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Thread: Reduce high lvl mobs hp please!

  1. #1

    Reduce high lvl mobs hp please!

    I am a 103 soldier using a ql 182 nova. I have all but quit doing missions until the new fix where mobs cons will be adjusted due to slider diff, finally fixed. Ok, i do a 50% mission and most are green with some yellow. Should a green take me to les than a quarter damage(not using MK)? I dont think so. I am hitting this mob for over 500 a shot and he is hitting me for between 100-200 a shot. It is still taking a lifetime and he is doing too much damage to me for a mob that cons 5 ticks lower than me. The hight lvl game need alot of work. Missions are still too tedious to do and mob hp needs to be reduced. Either that or increase players hp or ruduce the damage done by mobs. Its just not fun sitting in a mission for 2 to 3 hours because i have to let MK recharge every two minutes becuase i can barely solo a green con mob, not to mention only getting 4k exp for those. It takes me 2 mil to get to the next lvl. Think about how many 4k kills it takes to get there and then figure the time it takes to do what I explained. That doesnt sound like much fun to me. Am I being too unreasonable or what? Oh, and my ac's are over 3200, just to let you know.

  2. #2

    Mob hp's

    You are not alone, I too feel that mob hp's need to be reduced. Okay, people before that hp change were getting to level 200 too quickly or something to that affect. Okay, fine. However, I think the mobs were overdone. Battles weren't lasting long enough, same went for PvP. So what you did was half the amount of damage done and nerf specials. While this made some battles last longer, I still think instead of halving the damage done, you should have just given every single player double the amount of hp. Not just for PvP either, but permenently.

    Instead of adding to player abilities, you keep subtracting from them, and adding to the mobs. The mob AC bug is fixed, great! I'm happy about that, but there are still problems that remain. Number one, certain mobs have incredibly high ranged, nano, melee, or physical init. Its mentioned in another post that these types of mobs can hit three times faster then us, the players, regardless of level. Mobs have more then double our hp. Now instead of over-powered classes, you have overpowered mobs.

    This is true both in and outside missions.

    Now if you doubled a players hp, then, a lot of players would be happier. Then the incredibly high initiating skills of the mobs wouldn't be so hard on us, neither would the lengths of the battles.

    Every level since 2, I've maxed body dev every time, and I only get 15 hp's added to my health. At lvl 105, I have close to 2400 hp's (that's with implants). That meager 15 a level was cool in the low level stage, but not now. Not when body dev takes more IP to raise the same number of points (its expensive in the higher levels even though its light green), and not when it takes far longer to level to earn those meager 15 points. And yes I know body dev relies mostly on stamina, believe me, I put a lot of IP in stamina as well. Its my higest ability.

    The fact that 5 skill points in body dev means the same gain for me as it does for a lvl 20 is a bit silly.

    As for the experience rewarded, I team up to gain good xp, but I can see how it would be frustrating for a person who likes to solo. Maybe it should be looked at again, but I don't have any ideas off the top of my head.

    Omni MA, lvl 105

  3. #3
    I made a post about this and other issues:

    I also sent in a email explaing how crazy it is to face these types of mobs.

  4. #4
    The people who were getting to level 200 weren't getting there fighting monsters. They were getting there by running through missions set at max exp.

    They did this because it was more profitable to get exp this way. 5% of the level exp for 5 min of running through a mission, compared to 0.1% for 10 min fighting a monster.

    Now that running missions don't give exp, and you have to fight to level, it is even more necessary for the hp of monsters to be dropped.
    General Blyzzard
    Division 9
    Strat Ops

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