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Thread: Evil in the wind..

  1. #21
    Crap! Why was this code so frigging hard to crack? Hayley let out a grunt, seeing yet another attempt of decrypting the disc fail. This was unlike anything she had ever done before, but no way in the burning marshes would she give up.

    John Rm had approached her about a week ago, right after the dinnerparty in Babs for Division 9, giving her the disc she so very much hated right now. He had explained that he had found it during a recon mission at a notum rift in Mort, in which he had been wounded by some thugs who were obviously trying to tap the vein unnoticed. He also told her that they were bearing OMni-Mining tags and that these looked as real as any, but that the people were not members in any way. All her alarm bells had gone off when he said that. What may seem like an innocent operation of notum theft might go very much further than that. She didn't like to be doomy and paranoid about security, but this was, afterall, her job.

    Frowning and running the eleventh script that day she sat back and sipped her coffee, eyes following the monotonous readout of commands and hack attempts. It didn't seem to ever end, the stream running over the holographic display unit like water in a river, the digits and letters mirroring in her eyes. She sat down her cup and yet again uploaded some input to the decryption sequence. This was no standard Rubi-Ka sequence, that was for sure. Not even on Prime had she seen such hard protection coding.

    Suddenly the readout stopped. Nothing happened, and Hayley almost lost her cup. She was in! Yes!! Finally! She stood up, raised the floating hub and vigorously typed in command after command. The disc was open. Well..partially. She now understood the full complextiy of the content. Three segments...all with different information files and coding. Astonished, she looked at the encryption code for the second segment. It was changing by the second. The changes in it ran across the readout faster than she could follow it and then it locked down. The code had changed itself when she had broken into the first segment! What kind of freaky encryption was this?

    Hayley shook her head, a little annoyed, but also happy that she had been able to break through the first wall. She took the necessary backup files and opened up the first segment. Finally...let's see who and what you are, and why you're so damn protected.

    ...the hell..? What was this? A blueprint? Looking over it, Hayley had to dig deep into what she was taught at the academy about weapon technology. Trying to identify it and increasingly worried, she recognised it as an orbital bombardment weapon of some sort. Checking the entire file, Hayley could not find any identification tags of Omni-Tek. Nothing. It was like a desert...completely void. She hardly thought the clans would cash out for something of this magnitude, either. Who`se blueprint was this?

    Looking closer she studied the prints of the warheads and let out a small gasp. Twin heads...two warheads connected to the main body of the weapon, able to work separately. One was a kinetic type she didn't quite recognise and the other was an...arial substance deployment device - type gas and liquid? What the hell was this? And who was behind it?

    She snapped the units shut and packed up what she could in a second. Sending security commands to Vectornet and leaving the apartment in a rush, she ran towards the transport beam in Jobe as fast as she could, sending out a message to both Jen, Mr. Rm, and Nathan and Craddock from InternOps. This was not a toy. It was a real blueprint of something that could prove a real threat.
    Last edited by Tussa; Jan 30th, 2004 at 23:03:35.

  2. #22
    Dabblez turns off the atomic-ectro-microscope in disgust. She’d seen enough.

    “So what is it Mother?” asks enthusiastically Brain, the disembodied cybernetic brain floating the nearby jar.

    “Don’t call me mother.” retorts Dabblez.

    “As you wish, Mother. So what is it.”

    “Its nasty, that is what it is. Nanobots designed to destroy Nanomage tissue. Nano-technology is not really my field, but this is nasty.”

    “Oooh. can I take a look?” asks Brain.

    “No, most definitely not.”

    “So, what was Father doing with these nanobots?”

    “That is the bit I don’t understand. Brain. Fath-… Blackswords gave this to me to analyze. But that does not make sense.”

    “Why doesn’t in make sense, Mother?”

    “ Obviously someone made this weapon. Much as it pains me to admit this, rumours have been circulating about Omni Mining developing a weapon to use against the Nanomage Liberation Front. Yet if this was it, why would Blackswords entrust it to me?”

    “Yes, why would Father do that?”

    “Unless…” says Dabblez, her voice trailing with sudden inspiration. “Unless he does not know about it either. I which case should he report back to his superiors that he discovered the truth about this weapon, he could unwittingly place himself in serious danger.”

