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Thread: Ideas on making the game more interesting to play...

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Ideas on making the game more interesting to play...

    Why no make droids for sale... They are engineers, they do make things, so why not let them have the ability to make a droid that could follow the rest of us ? I don't say that we should be able to upgrade them ourselves, but using the engineers as "suppliers" in stead of having all professions in the game set up for combat only...

    It's the same with other professions take the nanoteck for example they should be able to make crystals for all users and be able to use a sort of programming device that could be used to program datadisks so they could make totally new crystals that not even FC had thought of and assining QL and requirements according to the damage delt/ buffing stats/ health regained +++
    And make completely new NanoClusters the same way.

    Adventurers maybe should be able to make map-packs with icons in them that would mark for example special sites, hunting grounds, op's, bosses +++

    Doctors maybe should be able to make basic implants (without nanoclusters) but with increased dtats to life strenght+++ that would come in addition to whatever nanoclusters that were added...

    Fixers maybe should be able to steal from shops ? As sort of an attack with the possibility of beeing caught ?
    And if caught be put in prison for a set amount of time ?

    A trader maybe should have the possibility of setting up his/her own shop ?

    Bureaucrat maybe should be able to establish a office where certain things could be done, for example establishing a bank with the possibility of lending money or with a savings account with a sort of income on lending out and keeping savings accounts.

    Enforcers could be used to bring people that for example didn't pay their downpayment of loans to justice, and therefore arrest and put them to prison ?

    Please make additions for other professions as well.

    And to FUNCOM: Please put these ideas on the voting poll and see if more than me would like to see such a change of gameplay.
    This has the potential to make the game evolve it's own storylines and therefore streching the gametime LONG over what you has put up as the stop of the game.

    (PS: This will be crossposted onto the Envisioned forum)
    Last edited by Flapsie; Dec 16th, 2001 at 09:35:00.
    Flapsie Clan Nanomage NT, Former Knights of Rubi-Ka
    Now: Ancarim Iron Legion
    Many alts from all Professions...
    "The man with a new idea is a crank, until the idea succeeds" -
    Mark Twain

  2. #2


    They're damn good ideas!

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