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Thread: Flurry of blows

  1. #1

    Question Flurry of blows

    I'm using a pair of executioners and I often use flurry of blows to speed up my attack. But after I finish using it, my melee initiatives sometimes decrease lower than my original value. And I'll attack very very slowly from now on. I've to zone in order to have everything back to normal. I use flurry of blows quite often but I can't conclude when this strange thing will happen. It looks to me that it occurs in random. Does anyone have the same situation as me?

    Another thing about flurry of blow, but less annoying, is that I have to activate the flurry of blow before a combat. If I activate it in the middle of the combat, it doesn't seem to speed up my attack, although my melee initiatives do increases when I look at my skill menu.

  2. #2
    I have experienced the same problem. It's really frustrating that melee init drops to close zero. I have 157 melee init and after flurry i have 307 and after flurry wears off i have 7 as melee init. And that's not good at all if i have few mobs on me.

    I have noticed that if there are 2 attackers and i hit first one so that the other agroes after my first hit. When I activate flurry with first mob, it starts to works on the second mob, my melee init is increased. But not for the first mob.

  3. #3
    yup, flurry of blows is bugged.

    it seems that your attack speed is calculated at the beginning of the fight, that way your lvl relative to opponents lvl can adjust your speeds. this means that anything u do to affect this, after the fight has started and that calculation has been made, will not change things. if the modified init is in effect when your next fight starts, it will take effect.

    FC would have to code the flurry of blows so that it makes the game recalculate relative attack speeds in order for the effect to take place when using the item and already in a fight.


    on lowering the inits: i suffered a strange thing after 13.0 patch. my inits all got debuffed and my run speed got buffed by about 500. this was kind of cool. it wore off as soon as i zoned. not sure if it is connected to the flurry of blows.

  4. #4
    I have the same problem even fighting with just 1 mob, not only fighting with a few mobs. I really want to know what's exactly causing this problem, so that I can avoid it.

  5. #5
    I have reported this problem to funcom in the last two weeks. They said they are working on it. It seems that lag is the cause of the problem. If the server and your computer are out of syc at the time your flurry turns on or shuts off it can cause you to either get stuck at a lower speed or as happens to me a lot stuck at the full speed of the flurry of blows. Now what you night not have noticed if you always zone to get rid of the affect is that it can be done again. Thats right you can go from 367 to 167 then five minutes later go down to -67. Its happened to me a few times in really bad areas where the fights were so fast with 50 other people that I didn't now I was knocked down till a long fight came along. Works the up way to, I have had my speed go over 1000 because of this. Also happens with parry shield but not as often.
    Eventually they will get it right, for now its just a silly bug.

  6. #6
    Just think of it that you just became really tired from hitting faster.

    Hrmm I wonder if I could get paid to come up with reponses like that....
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