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Thread: Mayor of Tir?

  1. #1

    Mayor of Tir?

    So I was poking around and I noticed that there is a clan member running (or thinking of running) for Mayor of Tir. These are the words he wrote about such:
    The city of Tir used to be a prime place for clan members to meet and put together teams of people that could then go on to do their part in fighting the Omni oppression. In recent history though, times have changed with Simon Silverstone taking over the defense of Tir, the opening of the Shadowlands, and the world of Rubi-Ka being assaulted by an alien race. Each of these factors and more has played a part in this once great city becoming a near ghost town, where the highest population of people in the city is from the guards themselves. I hope to offer a plan for Tir that would once again make it into the once great icon of Clan hope that it was in days past.

    The Supreme Commander Simon Silverstone with his dislike not only for Omni-Tech employees but also those that have maintained a natural standing in this war has removed much of the business from this town. I am not saying that we should be like Omni-Tech, and focus solely on business, but we are fighting a war here and wars cost money. Every sent spent in Tir as opposed to Newland or Borealis or any of the other natural cities aids in the war effort. Replacing the guards in the city with a group more tolerant of the neutral factions, we can increase business in Tir once again.

    Removing Silverstone and his guards though is not enough, for Tir has become tarnished and even with the removal of Silverstone, our neutral guests would be more likely only to stop in Tir on their way to Old Athens. With the Whom-Pah to Jobe being stationed in Old Athens, an opened subway entrance being in West Athens, and with the diversity of the shops easily available to people in Old Athens very few people find a need to go to Tir. It grows even worse when you also consider any clan member arriving on Rubi-Ka is currently always sent to the entrance to West Athens, or to the Shadowlands for tests to later use the Whom-Pah to arrive in Old Athens. Even before the Shadowlands opened up, when a newcomer left the ICC Shuttle Port, they would have no choice as to what Clan city they would be delivered to.

    The first three steps that need to be taken to clean up Tir are as follows:

    1. Simon Silverstone and his guards must be replaced. The alternatives are currently being looked into, checked, and one that is more tolerant to Neutrals is being searched for.
    2. The backyards in Tir need to be cleaned up and a new training system put in their place that would teach people that seek the knowledge how to combat the Omni. A team of combat hardened people would need to be put together to develop such a training system.
    3. The ICC needs to be convinced to allow newcomers to Rubi-Ka the say on what town they would like to be sent to should they wish to choose. A team of diplomats would need to be put together to approach the ICC with this proposal, and find out what it would take it to be implemented.

    More things must be done to revive Tir into the once great city of the Clans that it once was, and with support, I feel that I can bring about these changes. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me, and I will be glad to speak with you personally about my plans for Tir and its revival.
    ~ Doctor "Diod" Grenwitch ~
    Just thought I would let people know of this.- Mumon

  2. #2
    Thats interesting.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  3. #3
    *rolls her eyes and laughs a bit*

  4. #4
    Good luck, Clanner. You're going to have a difficult race ahead of you considering the popularity of the Atrox Party candidate.
    Last edited by Nevver; Oct 26th, 2004 at 12:46:31.
    Janella "Nevver" McCallagher
    Board Member of
    Devil's Advocate
    Why settle for less when you can oppress?

    "First get your facts; then you can distort them at your leisure." - Mark Twain
    "Nevver: Like the thing that hides in your closet. But worse." - Gueve

    Also known as...
    Jacquelynn "Kaitakait" Moscardelli
    Sun "
    Jamais" Soleil
    Sari "
    Nixis" Wagner

  5. #5
    So Mayonnaise got the nomination. Interesting. I thought pie had it...

  6. #6
    Ill vote for you Driod

  7. #7
    The real issue is not whether or not you can get the votes, but if Silverstone will recognize your claim. His actions at the close of the third civil war indicate he’s not a major fan of the democratic process, especially when it goes against his personal wishes. I wish you luck.
    Marisha Durousseau, War Dominatrix of The Honored Maidens

    Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright?--CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Ethics of Greed"

    Read Marisha's Journal, and see what she's doing

  8. #8
    The idea of a mayor of Tir who opposes Silverstone having any sort of power to affect change and staying alive long enough to use it is rather silly.
    Delia "Aerinyi" Jett
    General of Whisper's Edge

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Nevver
    Good luck, Clanner. You're going to have a difficult race ahead of you considering the popularity of the Atrox Party candidate.
    Wait, I thought Mayonnaise was the Nanomage-MP-with-a-foot-fetish party's candidate? Have they banded with the infamous Council of Atroxes now(Pie to pie, crust to crust)?
    Advisor of First Light
    Tradeskill How-To's, Engineer Profession Guides, and Jello Wrestling at The Tir School of Engineering
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    New to Engineering? Try HighOrbit's Engineer Guide. Thanks HighOrbit

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Aerinyi
    The idea of a mayor of Tir who opposes Silverstone having any sort of power to affect change and staying alive long enough to use it is rather silly.
    Silverstone couldnt kill me :P Soon as I saw "Attacked by <insert Sentinel goon name here>." I would just hit the magic evac button, and boom 100% supression gas and safe.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  11. #11
    A good strategy. However, in the context of this discussion, would a Mayor of Tir that had to constantly flee Tir, or potentially have to be a Mayor-in-exile, inspire public confidence or even get any work done?
    Marisha Durousseau, War Dominatrix of The Honored Maidens

    Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright?--CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Ethics of Greed"

    Read Marisha's Journal, and see what she's doing

  12. #12
    When I found this Diod was running for mayor of Tir I found this to be amusing. But what I find more amusing is that all you clanners do is talk about opposing oppression and what not, and when a clanner actualy comes up with a plan you all say it can not be possible.

