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Thread: This NEEDS to be in the coming up list

  1. #1

    This NEEDS to be in the coming up list

    There's been much complaint and virtually no official reaction.
    Tonight I saved 100's of thousands of xp's for other players and gained nought... why? because I'm a doctor.
    My armour is appalling, I have no defensive nano's, and i'm 1st on the aggro list, I only cast individual heals and don't even carry a weapon.

    I'm begging you funcom, please help us!

  2. #2
    The skill Psychology can be used to use a "aggro enhancer"
    Enforcers can cast aggro enhancing nanos
    i think also soldiers..

    So far after the "team heal aggro" patch i have grouped 10 times or so.. Only had the doc die 2 times hehe... one time was first group after patch and the doc had no armor... next time.. the doc didnt tell us she was aggroed so we saw it to late.. hence we couldnt get aggro off. I like this new patch makes team playing when hunting funnier.. not the "tab Q" as before..

    Anyway i am no doc.. just saying i only had 2 incidents.. which is not more or less than before patch.


    Ps. if i was fighting a group af ppl and one was doc, which one u think i would try to kill first ?

  3. #3

    Talking right

    Makes a doc's life a bit more exciting =)

  4. #4


    Originally posted by BrutalThug
    The skill Psychology can be used to use a "aggro enhancer"
    Enforcers can cast aggro enhancing nanos
    These nanos are crap. Your Psy skill is useless. Sorry about that though.

    Now I would recommend that you jump in the wagon here : and read NERYN post. Well other posts you can read too, but this one is Doc-oriented.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

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