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Thread: My little list of problems from 13.0

  1. #1

    My little list of problems from 13.0

    Well, I'm sure that everyone has heard about the mission problems already, but I have a couple of issues that I haven't seen discussed yet to add, as well as my own mission complaints too.

    1. As far as missions go, I can say that out of the five missions I took last night I was only able to complete two of them. The two types of missions that seemed to work were "Assasinate" missions and "return the item" ones. I still had problems with the ones where you need to "repair" something, and all the ones where I was supposed to "observe" someone or something did not give me any rewards.

    2. The missions do seem to be slightly more difficult now, and the human NPCs do seem to take lower damage than the ones I was fighting outside missions. The main problem my MA seemed to have was getting resists and lower dmg, while the monsters were chain healing and hitting for max alot.

    3. The new code to save window positions or maybe the new "optional" graphic enhancement seems to have done something to wearable clothes, and equiping them from inside a backpack. It is no longer possible to put clothes directly on from inside the backpacks, and instead the clothing items need to be in your main inventory to equip them. The new option to save positions is a nice feature, but, I would rather have had the backpack stop re-sorting items on it's own or had things loot directly into the backpack instead. Also, the "optional" thing was supposed to make graphics load quicker, but changing armor does not load any quicker and still shows the ugly default armor in between swapping items (but it did improve the framerate a slight degree).

    4. The changes made to emotes are also really troubling me. The new animation female characters get for /itch is just plain ugly/disturbing looking. This animation makes my characters look all distorted in the shoulders and neck, and it seems to me that this animation would be more suited to male characters than female ones. I'm not really sure why the names of the emotes needed to change, but either way I'd like to have the old animation back instead of having this garish, unnatural looking one.

    Well, that's all I've been able to find so far, but if I find any more I'll be sure to include them (and I hope others do as well).

    I still enjoy the game and think it has a lot of promise, but it's obvious there's still lots of work left for Funcom on some things.
    Last edited by Karmantra; Nov 16th, 2001 at 02:42:13.

  2. #2

    More things to add

    Well, I went in after the little emergency patch thing (which was supposed to "fix" missions), and I found some other problems that might have changed recently.

    5. The scroll bar on all windows (especially stores) now has a smaller area for clicking in than it used to have, possibly because of the change that added scroll mouse capability.

    6. Since the optional graphics interface upgrade, I have noticed more instances of items swapping positions in my inventory again. This happened to me two times totally at random, one time was after I zoned out of a mission.

    7. Since the optional graphics upgrade I also have noticed that the sleeves that you have displaying on your avatar sometimes changes when zoning. A lot of times I noticed that it seemed to put the higher QL item on my character's graphic instead of the one I wanted to show. I usually have two different color sleeves on, and this makes it hard for a woman like me to be fashionable if my clothing colors don't match.

    Well, it's not such a small list anymore, but I had to add something to make sure Funcom sees this and to keep it near the top of the forum.
    Last edited by Karmantra; Nov 17th, 2001 at 01:23:46.

  3. #3
    Still haven't seen some of these things mentioned by others.

    I know I'm not hallucinating, or am I?

    PS bump

  4. #4

    Red face How about the new server side patch mission changes.


    to say the least. In addition to these buggs, the changes to the missions introduced by the server side patch stink! How can a high level person even justify doing a mission for only 10k and some pice of junk reward "Cloathing"! C'mon all of my friends and I liked the missions before the patch . You just can't survive on only 10k a mission. My doctor nanos cost 120k+! And im only lvl 60.

  5. #5

    Exclamation I agree with you MrMedic.

    Funcom YOU HAVE GOT TO 'FIX' MISSIONS. For high level players, the rewards are just not realistic. How could you do this!??!


  6. #6

    uhh, hehehe.

    5. The scroll bar on all windows (especially stores) now has a smaller area for clicking in than it used to have, possibly because of the change that added scroll mouse capability.


    This is because some shops, like the weapon vendors are sometimes carrying three times the regular inventory, so the scroll bar to the side shrinks down because you have more to scroll through. hehe.

    The only thing I notice about the graphics conversion is that sometimes when zoning now i get dumped *although that hasn't happened at all tonight, so it might have been a serverside issue and not the graphics conversion*

    As far as the mission rewards go, do what everyone else does. Do 3 missions, /terminate. do 3 more /terminate. do 3 more /terminate.

    My MA is level 55 and is completely decked out now until level 70, and has 1.5 mil creds. *well I just transferred 500k to my new fixer i'm playing with*

    EVERYONE at one point or another has to stop leveling and start terminating. especially if you GROUP. I see a lot of characters that group all the way to level 80, get there in 2 weeks time and now they're totally gimped because they don't have money for anything.

    So use the terminate method until they get the new coding for missions in and the distance slider.

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