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Thread: Over equiping

  1. #61


    so i disagree with the crybaby losers who want to change the game because they don't want to spend the time, effort, and resources to make they're players better and i get labled for it?

    read my's completely legit.

    this game has gone too far and has allowed players to play a certain way for too long to go making drastic changes like you crybabies want.

    what funcom should have done is had the first 3 months of AO free with the purchase of the game...fix the bugs, exploits, and imbalances...then completely wipe ALL the characters, make everyone start over at level 1, and then simultaneously start the story.

    my character is an adventurer...the only way that I CAN SURVIVE on rubi-ka is SEVERELY "over equiping" my pistols.

    you remove that feature from the game, an entire profession is completely useless.

    so...when you lazy people who lack the imagination, resources, and/or online friends to obtain the buffs and implants that you need in order to compete start mass posting on this board i get a bit itchy. leave my character alone...

  2. #62
    well ballace.
    i really feel that this thread contains some interesting things, with argument from differents side of the problem, and you are coming with the primary flame, with false arguments already treated, and few comments like crybaby, whiner etc... are you sure that you have read this forum?
    Last edited by Daenis; Nov 30th, 2001 at 21:46:08.

  3. #63
    Originally posted by reggie

    A MMORPG character class is buildt up of much more than 1 concept. Like races in Starcraft. The MA may have less options to over-equip weapons than an enforcer, but that doesn't automatically mean that the power of the enforcer, in the final instance, is higher than than the MA's.
    you are right in theory...
    but this is the point... (im taking your example) enforcer power is (ATM) higher than MA.
    At same lvl enforcer do much more average damages than MA because he can overequip a weapon. Against borg for example, MA do minimum damages for example when weilder do more... brawl MA is (crit) 1000, when a uberhammer weilder brawl is 2,5k+ , etc...
    There is a lot of example....
    This is fine on team hunt of course, but not in pvp. If some classes (as doc for example) do lot of littles damages (DoT, MA skill,little nuke etc), they must deal with huge incoming amount of damage, and they cant ATM, because of this problem.

    the debuff power (sorry of repeating me) is awesome.
    the enforcer will still do the same damage as long as i have sub, because the crit value dont change. When ma and casters will do less damage.

    and armor.. well i ve already talked about armor... i wont repeat here.

    for the starcraft comparison, ok. Error came from my bad translation skill (need more IP in this ).
    i understand what you mean. of course, i agree, but, this work in a balanced game (and starcraf is knew as one of the best balanced game...)

    btw i dont know in which direction FC should go, but this problem need a lot of attention...

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