[This is for Rubi-Ka 1]

I've returned to Rubi-Ka after a long hiatus brought upon by the previous constantly failing Omni-Tek mechanics (I mean, can't they do anything right?). But my guild and most of my friends are no longer around.

So, I'm possibly looking for a Clan guild (preferably mid-sized or bigger). Or I'm at least offering my services to existing clan guilds if you find your Doctor ranks 75+ a little on the scarce side. I'm pretty resourceful (almost everything I'm wearing/using is self-obtained), I don't ask for payment for my services (I don't refuse donations though if people think I've earned them), and I only ask for my share of the loot. I'm pretty much a healing doc at this point (ooc: at least until some of my IP's catch back up). And when I was in a guild, looted items I didn't use *always* went to guild first, then sold if not wanted (although I don't require that of others).

I'm not going to jump into a guild, I want to adventure with some members first and get to know them, as I'm sure they'd like to get to know me.

So if you need a Doctor in your guild, or just for a mission or hunting, check for me online and give me a hollar, or you can reply here. My availability varies...sometimes I'm around for hours on end, sometimes I'm off for a few days.

As of this notice, I'm level 75, but you may check below to see my progress since.