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Thread: OT forced to leave Sabulum, a big mistake by the clanners

  1. #1

    OT forced to leave Sabulum, a big mistake by the clanners seems the clans have finally managed to push out Omni-tek's force in Sabulum. As a soldier, I congratulate you on your your victory, it is a tactical achievement of not inconsiderable proportions.
    However, stratigically it is suicide.
    What do you think happens now? Omni-tek say, ouch, these clanners are really tough, better not mess with them? Well, we can't beat them by force, let's talk to them?
    If they did that, how do you think people in other OT controlled systems would react? How long before dozens of planets were rebelling against their lawful governments?
    No...Omni-tek can not allow this to go unpunished, it would be political suicide, and their stock value would undoubtedly drop.

    Omni-tek will have to make a suitable demonstration of power, one that makes it clear that these acts of rebellion will not go unpunished...
    The clans have forced our hand...we have no choice...
    Fools...You do not understand the consequences of your actions, everything is destroyed, there is no hope now.

    May your souls find peace in the afterlife, for they shall find none here...

    Commander of Legion

  2. #2

    OT can bring what they wish...

    The clans are ready, and have been ready, for any show of force OT may stage. You think we tremble at your unveiled threat? Not a chance.

    Sabalum was clearly an abuse of the Tir accord by Omni-Pol, a witchhunt that would not, could not, be tolerated. I think the intent was clear, Omni-Pol was picking a fight. A fight they started but we clearly finished.

    So what makes you think that some sort of show of force won't meet the same results?

    Freedom Forever!
    Making RK2 less safe for everyone...

    Ours go to eleven!

  3. #3
    Admittedly the clans are in a bad place. We are under (unofficial) assault by OT under the guise of 'hunting terrorists'. This allows you to have an invasion that you know we couldn't let stand...

    Seems offhand a win-win for omni.

    Unfortunately you underestimate our perserverence and the nature of our battle.

    As Urwen said, each new omni-tek Rubi-ka employee is a potential clanner, as they discover. The precepts of the clans will live evne if we die, and thats not as easy as it might seem to you.

  4. #4

    Turnabout is fair play

    The same can be said for clanners. Every new clanner is a potential Omni-Tek employee.

    I personaly go to Tir quite often a speak to all thoose who will listen. I usually end up signing up atleast one or two new employees everytime I go to Tir.
    RHD Black Watch Regiment

    Remember how fun the first week of NW was?

    CC is teh devil!

  5. #5
    OOC- I think they just left cuz nobody went there anymore.
    Clanners only win when people get bored hehe.
    I stopped and my ex guild stop going there yars ago.
    So old, booo.

    You come in at the end picking off the left overs.
    *buuck buuck*

    Drop dead.

  6. #6
    I am waiting. If OmniTek wishes to destroy this peace process, so be it. It will show their true nature. As I have stated before, OmniPol, I live in Apartment Complex 16, Second from the right, Tir, next to the south gate. Please come and arrest me. I am a criminal correct? Well, if not, stop your chest-thumping and go home. If you attack us, you have started the conflict. If you don't, I guess that you might look bad to some people. Personally, if I were neutral, I would think that not attackeing would make you look better. You would show you are working for peace. But, as it is obvious you are not, please, come, invade the North. You will be repelled. Your own soldiers, free from the gas, will finally have an opportunity to think for themselves. Some, if not most, if see the light and defect, as I have, to fight the good fight. If you come north, you will be the warmongers. If you come north, you reveal your true power hungry selves. We are ready. I am ready. I think peace is best, however, I will not allow OmniTek to walk all over my rights. I will defend myself, as will others. You will notice that we number roughly equally, with the extra fighting for the clans. Your technology is not superior enough to defeat a force as big in comparison to you as the clans. We are ready for war and if you must, bring it to us.

    Bliqz: "anything Uwen says is a vicious and ugly lie"

  7. #7

    Arrow Awaiting the Day

    I am eagerly anticipating the ICC report on the Sabulum situation.

    For those who aren't aware of it, the ICC conducted a tour of the site on January 24. Omni-Tek provided them a sizeable escort to take them around the premises. As one ICC investigator met with several Omni-Tek officers, including Captain Gaurd of OPEC, Division9 escorted the other around the southern portion of the outpost. I will not divulge all that happened during the tour, but I will tell you that the ICC witnessed first-hand the variety of clanner lawlessness that the rest of us stationed here have learned to expect. For our part we were only too happy to show it to the Archons from the ICC; it was like a trek through a zoo that has no cages. On the other hand, the Omni-Tek forces on-hand were the model of professionalism and good conduct, and I daresay the representatives of the Corporation made a much more favorable impression on the investigators than did the clans.

    "It's a shame that a lawless few clans have to taint the reputations of the majority of honorable ones. We are independent of each other, so it's no reflection on us what they do." I hear that refrain coming along so I'll address it while I'm here.

