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Thread: role of government buildings

  1. #1

    role of government buildings

    since i purchased the game a few weeks ago, ive been very interested as to what is going to be the role of those large buildings in most cities(at least the ones ive been to) that i assume are the gov't centers of the city. im talking about the large tower in Tir, the caste in camalot, etc. none of these can be entered yet. does FC have a plan for their role in the game? i was thinking on this and i have some ideas that i think would be good to use these buildings for:

    - inside you can get missions directly from the clan, omni, or neutral govenors. depending on your status in your respective alignment, you get missions that pertain particularly to your cause. they may include delivering a message or package to another govenor (if you are a lower level player) all the way up to leading a team to attack enemy positions (if you are higher level).

    - some people have expressed ideas about how NPCs should come up to you at random and offer you missions that would affect the course of the story. well in here you can meet all manner or persons from high ranking generals, to enemy diplomats, to shaddy traders, powerful bureacrats and so on. all of these will offer you specific missions that ma involve espionage, betrayal, assasinations, diplomatic meeting and much more. many, if not all, of these should directly affect the course of the story.

    - from here, players can recieve promotions, titles, etc. these many bring a steady salaries, (this is just wishful thinking though)

    thats it for my thoughts on this. please respond and give ideas/ opinions.

  2. #2

    Thumbs up

    On this subject i pretty much agree with him. Id like to see some more government buildings you can walk around in. Quest to sneak to different levels, or based on your token board or level get access to different levels. In these buildings maybe you can purchase clan or omni only NODROP items, recieve special quests, or just have the ability to roleplay with some storyline characters.

  3. #3
    They probably won't be easily enterable, since it just wouldn't make much sense to let anyone into a high security government building. But, there was a summit inside the CoT building yesterday with the clan leaders (player characters) and Radiman. Supposedly it's very nice inside
    "By the way, if anyone here is in marketing or advertising: kill yourself." --Bill Hicks
    "Have we turned into gerbils? People are paying money to walk up invisible steps over and over again." --Dennis Leary

  4. #4
    cool i wanna go to a summit. as for the building being hard to enter...

    i was thinking that there would be a public access level for the building (the bottom floor) and you would need a higher status in order to enter the upper levels. in the upper levels you could get more better missions, titles, etc. alo the higher up you go the more controversial it would be if you took a "betrayal" mission. if you're a lower level and you do a betrayal mission you might get away without being noticed by your respective alignent. if you are an higher up on the chain a betrayal mission might result in an immediate application to the opposite side. anyone here into Pirates Gold? that game is where i got my interest in this kind of role for goverment buildings.
    I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hampster and your father smelt of go away or i shall taunt you a second time!

    - French Knight

  5. #5
    I would also have to agree. There are so many of these buildings around it seem a waste to not be able to enter them.

  6. #6
    I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hampster and your father smelt of go away or i shall taunt you a second time!

    - French Knight

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