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Thread: Weapon Construction for Opifex's

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Weapon Construction for Opifex's

    I'm a lvl 121 Opi engineer, with MADDD weapon smt skill's... I can't make a single weapon.. i've got all the parts within the required ql lvl. With most kits, i find i can get to a certain step, then nothing... i don't get any message at all.. the parts simply don't combine

    I've tried, Mausser Particle Streamer, Ffi Micheal Patriot, Fayalite Flamberge, and Suppresso..

    the most success out of all these was the Fayalite, which let me get to the second step before buggin out on me

    All of these kit's are around ql 15....... I've got more than enough skill.... i've petitioned, talked to GM's, sent multiple bug reports.............. NOTHIN

    please i encourage all ppl that are having trouble's like this to send as many bug reports as possible ;D

    and if your not havin the same probs will you post for me: with your lvl/race/and prof?
    Ouzzelle: It's an O damnit! not a Q!... and it's pronounced Weasel to you omnis.....

    Clanners call me Ozzy

    Riddance Jr.: Is it dead?

  2. #2


    I know of 2 other ppl that have tried makin weapons......


    (hehe wouldn't supprise me, it's a pretty worthless skill anyway)
    Ouzzelle: It's an O damnit! not a Q!... and it's pronounced Weasel to you omnis.....

    Clanners call me Ozzy

    Riddance Jr.: Is it dead?

  3. #3


    all the smg kits dont work. at all. that may account for it
    My lungs arent blackened by tar, they're blackened by SIN!

  4. #4


    the Fayalit's are 1he, same thing happens with them too

  5. #5
    Unfortunately, quite a lot of weapons cannot be built since the parts don't combine at a certain point. Usually step 3.

    Sometimes it is only certain quality levels that cannot be built.

    Please send in bug reports and maybe the priority of this issue will get increased.

  6. #6
    Emergecy Treatment Lab's work! Be a fun loving doctor today!

  7. #7


    Ive had the same problems, get to step 3 and it gets bugged. A long time ago with my first character i was able to make a few Q30ish weeapons and a Q50 gun (cant remember what is was though). Ive tried an array of recipies, melee and ranged an NONE of them work. I didnt see weapon smithing anywhere in teh latest patch notes either :/

  8. #8

    Thumbs down

    I'm 29lvl Fixer and I was thinking about making my
    own weapons by myself. I was doing this just for
    fun, exp and because it should be possible.

    Now I have all parts for about 35ql Mausser Particle
    Streamer and I have wasted 11k credits for nothing.
    I don't have any 100+lvl friends who could give me
    100k cr just like that if I want to buy something new
    and I only play few hours a week just for fun.

    I spent those few hours to get some money and find
    right parts for better weapon and now it doesn't work. :-(

    Now I know almost all Weapon Contructions Kits are
    broken, but what do I do with my Fixer now? I have
    used lots of skill pts to weapon smith and other trade

    I hope that people in FunCom start to fix bugs first and
    make new features after that.


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