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Thread: Project: Selinye

  1. #1

    Project: Selinye

    (( OOC: Alright - this is hopefully going to be the ongoing story of my little shadeling...I'm a little behind but I hope to catch up. I hope you enjoy *smiles*))

    "I'll never get out of this lab..."

    Selinye sits quietly waiting for her results. As the door opens, she looks up idlly, already knowing who it is.

    "We got your results back..." started the white clad lab assistant. Yasmyn wasn't that bad a person, but too involved in her work. "You have a clean bill of health, but beware, your blood lust is going to be starting s..."

    "Yes, yes, yes - be careful. You know, this speech gets boring." Selinye frowns and begins to pick at her nails.

    "Selinye, you're the only successful one so far, we just worry about you and your health and mental stability. You know how the others were, you saw them," replied Yasmyn.

    "No, you don't worry about me, you worry about your research. Don't think you can fool me with that one any longer Yasmyn. I've grown since the last time we had this discussion." Selinye scowls as she reaches the end of the sentence, the words almost biting.

    The lab assistant sighs and mutters, "...the blood craze seems to be starting earlier than usual." She glances down at the commpad in her hand and with a few quick taps, schedules the next checkup appointment.

    "When's the next appointment going to be. Another couple months like usual?" Selinye pulls out her comm preparing to tap in the reminder. As if she'd ever forget an appointment at the lab.

    "Actually," Yasmyn starts, "we need to send you offworld for a few more tests, then you should be able to be out on your own for a while."

    Selinye's pointy opifex ears perk up and her eyes gleam behind her Keelarr shades. "Really? You more lab cot? overnight observations by strangers in masks? more being hooked up to tons of equipment for days at a time? constant check-ins? I'll actually be free from your lab coats and tongue depressors for a while?" She looks almost like she's going to burst from anticipation.

    Yasmyn can't help but smile and nod in response. She fights down a polite chuckle as she thinks, "Its nice to see her happy about something, even if it is getting away from us."

    Yasmyn finally fights down the chuckles enough to reply, "Yes, you'll be out on your own, but we'll be providing you with a place to stay in Jobe Plaza. It'll be a modest apartment, but it will be yours."


    "Gosh," she thinks, "they're letting me out. How often have I sat on the roof of this place and dreamed about being away from here? I wonder if its everything I've dreamed of...or maybe its even better!"

    Selinye nearly floats out of the lab to her quarters there on the campus to collect her things. The front desk secretary had given her a key and directions to her new apartment in Jobe Plaza. As she steps up to the door, Selinye gets a bit nervous, realizing that she really is out on her own. Almost as suddenly as it hit though, she collects herself and her normal confidence slides back over her like a glove.

    "I bet there's some catch," the thinks as she walks through the door, "I'm sure there's a few bugs, or a camera or two in here. I'll just have to find them."

    Not much after she sets down her stuff, she begins investigating. Selinye checks everything from ceiling to floor, and back up again, scouring every nook and cranny until she's satisfied that there's nothing there...or at least until she's exhausted. After what seems to be hours of searching, she makes her way to the bed and collapses...falling asleep before her head hits the pillow.

  2. #2

    the world and a broken heart

    "Ya know, being away from the lab has made me feel empty inside... Once I thought that emptiness had been filled, that hole in my heart that seemed bottomless, had been completed and that I would be whole. I was all I have left is a deeper hole, a scar, and a golden ring that makes me cry every time I think of it. Empty promises and an even more empty soul than I had before..."

    The voice stops as an electronic click echos throughout the office. Yasmyn sits at her desk nearly crying at the words of the voice on the recording.

    "If only she saw me now," she thought, "maybe she would truly understand how much I care for her."

    A few short raps at the door and a man enters with a smile on his face that quickly dims at Yasmyn's red eyes.

    "Are you okay Yas? What's gotten you so upset?" he asks in a concerned tone.

    Yasmyn quickly wipes her eyes and looks down, glaring blankly at the paperwork on her desk as if trying to hide her feelings.

    "Nothing James...really. must be my allergies, it is getting to be that time of year you know, and I have been spending a lot of time out in the wilds of Nascence," she replies in a not so convincing tone.

    James walks over to the desk and picks up the recorder, noting that it had been played recently and gracefully taps a few buttons. The voice echos through the room again...

    "...that hole in my heart that seemed bottomless, had been completed and that I would be whole. I was all I have left is a deeper hole, a scar, and a golden ring that makes me cry every time I think of it..."

    "Yas," he says comfortingly, "its not as bad as it sounds really. You had ups and downs and relationship hurts as you were growing up. She's just growing as a person, like we wanted her to. Its the reason we let her leave remember?"

    James walks over behind Yasmyn and places his hands on her shoulders in a soothing gesture. He massages them softly and rubs her back as she lays her head in her hands and begins sobbing.

    "I just...its so hard James. I feel like she's my little girl, and she wants nothing to do with me. My heart breaks with every new recording we get from her personal logs," she manages to whisper out between her sobs.

    James leans over Yasmyn and wraps his arms 'round her and pulls her close to him, caressing her softly trying to smooth away the tears.

    "It'll be okay Yas, really. She'll recover and be as good as new just like you did when you were her age and out in the world on your own."

    James gives her one last squeeze and walks back out of the office to return to his duties. Soon her tears subside and she puts the recorder away, burying herself in her paperwork once again, letting her mind drift away from the sorrowful voice of the only one she considers family...who's named herself Victoria


    As the sun dances off her bloodstained blades, Selinye smiles. The dancing blades wreaking havoc on the body of her victim. As she quickly draines it of life and spirit the high of the hunt threatens to end and she searches out a new victim, even before this one is completely gone.

    "This is the only way to clear my head anymore," she thinks to herself as the Sigd VI's in her hand mark another of her tortured victims with their signature gashes in their flesh.

    She had grown in many ways since she left the lab. There had been one...a fixer...who had taken her heart and held it. She believed that she had his also when she received the golden ring right there on the bench in Rome Red. That happiness she thought she had was ripped from her, along with her heart, and a good part of her soul. Now that golden ring who had once held her happiness is now nothing but a bad memory and taking up a spot in one of her backpacks.

    More and more, Selinye had been distancing herself from everyone she knew, including the corporation she had once loved. Everone seemed to be disappearing, either that or she was slowly pulling away. With a devistated heart she was floundering to stay above water and it was showing. Her spirit was begging for drag her out of the rut she was in. That's when he came along...

    Xuaris...a young shade, new to Jobe. His origins unknown, but his demeanor intoxicating. Despite arguments with her good friend Valaik and his warnings to avoid him...she was enchanted with Xuaris, and he seemingly with her.

    Selinye realized her thoughts had drifted and found another target to take her frustrations out upon. It would be hours until she needed rest, and she had a ton of anxiety to work out upon these poor creatures of Elysium. Then, as usual she would return to her apartment and collapse into the bed, falling into a restless dreamless sleep.

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