    It matters not at all what your affiliation is among yourselves. As the Corporation is beset on all sides by rebels it does not behoove us to split hairs over degrees of criminality. It is completely your problem if you do not display the requisite degree of honor to distinguish yourselves from the beligerents. If that message concerns you at all, and you want to clear your name, here's the place you can start - gather together all you clanners who would call yourselves honorable and hunt these rodents from where they nest. They are in the places you frequent, the bars, restaurants, gambling dens...seize them and turn them in to the Corporation. Once you've done that you will be well on your way to having that bit of honor you've always claimed but never earned.

    Or you can wait for the report from the ICC. Like I said, I can't wait to read it. The ICC has been so inundated with bleeding-heart tripe, like "they burned our homes" and "can't a man just live on the land like he was born to?" that I will get a great deal of satisfaction when your self-worshipping pleas finally come to nothing.
    Last edited by Tredge; Jan 31st, 2002 at 07:03:39.

  8. #8

    you forgot one thing Tredge

    I got a communique from Favier, the ICC rep that they had to be evacced from Omni HQ at their conference there. that doens't make omni look good.

  9. #9


    Tredge I commend you.

    They ( clanners ) though will never listen to you. Too close minded to ever take advice from an employee.

    They can't see the forrest for the trees.
    RHD Black Watch Regiment

    Remember how fun the first week of NW was?

    CC is teh devil!

  10. #10


    I agree with Tredge.

    Clans that wish to demonstrate their will for peace should join Omni-tek in our efforts to track down and eliminate these terrorists. These people make life unsafe, not only for Omni-tek personnel, but for clanners as well.

  11. #11
    As some would say...

    "In your face"

    Tredge is my man!
    Thanks for bringing new light to the matter.
    I did not know of this but now that I do I feel stronger again.

  12. #12

    Arrow Your own cage must is quite clear...

    Of course the the OT soldiers were the model of professionalism, all automatons react in a precise and exacting manner. Not to mention that the corporate mindset was the one being catered to, but I'll not belabor the point.
    What I think is amazing is how your own words condemn your mindset Tredge.

    Originally posted by Tredge
    I will not divulge all that happened during the tour, but I will tell you that the ICC witnessed first-hand the variety of clanner lawlessness that the rest of us stationed here have learned to expect. For our part we were only too happy to show it to the Archons from the ICC; it was like a trek through a zoo that has no cages. On the other hand, the Omni-Tek forces on-hand were the model of professionalism and good conduct, and I daresay the representatives of the Corporation made a much more favorable impression on the investigators than did the clans.
    "Lawlessness" and "Cages" are the words that immediately jumped out at me. Of course we are not lawless, what we are is under a different set of laws with which I know you are unfamiliar. I had hoped the amnesty would at least bring some degree of understanding between the three political bodies of Rubi-Ka, but clearly not. As for your reference to cages, that's clearly demonstrating your buried envy, your notice of the bars that exist around the cage of an OT employee...

    But back to the central point, the incident at Sabalum simply confirmed one thing, OT is as purely reactive as a child who doesn't know any better. The response by OT to a terrorist threat by using terrorist tactics themselves proves that OT is no better than the most dishonorable of the clans. And yes, the gestahpo tactics used fall well in line with those who wish no result but fear, the terrorists themselves.
    Making RK2 less safe for everyone...

    Ours go to eleven!

  13. #13
    Well said!
    Sorry I can't write a long page response because I need to get back to work

    Bliqz: "anything Uwen says is a vicious and ugly lie"

  14. #14

    Re: you forgot one thing Tredge

    Originally posted by Windie
    I got a communique from Favier, the ICC rep that they had to be evacced from Omni HQ at their conference there. that doens't make omni look good.
    Though peaceful by nature, I am afraid i must burst your bubble on this one.
    the reason why the ICC left HQ, was because the children of BOTH sides could not sit still for more than 5 minutes and not shoot each other. The ICC Clearly saw both Clanspersons walk up and kill omni-tek employees and the ensuing response (though I am certain that someone will claim the it was a Clansperson sitting and the mean old OT employee did the killing).
    Macht Nichts, once again at a peaceful Q&A session in HQ, blood was shed because the children do not respect such things as useful information and clear and intelligent discussions.

  15. #15
    OOC- Again spoiled by the Counter Strikers are we?

    Id glady do the whole job myself, give me GM permits and Ill sort out the Whiners!

    /teleport snarf lavapit "j/k man "

  16. #16

    Interesting fiction

    Originally posted by Seloth

    Though peaceful by nature, I am afraid i must burst your bubble on this one.
    the reason why the ICC left HQ, was because the children of BOTH sides could not sit still for more than 5 minutes and not shoot each other. The ICC Clearly saw both Clanspersons walk up and kill omni-tek employees and the ensuing response (though I am certain that someone will claim the it was a Clansperson sitting and the mean old OT employee did the killing).
    Macht Nichts, once again at a peaceful Q&A session in HQ, blood was shed because the children do not respect such things as useful information and clear and intelligent discussions.
    I was there, watching until about 2 minutes before the ICC left. I watched Canary and Ailish be killed, I watched them come back at great personal risk to hear what the ICC had to say. about 10 minutes later I saw Canary, Ailish, and Caid killed. As those attacks began I immediatly entered my plane (fixers know when to run) and picked up some altitude so that I could continue to hear what was said. As I listened, I was unaware that I was being systematically hunted by omnis (notably Teedboye)... Eventually I was careless, or more properly they climbed a building to root me. Once I was grounded in my plane I tried to exit to perform a Grid Evac but the time it takes to leave a plane doomed me...