    “Father in danger?” echoes Brain. "I don't understand."

    "Omni-Tek is a complicated place. Sometime its left hand does not know what its right hand is doing."

    "Will Father die?"

    “Not if I can help it.” Emptying Blacksword’s canister into one of her own, he carefully cleans it out and replaces the content with regular, inert nanobots. “There!” she says once the job is complete. “I am sure he’d thank me if he could.”

    “What are you going to do with the nasty nanobots, Mother?”

    “I don’t know Brain.”

    “Can I have a look at them, Mother?”

    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  3. #23
    John “Blackswords” Rm wandered thru the cramped halls of R.U.R. Temp HQ in Harry’s Trade outpost. Often squeezing past others as he wandered the halls on his way to Dabblez Lab. He entered the lab and surveyed its cluttered state, then saw the object of his visit.

    “Hey Brainy.” Greeted John.

    “Hello Father. Nice to see you.” Replied the disembodied brain in a jar.

    “Where is Dabblez?”

    “Mother went to get something to eat.”

    “Well she did go thru all that work and hard labor to give birth to you.”

    “Yes father. Father why does that always make you smile and chuckle when you say it?”

    “Mmm best ask your mother for that answer. It’s a woman’s Issue.”

    “Did you bring me a gift today father? I enjoyed the language Index you gave me before mother removed its connection.”

    “Oh? Why she does that?”

    “She got tired of me speaking in other languages to her I think. I stayed with the English Language at her request, but she didn’t specify which of the 417 English sub languages she wanted. So she disconnected the whole thing and told me to stay with the one English she downloaded into me.”

    “Ah.” John smiles held a Mirthful grin. “It just so happens I have two gifts for you.”

    “Oh what are they Father? Please I want them can I have them?”

    “Sure the first one is this Encyclopedia Galactic Forty seventh edition. I’ll Hook it up to your inputs and hide the unit. Just don’t tell your mother.”

    “Oh thank you father.”

    John quickly links the small database unit to the Brain and hides the unit under the brains Bio-support unit.

    “How is that brain?”

    “Oh…OH….thank you Father.. So much to learn…”

    “Hmm so I guess you don’t want the second gift? Okay I’ll go look for Dabblez….”
    “Oh wait father yes I want it.. Sorry father it’s just the new gift I was enjoying it..”

    “Hehehe. New toy syndrome I know…. how far you get in your reading?”

    “Oh only to AH’s…skimming them more slowly now. Want to enjoy reading them.”

    “Okay well my second gift is a Puzzle game a Very OLD one..You’ll like it.”

    “Oh what is it Father?”

    John connects the game device to the Brain.

    “Its called Chess. The game device has a learning circuit so it slowly gets better playing you as you play it. It learns from its mistakes.”

    “Oh…OHHH…..I lost…trying again…..Oh…this will take some learning to be good at…”

    “Well if it distracts you from pestering your mother she’ll thank me for it…”

    John hears the door open as Dabblez walks into her lab with a drink and plate of food in hand. And stops short at seeing John.

    “Heya Dabblez. Came to visit Junior here and ask if you found out what that black stuff I got shot with was made by if you know now? Or anything else about it you care to mention?”

    Dabblez Blinks for a few seconds in Shock. “You got shot with it?”

    “Yes it festered under my armor for at least a week but it seemed to need notum or Nano energy to spread. So my armor stifled its growth..More then likely saving my life as it didn’t get the notum it needed to grow.” John Grimaces “But damn the stuff burned when it was feed.”

    Dabblez stares a John Blankly for a few moments.

    “So did you find out anything Dabblez?”

    “Oh yes mother said your in danger..”
    John "Blackswords" Rm
    Boardmember of Omni-Mining

  4. #24
    Jefferey “Sshletsdeal” Kenley Typed rapid fire commands into his NCU Computer as he tried to hack into the bot standing guard in the hallway behind the door he was sitting next to.

    So far it had been an Annoying four hours, the engineer who owned the bot had several anti-tampering programs in place. So far he was able to transmit commands to it but none of his commands where accepted as he didn’t have the authentication prefix for the commands.