    I find it amusing that you clanners don't like Silverstone, and don't have the guts to attack him. For so many years you have attacked Omni tring to get us to change our ways, yet when a little ant like Silverstone appears you all quake in fear and say nothing can be done.

    Perhaps I'll contact some people in the reprograming department, and have them recruit Silverstone, and have him left in control of Tir.


  13. #13
    Simon Silverstone.

    The very name conjures images of untold atrocities and the loss of thousands of innocent lives.

    While the Council of Truth was negotiating for peace, Silverstone called the widely respected Henry Radiman a "traitor to the clans" and said, "I, Simon Silverstone... will support anyone... to stand up to the Council of Truth... with... our guns!"

    The notorious High Commander Fisk, placed in power by Silverstone, said, "...if it were up to me... both Newland City and Borealis would be blown to thousands of pieces in order to eradicate this breeding ground for thoughtless indifferent drones they have created."

    When a reporter questioned Silverstone about a shipment of perma-killing guns, Silverstone said they were, "Just another weapon."

    Just another weapon? The power to end, permanently, your life, or the lives of your loved ones is just another weapon?

    In the face of the most terrible threat in human history--invation by an unknown alien menace--Silverstone rejected troops and support from the I.C.C. He said additional troops were "completely unnecessary."

    Unnecessary? Against the greatest threat of our time? Is that the mark of a responsible leader? Or a paranoid megalomaniac?

    Although no charges have been brought against him (who would dare?) Silverstone may actually cook and eat babies to satisfy his endless lust for killing.

    The reign of terror must end. Vote for anyone but Silverstone in the first election since Silverstone subjugated Tir with his jack-booted thugs. The stakes are too high for you to stay at home.

    This message brought to you by Anyone But Silverstone (ABS), registered ICC/CRPCA/29476/3a. ABS is not affiliated in any way with Mayonnaise, Pie, or any other food product. Kudos to anyone who can recognize the parodied ads. Hint: none are not from this year, believe it or not.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Fixerben
    Silverstone couldnt kill me :P Soon as I saw "Attacked by <insert Sentinel goon name here>." I would just hit the magic evac button, and boom 100% supression gas and safe.
    You also didn't really achieve anything other than pissing him off.

    Mumon, learn your history. In the immediate wake of Silverstone's takeover many clanners attempted to remove Silverstone by force, and failed. Never mind the very relevant ethical question of whether we'd be any better than any other armed conquerors by continuing to try and oust him via millitary force.
    Delia "Aerinyi" Jett
    General of Whisper's Edge

  15. #15
    Oh I know my history. I've been here for quiet a bit of it.

    I just find it amusing that Omni who has been here as long as their have been people on this planent has had people opposing it sence almost day one. (Ok so it took a while for it to turn into armed conflict but there had been opposition from the beginning). My point is how many years has Omni been here? How many years have the clanners fought against them? How many lives have been lost tring to fight this Company? Have they given up yet?

    Now ask yourselfs the same questions changed just a touch... How many years has Silverstone been here? How many years have the people have fought against him? How many lives have been lost tring to fight him? Have they given up yet?

    I just find it interesting that you clanners say Silverstone is bad but do next to nothing to stop him. Someone actualy comes up with a plan to stop him and instead of actualy using your brains you prove Omni-Tech correct in that you can not think for yourselves. You take nothing seriously, and the only reason you continue to fight Omni-Tech is from habit and not from any understanding of why you are fighting.

    Here is a clanner that I find amusing, but he actualy seems to think and what happens but those that read his words just mock him? I say do what you want because Clanners well never amount to anything other than a disorginized mob of people that can't even keep a criminal orginization from pushing them around. And I'm talking of Silverstone's goons on that account, as Omni-Tech has full legal right to push clanners arround.

  16. #16
    I don't mock him, I point out that his plan is unrealistic and a waste of time and resources. Frankly I think the more interesting question is why you, who clearly have a very negative opinion of the clans and their cause, would choose to back him and speak up for him. I suspect your actual goals are not what you claim, but more along the lines of stirring up more political trouble among the clans in order to weaken us. It's a cute smokescreen, in the way that a kitten playing hunter with a ball of string is cute. While amusing, it in no way prevents that kitten's masters from neutering or destroying it as they see fit.
    Delia "Aerinyi" Jett
    General of Whisper's Edge

  17. #17
    I have never tried to hold my goals. My goal is to bring fear to every living creature on Rubi-Ka be it Omni or Clan or what ever. So of course I would love political termoil. I find it laughable that Diod himself doesn't say anything here if he is realy serious about this.

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