    After I had been killed I sent a communique to Favier among other reasons to know whether it was safe to return, and he'd told me that they had evacuated. This was perhaps 2 minutes after I had died.

    There were several Omni witnesses to all this, if they are willing to risk Omni-interop's wrath to tell the truth.

  17. #17
    I was not in Sabulum when those events took place. But I WAS in Tir the day that certain lawless elements of Omni-Tek surrounded the Council of Truth building with bombs and made terroristic threats.

    This display of force on the part of Omni-Tek could only serve to inflame the clans and make us su****ious of anything that Omni-Tek does. If Omni-Tek wants law and order then perhaps it should look to the outlaws within its own environment.

    Fortunately a tragedy was avoided in Tir due to the incompetence of the Omnis who placed the bombs (most of the bombs turned out to be duds) and to the quick action of some clanners who disarmed the active bombs.

    Either these Omnis were sent upon order of Ross in which case Ross' assertion that he wants peace is a lie or they were operating against Ross' orders in which case they were insubordinate. But no action has been taken by Omni-Tek against these factions so are we to assume that Ross is lying when he says he wants peace?

    So when Omni-Tek marches into Sabulum, we are to accept Omni-Tek's assurance that they are conducting a "lawful" operation? I suppose the bombs surrounding the Council of Truth building were also lawful hmmmm?

    Clean out your own house, Gestava before you go around criticizing the houses of others.
    Anastasia "Aniee" Cervenak
    Martial Artist

    Man is the only animal that blushes, or needs to. -------Mark Twain

  18. #18

    HQ speech

    I was at the ICC rep's speech in HQ.

    I was there with the clanners Ailish, Windie and Canary.

    I am sad to say that I must confirm Winie's story. OT personnel shot first, and at unarmed clanners SITTING down unarmed and unarmored.
    It was a revolting scene. Clearly there are criminals in both Clan and Omni-tek ranks. That is why I urge the clans wishing for peace to join forces with us in the fight against extremism.

    I do not condone the action against the CoT building, and I believe the people responsible should be arrested and tried. Is that a clear enough statement for you?
    I will gladly hunt down and eliminate an OT employee, if he is a known murderer. It's not about loyalty, it's about human decency.
    Last edited by puddletown; Feb 1st, 2002 at 12:49:23.

  19. #19

    Re: Awaiting the Day

    Originally posted by Tredge

    It matters not at all what your affiliation is among yourselves. As the Corporation is beset on all sides by rebels
    Wonder why... you said it, not me.

    it does not behoove us to split hairs over degrees of criminality. It is completely your problem if you do not display the requisite degree of honor to distinguish yourselves from the beligerents. If that message concerns you at all, and you want to clear your name, here's the place you can start - gather together all you clanners who would call yourselves honorable and hunt these rodents from where they nest. They are in the places you frequent, the bars, restaurants, gambling dens...seize them and turn them in to the Corporation. Once you've done that you will be well on your way to having that bit of honor you've always claimed but never earned.
    I have to agree with you 99%. The only small little detail I wont like about what you are proposing is the part when we turn them to Omni-Tek... I really wont turn even the Omega to Omni-Tek judgement. Either the criminals would walk away unpunished (I still remember the last ruling of Omni-Tek justice, the one that amounted to "please have your payment ready in case you want to kill a Clan leader") or the punishment would be so incredible inhumane and degradating that by colaborating with you I would be part of a human rights violation. You know, small things like scrupules, justice for all and all those things you dont have to care about when you are on a paycheck.

    I'm also very interested in finding out the authors of Omni-1 bombing, but when my plans to start an investigation from the Clan sides gets moving, I'm going to send them to an interclan tribunal for judgement. The same tribunal I plan to send any Omni-Tek criminal I happen to capture, by the way. Would you collaborate with me in that? Oh, I forgot, by saying so I'm violating the Tir Accords, announcing myself as not Council affiliated, and in consequence a criminal per se, no matter what I do... seems like you wont.

    President Breogan
    Rubi-Ka Reform Party

  20. #20

    Sabulum broken down to the simplest parts

    Find the terrorists and get them out of our hair. I will hand them over to you in fact.

    But... while in our towns, don't tell us we are not welcome there. You don't see me going into Omni 1 and telling every Omni there that they are not welcome there. Don't do it to us. You don't need to investigate who the terrorists are. He openly admits it, however some of the more respectable clan leaders for some reason defend him and offer him protection. I plan on laughing when that backfires. Just go in and grab him. He's a menace to everyone.

    And Tredge, we used to be allies, we even spoke reccently as equals in a few matters. Charges were dropped on a friend of mine over Omni Tek wrong doing, and Div 9 Agreed. Have you lost that feeling that all clanners are not equal. If so then I weep for you.

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