    “Gah.” Mutters Jeff as the bot security again shows him a little movie of the owner displaying an ancient Gaelic gesture to the viewer. “Damn that’s the thirtieth time.”

    Jeff sits in thought. If he can’t send it commands to self-destruct or anything similar to make the bot ignore him he needs to think outside the box.

    Jeff ponders for several minutes in thought. The hallways lights dim for power conservation mode in the late evening hours while Jeff thinks. Jeff looks up annoyed at the dimming lights when an Idea enters his head.

    “Oh…could it work?” Jeff Types franticly and a smile crosses his face as he sees the NCU Computers Reply.

    Jeff sends the Bot a command to reset its power conservation mode timer to start in 5 minutes and wait till an activation command was received from its owner.

    Jeff waited with impatience looking thru the Nano-optic probe. The massive slayer-bot, which had been unmoving before now slowly, leaned forward and seemed to shut off.

    Jeff Smiled with pleasure as he had beaten the stupid bot finally. And soon had the doorway unlock and stood before the unmoving hunk of metal.

    “Hehe you’re a pushover bot.” And Jeff gave the bot a good shove. The bot leaned back for a moment then leaned back towards Jeff but its off centered weight didn’t make it stop on its feet.

    Jeff look of triumph turned to horror as the Two ton Bot fell forwards towards him.

    “AH SH…” He yelled as the massive bot buried him under its weight.
    John "Blackswords" Rm
    Boardmember of Omni-Mining

  5. #25
    Jeff arrived at the reclaim terminal in a scrunched up ball with his hands held out above him and screaming. “..IT!!!!!”

    Many onlookers gave amused glances his way. And amused comments flowed.

    “Oh that must have been a bad one…”

    “Reclaim claims another.”

    Jeff just went over to the Items reclaim terminal and waited in a rather foul mood against his most recent death.

    “Damn Stupid Bot..” He muttered

    Jeff items appeared and he quickly collected them and headed back to the Apartment complex he had been it. He is soon back at the hallway door and he unlocks the outer lock yet again and enters. The bot is laying face down and beneath it is a drying pool of blood and other fluids.

    Jeff scoots past the bot and kneels in front of the lock for the inner door and slowing starts to bypass it.

    Jeff soon has the panel apart and is trying to connect his bypass while looking down in his toolkit on the floor for a Tool the door opens and a Pair of bare feet enters his vision.

    Jeff’s eye’s flow up the bare legs of the woman before him, past the simple white thong she is wearing to the T-Shirt covering her chest. And his eyes cross as the focus on the barrel of the shotgun leveled at his face. Uncrossing his Eyes he looks down the barrel and into the cold gray eyes of “Nursingevil”.

    Jeff starts to speak. “Wait I jus…”

    KA-BOOM is her only reply. As Jeff’s Body falls backwards without a head.
    John "Blackswords" Rm
    Boardmember of Omni-Mining

  6. #26
    Jeff arrived a reclaim falling on his butt and clutching at his face and screaming aloud.

    “Ouch back again so soon.” Quipped a nearby bystander from earlier.

    Jeff just rubbed his face and glared at the bystander between his fingers.

    He stood up and wandered over to the Item Term and waited for a bit. He soon collected all his gear and was running back to the apartment complex as quick as he could.

    He hoped to get there before Nursingevil left. He wasn’t going to give up until he found out what was going on why she was talking with the NLF.

    As he entered the apartment complex he was quickly back to the doorway of the apt. He entered this time with is weapon out and ready to fire. Stepping over the prone Bot he reached the door and pushed it open with a foot.

    Jeff slipped thru the door and started to search the rooms for Nursingevil. His searching only showed proof she had decamped quickly. The room was bare save for a pile of cloth bandages and some Paper towels that had an evil looking black gunk on them.

    Jeff Picked up one of the paper towels and looked at the black gunk. It seemed also to have bits of blood mixed into it.

    “Wonder what this is?” mused Jeff Aloud.

    Jeff gets out a spare shirt from his backpack and scoops the bandages and towels into it so that he can take them to Omni-Mining research and see what the stuff is when they had time.

