)!!!!! Nobody likes to go through an entire mission just to help someone get one item when they get NOTHING in return except a few credits which means ZIP.

    Items are everything in this game... without items atleast 10-20 levels above your current level, you will die.

  13. #13
    Originally posted by Lantis
    Hmmm... it just doesn't make any sense to remove mission blitzing. Here are the facts, most people only blitz missions for cash because the prices on items are insanely high, and mobs outside of missions drop ZERO as far as credits go. The other reason that players blitz hard missions is to get items that AREN'T AT THEIR LEVEL because they NEED them to kill these insane GREEN mobs. I doubt people would even try to blitz hard missions if the item you recieved when the mission is set to 'even' was atleast 10 levels above the persons current level. I mean.. come on, giving us an item at our level for clearing an even mission is pointless because that item will have no effect on these insane 'green' mobs. Do you expect us to run a full set of new armor each level? Lame.

    Well... you may say, "Well then get a group of your buddies to help you get an item."... umm... news flash, this was done in EQ and it was horrible (50 man raid and in the end only 2 people get loot)!!!!! Nobody likes to go through an entire mission just to help someone get one item when they get NOTHING in return except a few credits which means ZIP.

    Items are everything in this game... without items atleast 10-20 levels above your current level, you will die.
    true true

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