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Thread: More like DAOC

  1. #1

    More like DAOC

    In DAoC (Dark Ages of Camelot) the realms are more fighting with each other, not talking like in AO.
    In Daoc the realms are attacking each other and taking over parts (look at and click on a link).
    In AO (almost) all PvP are in arenas and places like that.
    I will maybe change to DAOC.

  2. #2
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

  3. #3
    Does DAoC have a four year storyline? Does DAoC have ANY storyline?
    Anastasia "Aniee" Cervenak
    Martial Artist

    Man is the only animal that blushes, or needs to. -------Mark Twain

  4. #4


    I don't know about you, but I was raised on twitch games. Console games that required you to really get GOOD at the game. As far as MMORPGs go, well, up until AO, there's been very little skill involved... soloing in AO, while sometimes tedious, is also sometimes very difficult and rewarding...

    But above all, it's always fast. Always. None of this sitting for mana, none of this meditating for 35 levels without being able to see what's even going on in the damned game (the most assinine design decision EVER imo)...

    DAoC has downtime, and lots of it. Not near as bad as EQ, but it's there... I know they have all of these nifty ideas and what not, but what happens if we, in AO, decide to take places. Period. As in, Omni takes Meetmedere. We're always there. We kill every clan member that comes there, since even though there's an amnesty, we need to hold that fort so deep in strategic territory...

    After a week, I bet you people at Funcom would start to wonder.. maybe even change the guards to omni guards (from neutral). Who knows. Thing is, right now in AO, not enough people are rooting for this kind of PvP game, we're rooting for balance.

    Something DAoC doesn't have. The first time you get booty-raped by an archer and die with 1 shot, you'll be pissed. The 100th time, you'll be bored of it. Rogues are borked. There's little to no real balance in that game yet, and they're struggling as hard, if not harder, than Funcom to fix things.

    Thing is, Funcom fixes things... more things, faster, than Mythic has yet, to my knowledge. And Funcom's willing to listen to their player base. Do they totally F*CK up things? Sometimes. But not so much lately (knock on wood) and most importantly, they try and fix things. And do a good job.

    In short, I bought DAoC, and it was NOT worth the money for that one month. The game is slow, and dull, but if that's the kinda game you want, where you read a book in downtime or clean your house or brush your teeth or... etc. etc. etc, you go for it, and don't let the door hit your a$$ on the way out.

    But I want you to be informed of what you're getting into, from someone who's been gaming since the days of the TRS-80, original arkanoid, and the glory of gauntlet on the C-64.

    Anarchy Online has life, character, passion, and potential. DAoC is EQ done better.

    End of Story.


  5. #5
    woot gauntlet on the c64! Best game ever! hehe ( i loved it)
    Atrox Soldier RK1
    Squad Commander
    "You can't just talk to people anymore. You have to hit them in the head with a sledge hammer. Then you'll see that you have their strict attention." -Kevin Spacey in Seven

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