    Jeff Harrumphed in irritation. And stuffed the bundled shirt inside a backpack and left the Apartment. In the hall he stared down at the prone Slayerbot.

    “Damn Stupid Bot.” And gave the inert mass of metal a good solid kick.

    “Attack Detected: Initiating Combat Mode.” Replied the Bot in a mechanical voice.

    “Ah Hell!” Jeff Backed into the Apartment and held up his SMG ready to fire.

    The massive bot stood up and turned towards Jeff and advanced on him. Jeff’s SMG Blazed fire in a vain attempt to kill it. The clawed blades descended towards Jeff he felt the blades as they Bit into his shoulders and drove deep within his flesh. Pain screamed across every nerve and then blackness came.

    Jeff arrived yet again at reclaim.

    “Oh man. Three deaths in less then an half an hour you should call it a night man.” Spoke the bystander from before.

    Jeff snorted in disgust at today’s events and decided to send a report to John “Blackswords” Rm and call it a day.

    Jeff collected his things from reclaim and went to the Jobe whompa and stepped thru it.

    He never noticed the person detach themselves from the shadows and follow him.
    John "Blackswords" Rm
    Boardmember of Omni-Mining

  7. #27
    Jeffery “Shhletsdeal” Kenley screamed in silent agony as the chemicals burned thru his veins forcing the codes his captors sought from his mind and across his lips.

    “He’s Finally Cracking Mr. Johnson.” Spoke a tech who watched over Jeff as the chemicals did they’re work.

    “Ah excellent. Can you confirm that they’re the right codes?” Came a cold calculating voice from a nearby chair.

    “Checking now sir.” The tech typed in commands into a computer and smile evilly as the computer sent its response. “Yes sir they are the correct codes for confirming Cannon Launch Shipments.”

    Mr. Johnson stood up and walked over to where Jeff writhed on the table where he’d been strapped. “Thank you Mister Kenley you have been most helpful. Sadly I can’t release you yet as you could derail our plans…But I have a nice location to send you to for a few days of rest.”

    Jeff only glared with hatred thru the pain of the drugs.

    “Oh don’t worry Mister Kenley you shall have your glory. Your deeds for the Omni-Tek Corporation shall be vilified. You are the man that allowed Omni-Tek to unleash a terrible blow against the clans.”

    The man walked over to a shrouded cylinder device and pulled the shroud Free.

    “You allowed Omni-Tek patriot to fire a dozen of these Kinetic kill warheads thru the notum cannons to destroy the city of Tir. And the so called Council of Truth.” The man runs his hands along the weapons side. “Not only did the weapons destroy the city but the second stage of the weapon spreads a new nanoweapon to kill and maim the survivors of the attack.”

    Jeff tries to curse the man but the drugs bind his voice to incoherency.

    “Sadly the weapon spreads further then intend as causes worldwide death and destruction leaving Omni-Tek and the Clans in shambles. When your involvement comes to light Omni-Tek will lose its lease to Rubi-Ka and other Corporations will have a chance to take over mining of Notum, and with the clans so weakened they will be a paper tiger against the new corporate forces that land on planet.”

    Jeff forces words thru his mouth past the pain. “Bull…crap…. They’ll find…. you…. and stop…. you….”

    “Hmm True, But I allowed your Boss to find our main site and the expendable men I left there so he’d think that the danger had passed. But I already had enough of the nanoweapon and Orbital delivery devices made when I allowed Miss ‘Nursingevil’ to escape.”

    The man approached Jeff and smiled evilly.

    “Just imagine how much of a Bang Miss Swiftminds Announcement is going to be when the assured death of every Nanomage on the planet is launched while she speaks of the future.” The man turns and walks back towards the cylinders.

    “Get the weapons ready and load them into the appropriate shipment containers. They need to be a the Klon**** shipment center while his codes are still good…we don’t know when they change the authorization coding.”
    John "Blackswords" Rm
    Boardmember of Omni-Mining

  8. #28


    I await the movie with anticipation! Long live Omni-Mining!

  9. #29
    Just me again . . . did I say that your story is AMAZING Blackswords? Look forward to teaming as Omni-Mining again!
    Edwin "Razorva" Brumble
    Member of Omni-Mining

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