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Thread: Player vs Mob and Missions

  1. #1

    Player vs Mob and Missions

    It is funny how Gaute always talks about balancing a player’s intelligence and a mobs intelligence. What is his solution? Increase ac and hp to ridicules amounts. Now my question to Gaute is: have you actually experienced a mob with these stats with a character of the AO world?

    The problem is that everything is revolved around group play, which is the reason solo play is completely impossible for certain classes, if not most. When a player cannot find a group they either have an option to keep looking, socialize with friends, PvP, or do solo missions. When a player decides to do solo missions they either have the option to run it or fight it through. If they chose to fight it through this is where they encounter a lot of problems.

    I have to say that the balance between player and mob is out of sync. I’ll explain why I say this is true. First off mobs have hp that are about 10 times the amount of a player. This may differ with doctors and enforcers. Secondly, their armor class is so high that any attack you roll out on them average minimum to medium damage. At lvl 155 using my best nuke I average about 1000-1200 dmg on veteran human mobs. The next problem is while mobs can resist, parry, and receive min damage, the player doesn’t. I have yet to resist anything what a mob executes on me. I have over 600 nano resist and it feels like I have zero. Traders always drain hp, always drain nano points, and always drain ac. Never have I ever been able to resist any of these. I am always rooted, snarled, and doted. Now the new pain is mobs that DD for 1700-2200 damage. Yesterday, I faced a veteran functionary (yellow to me) who kept hitting me with 1700 to 2200 dmg. While mobs are able to take this type of damage I cannot. While mobs are able to resist this type of damage I cannot. While my nukes average minimum damage it is not so when I am hit with the same type of nuke. While mobs can regenerate hp I cannot.

    Another problem is recovering from all of this. Zoning is probably the only tactic that helps most players survive. So what do the developers decide? Increase hp regeneration. As if to say, tough it out or else. Excuse me for being rude, but are you crazy? Do you actually expect a nanomage NT to stand toe to toe with an enforcer? We have to zone no matter how much we try. There is no other choice. Punishing us for using this tactic is inexcusable. You make nano and health kits expensive enough, why make it even more expensive? Why is it expensive? Well because I spend about 20 to 30 kits on a mob because they take too long to kill.

    Here is a list of things that the developers need to look into.

    Solo Missions: This should be based on the player and what he/she is capable of handling. Realistically, there is no profession that can do it all. A computer specialist specializes in computers not food. A chef specializes in food not computers. This concept should be applied to solo missions. Missions given to you should be breed and class related.

    Team Missions: This should resemble what exists today. Mobs should have insane hp and ac because it is a group effort and a solo mob should be able to take on 6 players.

    Nano Resist: Is it possible to resist anything? Nano resist should calculate how long a program last on you. How often you are able to actually resist a program and how much damage is dished out on you. As of today none of these are true no matter how high your nano resist is. I figured a nano mage of the NT art would be able to resist most nano programs to make up for their lack of hp.

    Please reconsider how difficult you have made it for solo play.

  2. #2
    Vegan, I have been typing a word doc for about 4 days now trying to get my point across without sounding like I was bashing Funcom. It said just about every thing you just covered. Now I can delete it.


    The only solo play I can do right now it blitzing. a 50% mission still gives me unbeatable yellows. 2 greens I can do if they are not casters and even 3 grey mobs in the first room cost me 30-50 first aid packs and about 20 or so zone out's for treatment.

    I have another word doc going for the new bugs w/ 13.2

  3. #3

    just an idea

    one thing funcom could do is make missions with mobs that are not aggressive. for some of the missions this makes a lot of sense. especially the ones where you have to find a person and observe them. some othe missions could be made to make sense with non agro mobs with a slight modification to their discription. this would allow characters that can't take toe to toe fights solo to be able to do missions.

    Shamsheer, clan thug

  4. #4
    What they need to do is decrease their hp and make nano resistance more effective. Who has ever resisted a traders skill drain, ac drain, and health drain? When was the last time you resisted a dot? Now I have mobs that are hitting me for 1700 to 2200 nano dmg. Don't forget about their 20k hp, high resistance, and high armor.

    Have these super mobs in group play only, not in individual missions. Grouping is -NOT- always an option. If it was I wouldn't care. I would just accept the fact that this game is for grouping only.
    Last edited by Billy Talent; Nov 30th, 2001 at 17:04:50.

  5. #5
    I think if they made the mobs AC the same as there lvl the high HP they have wouldnt be so bad. My arrmor is (almost) always a few lvl's above me. A green mob seems to not only have 5 times my hit points (even tho he is lower lvl then me) he also have 5 times my AC. Not to mention better weapons, nanos and skills.

  6. #6
    If a trader debuffs you it won't matter. Resistance should definately be looked into. A nanomage breed needs it since they are already penalized in hp.

  7. #7
    Well, this is nothing new to me...since 12.6 and the PvP (of course, pvp...ever read the official polls ? 2-5% pvp interest, but they destroy PvM with every PvP Patch more, and dont fix PvP at all) crit nerf that hit weapons hardest that have low crit modifiers like...a around level 90-95, I cannot solo yellow mobs anymore you are in my world, muahaha :/

    I play(ed) a Fixer.

    From 12.6-12.8 I ran missions for exp until level 129, as there was no grouping viable, and solo fighting was and still is impossible for that class.
    From 12.8+ I leeched XP from groups where I am always the minimum damage dealer by far, now level 140.

    As I cannot bear to only leech in groups that cannot find a damage dealer and take me on as last option, I play now a Meta. She is at level 64 and solo's light red mobs with ease. That couldn't my fixer do even before the insane crit nerf in 12.6.

    The same solo ability is given to Engineers. Both classes I name balanced for solo PvM. But I bet other classes wont be strengthened for solo play like them, oh no, those two will be nerfed to uselesness to match all other solo gimp classes instead.

  8. #8
    Yesterday, I finally started a crat. I must say, pet classes are indeed very fun. It was very entertaining watching my pet tank for me. So sweet.

  9. #9

    Yes, pet classes.

    Sigh, I made a trader and twinked her to the nines, and then one day I started a MP. WHAT FUN!

    I know I can't give up on my Trader now, because she has lots of tokens (being a token farmer), but... um. Sigh. MP is fun, easy and viable for solo play.

    I'm not even going to talk about my MA. I remember how easy it was to play one at level 20 and I get all misty-eyed. Well, that's quickly changing and soon I'll have to tag along with my engineer buddy if I want to do any sort of missioning. Bah! Fixers and MAs, and people who use the MA skills -- masters of minimum damage.
    Babette, Frenetic, Misophist, Yardleigh.
    "I am the queen of France!!!"

    Ah, L'Amour!
    Bitter Films

  10. #10
    As for the resist thing...I sometimes resisted stuff. But it's rare, and never on something that would actually matter.

    Yay! I resisted a ulta-minor health funnel and didn't resist That DD nuke that killed me! Yay!

    As for the missions thing, read my sig.
    The pen is mightier than the sword, you say? Very well, get out your pens, essay writers, and prepare to have your logic tested by steel!

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