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Thread: MA issues (yet again)

  1. #1

    MA issues (yet again)

    Just wondering if we can finally get ANY kind of response on the various Martial Artist bugs that have been with us since day one that Funcom doesn't seem to want to address. Come on Funcom, tell us SOMETHING on these issues...

    1. Misc. weapons. If you wield a weapon and your MA skill changes for ANY reason (i.e. buffing, debuffing, etc.) you lose your fist attacks until you unwield the weapon.

    2. Weapons and zoning. If an MA is wielding a weapon and zones the MA loses the fist attack COMPLETELY, even if you unequip the weapon. The only fix is to zone.

    3. Bows. The bow special attack is still broken since release.

    (for issues 1-3, how is it that only ONE profession in this game has issues with wielding weapons like this???)

    4. MA specific weapons. Damage is less than what we can do with our fists AND they prevent you from using special attacks such as Blessed With Thunder, Bird of Prey, etc. Essentially they hurt the MA to use them.

    5. Attack of the Snake. All versions above QL 100 do NOTHING. They've been broken since release.

    6. Bird of Prey. The quality levels are far from being set right. A QL 124 that I'm looking at right now has requirements as follows: Martial Arts from 163, Dimach from 129. So a level 30 MA with minimal implants could use this with no problem.

    7. Flower of Life. What is this attack SUPPOSED to do? All it does is harm the MA using the attack.

    8. Blessed with Thunder. Funcom keeps saying they're going to nerf this because it's not working right. Huh? This is the only special attack that's really worth using and is what makes it possible for me to solo EVEN con mobs at level 86.

    9. Fist nano programs. I'm currently using Fist of Fire which has the following description: "Surrounds the fists of the target with fire, increasing BOTH melee and Fire-based damage by 13 points." Well, I NEVER do fire damage. Nor did I do any other types of damage that the other Fists programs claim to give you.

    10. Subconcious Guiding. Now this is an interesting one. It's supposed to increase chance to crit by 8%. On myself, this seems to be accurate (no way to really tell since I don't know what my base chance for a crit is), however, on a Soldier that I group with it seems to increase HIS chance to crit by at least 50%. He and I are constantly amazed at how often he crits compared to me when we both have this buff on (and he's 15 levels lower than me). He crits at least 5 times for every crit I get.

    I know there are other issues as well but this is just what I can think of off the top of my head. Please Funcom, give some idea of WHEN, or even IF you ever plan to fix any/all of these MAJOR problems.

  2. #2
    I can answer some of yor qustions.

    your number 2:

    If you zone with weapons on unequip weapons and buff your MA skill again. If you get deprive skills on you take weapons of and wait till end of de-buff and rebuff MA skill again, Works everytime for me. An ark told me once its to do with the way the fist are caulated seeing they dont exist. You fists get molded into the weapon and the game wont know you use the fists as well.

    your number 4 :

    My weapons are great i use them all the time. At the moment with QL60 acroblades im donig 70 to 72 damage ontop of my fists 70 to 350 damage. So what if you cant Use MA specails the damage balnces it self out with out losing any nano vital for healing during battles. The only this that would out damage the MA weapons is BWT seeing this has a way higher damage dealing power. But once i get my QL100 blades ill be out damaging that.

    the rest i agree with you on.

  3. #3
    If you zone with weapons on unequip weapons and buff your MA skill again. If you get deprive skills on you take weapons of and wait till end of de-buff and rebuff MA skill again, Works everytime for me. An ark told me once its to do with the way the fist are caulated seeing they dont exist. You fists get molded into the weapon and the game wont know you use the fists as well.
    So what you're saying is that if I'm fighting a mob that deprives skills on me at the beginning of a fight I should just run or die since I can no longer use my PRIMARY attack??? You're saying this isn't a bug??? I don't doubt what the ark told you, but bad that's like a car manufacturer telling me not to use my turn signals on my brand new car because they short out the engine. That's not a feature. It's bad workmanship.

    My weapons are great i use them all the time. At the moment with QL60 acroblades im donig 70 to 72 damage ontop of my fists 70 to 350 damage. So what if you cant Use MA specails the damage balnces it self out with out losing any nano vital for healing during battles. The only this that would out damage the MA weapons is BWT seeing this has a way higher damage dealing power. But once i get my QL100 blades ill be out damaging that.
    So what level are you? At level 86 I do 120-650 mele damage with my fists, not counting brawl which I hit for up to 1300 with (and this is with only implants that I've built my self and armor I've acquired on my own since I mostly solo). Add on to that 200 damage every 10 seconds consistently with Blessed with Thunder. So I should wield weapons that, just like any other weapons can cause me to lose all that damage when my MA skill changes by even one point? I say again, it's not worth it. I fight way too many mobs that cast debuffs and since I like to fight yellows and oranges it would be suicide.

    I realize I'm kind of ranting here and please don't take it personally. I just get frustrated when someone tells me that something that is obviously broken works just fine. I don't care what the justifications are (of which there haven't even been excuses from Funcom, much less answers), I just want the problems that have been here since day one fixed. Especially when the programmers are spending time adding in "important" new features like additional chat channels, changing the colors of chat text and adding new nightclubs. Sure they're nice to have. So is a fancy custom paintjob on a car. But of the car stalls every 20 feet, it kind of defeats the purpose.

  4. #4
    I didnt say it wasnt a bug i said it is a BUG. You should still be able to skill something with just the weapons that what i ment to say. Ive never had deprive skills at the start of the fight ever alllways when hes half dead.

    im LVL 66 btw and you dont lose your damage with MA skill cuase it dosnt drop the MA skill it drops your attack rating.

    Ok with buffs i have 480 MA skill about 220 peicing skill i put the blades on and the Attack rating drops from 480 to about 380 but i still hit for the same with my fists. If i could use BWT i would but i never trained Parry skill from the start and im not now in case they fix BWT.

    I fight yellows and oranges all the time on 50% missions and never have a problem only against those damn anuns and A-4000 elites.

    I want the MA fixed as much as you do the bugs have been there snice day one ,some have been fixed and some are along time coming. I love the MA weapons my BOP has been retired snice i got them doing 140 damage every attack round on the fists has made it alot easyier. But as you say your lvl 86 and im 20 lvls off that so my opions could change. I just came to state what i know about the weapons not taking a dig at you at all.

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