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Thread: Good hunting for lvl 20-30?

  1. #1

    Good hunting for lvl 20-30?

    Hello i'm a lvl 21 MP and was just wondering if there's any areas I don't know of that are good hunting areas for my lvl. Currently i've been killing young brontos at this oasis north-west of Newland, and now they're yellow or less to me. I've been exploring lately, can't really find any "middle-ground"... monsters either are yellow and below, or unbeatable. Thanks for replies.

  2. #2


    if you go north of that oasis you will find the rhino cockpit. You cna level from 23-33 in like one night there. It's about 5 mins northeast? of that oasis. ask around people know where the "rhino cockpit" is.
    Video games, my anti-drug

  3. #3


    Head North from Tir, zone and keep heading north u til you come to an op. This is Bot mountain OP and the mounts to the West are cool for upto lvl 35ish and then go North from OP to the temple that is cool for upto 45ish.
    Best grp for both of these sites

  4. #4
    The desert canyon east of the oasis was a good area, run south, hunting along the canyon's ridge , then head back west along the zone border for more killing fun. If you got a good group you'll be at level 30 in no time.

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