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Thread: An Atrox Soldier's Story

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    Post An Atrox Soldier's Story

    Was I really "born"? I don't know, not sure really.... I know I wasn't "conceived".

    I opened my eyes for the first time in a Omega Labratory..... my father although not biological, but for all intensive purposes was looking down at me. Of coarse he wasn't my real father, but he did treat me like his Son.

    Roman Drake was his name and he taught me everything I know today, I owe him everything and I still call him Father.

    I was taught about the old world "Earth" and learned the history of Farma-Tek, my father looked great considering he was over 30,000 years old and he shared with me all the secrets of Life.

    Even though I was obviously differnt than the human children in the Omega quarters, I was treated as one of them because of the position my father, Roman Drake, was in. It was him, of coarse, that created everything we know today, the reason we have this glorious planet Rubi-Ka and the hidden secret founder of Omni-Tek..... He was a God to most people, but he was MY father.

    From the moment I could understand words I was was taught history, sciences and technology..... and Warfare tactics. I never knew why I had to know the Science of war.... not until now. From what I understand, great things were planned for me

    When the workers started to rebel I got very angry. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why these people would turn against Omni-Tek.... after all we had done for these low-lifes. We had given them a new home, our precious Rubi-Ka and a future. So they had to work for it, but doesn't everyone work for their dreams. I swore to my father that they would pay for their trechery.

    But, the Omega were a secret. No, noone was to know of me until the time was right. After all, there were only a handfull of True Humans left on Rubi-Ka, the world was populated by the post-appocolypse Solitus. The Omega Humans had found a way to live forever, but they could still not reproduce,..... which is why I think my father bonded with me in such a way..... I was the only son he could have ever known. Damn the rebel rats for ruining that for me.

    Omni-tek was formed, and even though they didn't know, all of the executives were hand-picked by my father himself...... even Phillip Ross. But my loyalties layed with the Omegas first, Omni-tek being their secret project. So it was decided... my decision was made, even my father could not stop me.

    I could not fight in the name of the Omega, no one could know they even existed. So I joined the Omni-Tek Quick Responce Force under an assumed name and false identity..... no one would ever know the real me except for my father, and that is fine with me.

    Roman did not agree with me, and did not want me to leave the Omega stronghold. He said that when he was on Earth in a place called Russia, his family grew up in fear for thier lives on a daily basis.... being Jewish in the 1940s was no easy task, even though he was miles away from Germany or Poland..... he was never really safe. But there were those who did not hide..... instead they stood tall and fought head on....... The last thing my father ever gave me, was my name.......

    Hebrew for Warrior, I am Lohem, Atrox Soldier of the Omni-Tek Quick Responce Force.

    Lohem lvl 34 Atrox Soldier, RK2
    Last edited by hehe :P; Dec 9th, 2001 at 07:33:11.

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