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Thread: pet bug

  1. #1

    pet bug

    Here's a good one. I spent 45k of my remaning 50k on a Patchwork Gladiator bot, ql 50. Requirements are 241 Time & Space and 241 Matter Creation. My MC was 241 and TS 243 (with buffs). I was able to create the shell ok, but on examination it turns out to somehow be only a level 49, and requires 245 TS & MC!
    So, I am now broke, and lumbered with a useless piece of junk.

  2. #2

    I don't think its a bug

    I believe it to be intentional to stop engies from becoming too powerful on their own buffs.

    It gets worse too, I uploaded one and made the shell... the shell was almost 10 lvls lower than the nano! Every single one after lvl 50 that i've seen is like that, except maybe 1 or 2 which where a tad higher(which seems more likely to be the bug).

  3. #3

    Funcom s nerf :)

    bought a QL76 and got a L67 pet ( thanks funcomi lost most cash to this, could have kept my old pet which was QL70 and Level 64.........

  4. #4
    Nano Crystal's QL doesn't reflect the lvl of the pet. Never has and never will. At your lvl, you will see that every next pet is 3 lvls higher then the one b4 him.

    There are a few screwups where you have enough skill to upload, summon the shell, but you don't have enough to activate the bot. That's a pain in the ass.

    It's no nerf. What would you say to a QL 189 nano crystal for a slayerdroid guardian, which turns out to be a lvl 200 bot?

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