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Thread: Mission Rewards & Locations that change after zone/grid/ctd

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Mission Rewards & Locations that change after zone/grid/ctd

    This is a major problem for me. I zone/grid/CtD and when I look at the mission again.....its changed! What!? How!? Will this be fixed!?

    It has happened countless times to me and me /petitions must be falling on deaf ears.

    Last nite I camped a term for a decus coat and when I hopped the grid to Lush (where the mission was there), not only had the mission reward changed to something different, the location changed as well!!!!

    >>After 30 minutes of mission camping = Decus coat in Lush Fields
    >>After a grid to Lush Fields = SMG in Pleasent Meadows!!

    I can't do ANY missions in PM! My big Trox Enforcer has no need for a SMG!

    Thanks Funcom (AO team). I had to log after waiting 2.5 hours for my /petition.

    In the future, will a GM/ARK be able to verify my mission reward and Location and change it back? I would hope so as I don't see this getting fixed for a while.

    Missions w/out the PROMISED reward results in not taking missions which leads to not playing as much and you can guess the end result.

    Missions are boring and w/a chance for your reward changing during ANY zone/grid/CtD you will lose even more gamers.
    Founding member of P.E.T.A.
    People for the Ethical Treatment of Atrox's
    Mercenaries of Kai

    "I personally think nerfs are death in an emergency patch. It is very cool to admit that there are a lot of things we can do boring, very boring in-game. Your input is being adjusted in some Fouls. I want to especially thank the players who WILL die.
    Have Fun! And I'll be seeing you online
    jonhelgi, designer - AO"

  2. #2


    I never heard of this problem before. Are you sure that it wasn't a mistake on your end when picking the mission (no offense - that happened to me a few times when I accidentially clicked on a mission in the term at the beginning of reward/location checking, but wanted to accept another one later... ) ?

    I do a lot of hunting in Lush and PM, and never have that happened to me.
    Trinar, lvl. 50 bureaucrat on RK-2

  3. #3
    kodiene - i used to get this, but there were two variants:

    a) if, for example, ur looking for a specific item, take a mission for it, then find another mission for the same item in a better place, delete the first and take the second, the mission/reward items would stay the same, but the location would change - havent seen this in a while now.

    b) if ur browsing thru missions and u select one ( but dont press the 'accept mission' button ), then examine a different mission and hit accept, occaisonally the mission ur displaying would be assigned rather than the one u selected. havent seen this one either for some time now, but what used to work for me is just making sure ur displaying the mission uve selected before hitting accept. as u indicated, i only noticed the change after zoning.

    the gm's/ark's arent gonna be able to help on this, as u were accidentally assigned a completely different mission; they cant recreate the original one u wanted, unfortunately.

  4. #4

    Question I'll clear things up...

    This happens ONLY when I zone and it locks , I am then forced to enter ctrl-alt-del and end the application. When I come back........Guess what? I get screwed.

    This is a bug of a bug if you will. A FC staple.
    Founding member of P.E.T.A.
    People for the Ethical Treatment of Atrox's
    Mercenaries of Kai

    "I personally think nerfs are death in an emergency patch. It is very cool to admit that there are a lot of things we can do boring, very boring in-game. Your input is being adjusted in some Fouls. I want to especially thank the players who WILL die.
    Have Fun! And I'll be seeing you online
    jonhelgi, designer - AO"

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