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Thread: Is there a way to up NCU units?

  1. #1

    Is there a way to up NCU units?

    For example, I saw an ncu unit for sale and it said it was 8-16 ncu unit, but it said it was only 7 when I read the description. Is there a way to make that particular ncu unit have higher units? Or is this basically how it is?


  2. #2
    It is how it is. You have to read the description to see how much ncu space it gives you.

    But, if you don't have enough ncu space, you need to buy a better belt, or better ncu memory. There are belts let you put in up to 6 memory units at a time, and there are memory units that give up to 64 ncu space.

    Of course, you won't have enough comp lit to equip those high level ones yet.

  3. #3
    Sorry if I wasn't clear.

    I meant if an ncu unit is 8-16 and is 7, is there a way to "hack" (change) it to be 16? (or in between 8 to 16)?

  4. #4
    No it isnt.
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