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Thread: Ability colour differ with profession ?

  1. #1

    Question Ability colour differ with profession ?

    Short question.

    Why do my male solitus engineer have light blue Nano Pool, while my friends female solitus MP have bright green Nano Pool ?

    I always thought profession decided skill colour and breed decided abilities colour.

  2. #2
    breed decides abilities (6 of them)...
    profession is everything else.
    Nano pool and Body dev fal under the "everything else" catagory, even though they are on the "abilities" tab...

    Breed also decides how nano pool and body dev affect you (but NOT their color)
    i.e. a nanomage gets 2 hp per point in body dev, but an atrox gets 4.

    It's a tad confusing..


  3. #3
    this is not entirely correct dropcid.... While the color of nano pool/body dev is determined by profession, the actual effect of raising these skills is also determined by your breed (so a solitus mp will have less nano than a nanomage mp with equal nano pool)

  4. #4
    Isnt that exactly what he just said?

  5. #5
    Atrox are only 3hp/dev.

    Soli/opi are 3/3, atrox 3/2 and nano 2/3.

    End-game in mind, anyone choosing nano or atrox besides style reasons are quite silly

    Breed also slightly effects level-up hp/nano bonuses. Every prof has a value they gain at levelup, and breed affects this with some minor + and -. Haven't checked hard numbers, but sort of like this: say a soli adv has +x hp +y nano at levelup, atrox adv could have maybe +x+1 and +y-2, etc.

    And nanopool bodydev count as secondary abilities. They are restricted by their base abilities as any other skill, shiftclicking gives the %. To put a one true raise point you need 50% of the base abilities... to raise 2 bodydev more, you need to up stamina one point after you max bodydev based on base abilities.

  6. #6

    ATrox do get 4 hp/bdev pt, and nanos do get 4 nano.

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